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Member Avatar for wandie

I used to this code for a splash screen but doesn't run. Please could someone assist. Or help with a link I can check Tkinter splash screens. [code] from Tkinter import * try: from PIL import Image, ImageTk except ImportError: import Image, ImageTk class SplashScreen(Toplevel): def __init__(self, master, image=None, timeout=1000): …

Software Development python
Member Avatar for Roja_3
Member Avatar for Xozz

Hello. I'm new to the whole Linux thing and I have something for a topic. In Windows you can produce characters with accents via a shortcut. For example: " followed by e brings forth ë. I miss this in Linux. Somebody told me that I should ask for help writing …

Software Development accents linux shortcuts
Member Avatar for Xozz
Member Avatar for Tombezlar

Hi! I need a suggestion for learning Java programming in a best and easiest way.

Software Development java
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for paulinakos22

I am a beginner currently working on an assignment that has C++ open a text file containing data such as : [253, 676, 114] [527, 160, 277] [364, 193, 169] [246, 651, 378] [536, 479, 695] [569, 548, 83] [117, 387, 543] [294, 753, 702] [651, 296, 284] [600, 498, …

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for cedricowen
Member Avatar for harkw002_UniSA

Unable to open file with fstream. it always seems to jump to the else statement and gives me the error message "Error: can't open input file ". I have included in the header file [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <sstream>[/CODE] and in the class file i have the following code …

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for Sandy_9
Member Avatar for gabby_1

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int rankfun(double left, double right){ int rank; if(left < right){ rank =-1; } else if(left > right){ rank = 1; } else{ rank = 0; } return rank; } int main(){ double number1 = 1.7; double number2 = 2.3; int result; result = rankfun(number1,number2); cout …

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for Khalil Cooper
Member Avatar for Dervish1

I'm trying to learn how to do some simple things with MFC - I'm not used to the toolkit. I want to load a png image from disk and display it at a chosen location in the program's window, but am getting a debug assertion error: atlimage.h Line: 1624 Expression: …

Software Development c++ mfc
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for VileMuse

I have a 2D array that displays a table of numbers ![character_classes.jpg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/11ba79ae030c495ae58da00424d49b94.jpg) I'm trying to populate a my 2D array using these coordinates. ![numbers_for_array.png](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/1de60e26cac1c600e0e56ccb793db787.png) My goal is to place place the number 1 at each of the coordinates. I'm trying to use a hasNext() method to read the txt file …

Software Development
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Luka_1

I have never learn python and i need to write one small program in it. I have C++ code so can someone convert that code to python code ? code: #include <stdio.h> int N; struct { int y, x1, x2; } platforme[100]; int spusti(double x, int y) { int rez …

Software Development c c++ convert python
Member Avatar for Adina_2
Member Avatar for Phoeboo

Having problem in pin code if the user will input less than 4 digit number and a character type..could some1 help me from this.. (@@, #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<iostream.h> float choice2(); float choice3(); float ball[11]={1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000}; float mypin; float withdraw, deposit; int transaction, myaccount; char transaction1; main() { pin:{ system("cls"); printf("Enter pin …

Software Development atm c++
Member Avatar for Mexxyy028
Member Avatar for Coder Smurf

I am very new to VB.NET. That said, I have developed a windows form that utilizes an SQL Server back end. I am developing using Visual Studio 2008 and the 3.5 Framework. The SQL server is 2005. I do not have any warnings or errors, and the project compiles without …

Software Development install setup vb.net
Member Avatar for ngozijesus
Member Avatar for Dimal

Hi there! This is a simple pascal program I wrote for a cashier. Please note that this is only a basic level program code and can't actually be used for commercial use. Thanks for reading!

Software Development pascal
Member Avatar for wwwalker
Member Avatar for s_26

public class Hello { public static void main (String[] args) { System.out.println("My contact number is: "); int srv = 82; system.out.println(srv);

Software Development java
Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for k89mmk

This seems so simple, so why can't I figure out how to do it? All I want to do is have two forms, and if you click a button on Form1, Form2 will load (replaying Form1). In a Windows App. How ???? Thanks for any help.

Software Development visual-basic-6
Member Avatar for Anagha_2
Member Avatar for Santanu.Das

Now I am going through a project with colors. And then I think that if I try to display color values with their names in a simple combobox, it could be amazing. I tried and did it and it is looking like ![Capture3.png](/attachments/small/4/4473f7608016edcb5981090cccc80593.png "align-left") And ![Capture4.png](/attachments/small/4/87a5e5686d66033648a3e0ab787d6778.png "align-left") And finally the …

Software Development vb.net
Member Avatar for michael.allen02
Member Avatar for guidely

Hi, I try to convert the c code into python it actually complie but no result came out Code in C #include <stdio.h> # include <math.h> double const pi=3.1415926535897932384626433; double const twopi=2.0*pi; double const halfpi=pi/2.0; float cos_32(float x) { int quad; x=fmod(x,twopi); if (x<0) { x=-x; } quad=int(x/halfpi); switch (quad) …

Software Development c python
Member Avatar for Sukant_1
Member Avatar for gazoo

Hello everyone, I have a code that use function to find and remove all occurrences of a string within a string (substring pending) and return the number of removals: I need to remove "xyz" in "abdxyzdxyz" the result should be "abdd" and a return of 2 removed. I used the …

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for Vishal_36
Member Avatar for riotburn

So its fun when you have questions for hw but neither the teacher nor the textbook show you how to do the HW question. Anyway, I have my base class, a derived class, and class with composition of the derived class. I am not sure how to create the constructor …

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for Odumenya12
Member Avatar for dixit ankit

Hi everybody!! I want to make a vehivle license plate recognition system in java but dont have any idea how to implement it in java.If anyone could give me link to how use java for image processing,it would be of great help Waiting for reply

Software Development java
Member Avatar for daanjanssennn
Member Avatar for Sridhar_7

Hello, I have a program below where I am selecting a file and displaying the content using a JTextArea. It works fine, but when I add a JScroller, it does not display the area with the scroller. What am I doing wrong? import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.io.*; …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for Sridhar_7
Member Avatar for adam291086

I have a file that contains a class, its called test.py. How can i call on that class within another file called xml.py?

Software Development python
Member Avatar for chethan_2
Member Avatar for kingmu

If you run the following code (on Windows 7, Python 2.6.5), you should see a light border around a black square and some text below it. How do I get rid of that border? Thanks! [code=python] from Tkinter import * class App: def __init__(self, master): #background frame self.bgFrame = Frame(master, …

Software Development python
Member Avatar for Madnokof
Member Avatar for slapme

compute tax. Please help me out on my tax rate calculation. Really confusing. Create a class TaxReturn with data elds suitable for holding a taxnumber, first name, family name, annual income, current address, and residency status along with the tax rates: For Residents Income Tax Rate 0 - $6,000 Nil …

Software Development c++ tax
Member Avatar for Olivia Alex
Member Avatar for mangle200

i have a set of code for a gui that runs using a dictionary but i cant get the code to exit once the user presses the last button named end import sys import tkinter as tk from functools import partial class Situation(tk.Frame): def __init__(self, master=None, story='', buttons=[], **kwargs): tk.Frame.__init__(self, …

Software Development gui python
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for steve_55

Hello All, I've only just started to develope some code in VB.net and i have very little experience in it and some of the "instructional" web pages are very confusing to my dyslexic mind. The scenario is as follows: - I am connected to a server via VPN, but the …

Software Development vb.net
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for TheofaniaLiv

So i have to create a programm that reads 7-49 numbers and makes all posible combinations (6 number each) from the given numbers. Do you know how can i do this? I dont ask for the code ready but i cant think of a way i can create the combinations.

Software Development assembly c++ visual-basic windows
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Royvip

I need a software that can automatically log into a series of accounts to a website, available data acount list, we need software to automatically log in continuously to check whether the account is alive or dead and check. check nickname in the game, and amount in the account

Software Development c c++ java microsoft-access windows
Member Avatar for Dai_6
Member Avatar for chahinez.abdelo.9

classification of a text in a corpus with five themes and each theme contains 10 items in perl for exemple: i have: 1 theme food 10 articles about food 2 theme politic 10 articles about politic ...etc and i give him a new text and he classify this text on …

Software Development perl
Member Avatar for Sarah_41
Member Avatar for kittycat07us

Hi, I'm having trouble with creating a program to split a number into there own separate digits and then multiplying the digits to create another number. The program will repeat itself until there is just one digit.. The main thing I'm having problem with is figuring out how I could …

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for Hassan_39
Member Avatar for steve_55

Hello clever people, Completely new to VB.NET (only installed Visual Studio 2019 in the past couple of days). To start all I want to do is open Excel (office 365) from a button on a userform. The location of the file is on a network, lets say: - \\file-svr01\Rozel\Design\Parts\PNG.xlsx OR …

Software Development vb.net
Member Avatar for steve_55

The End.