Flipper Zero Review: A Geeky Multi-Tool for Penetration Testing Community Center by Johannes C. … on what exactly you're trying to achieve, other equipment. ## Getting Started: Basic Things to Try Out with Flipper Zero ## The official… website provides comprehensive documentation on [how to get started with your Flipper Zero](https://docs.flipper.net/basics/first… Getting started with a new site Programming Web Development by jessimartin Getting started with a new site: Hi frnds i need ur help tell me wt r the best way for starting a new site Getting started with SQL/C++ Programming Software Development by William Hemsworth … in advance. I was hoping to get some guidance for getting started with connecting to an SQL database online. I'm writing… be accessed and altered from any computer. I've tried getting started with MySQL but I'm not having much luck. I… database. Could anyone provide any suggestions for how to get started? Thanks! getting started with php??? Programming Web Development by kittu.kishore I want to learn a server side scripting language like php. But I don't know where to get started... Even getting started I could not understand where I should run a php file... I am good at html, css, and javascript... Can anyone say me how to get started with php??? please it's urgent... Getting Started with asp.net Programming Web Development by RandyRich I'm just getting started with asp.net. Currently I'm using visual web developer … Getting Started Questions Programming Software Development by sonic_geezer Hi, everyone. This is my first post. I'm just getting started, really. I took a computer science class this last semester … Getting started on HW question. Programming Software Development by creative9k I'm having a little trouble getting started on this HW assignment and would appreciate if anyone could … Re: Getting started with c++ graphics and sound Programming Software Development by John A … the Game Development forum that outlines some resources to use getting started. That said, I'd say probably your best option would… Re: Getting started with .net Programming Software Development by jlego if you are getting started with vb.net get used to using option strict and option explicit from the start this way they are burned into your head it will make ur applications 100% better Re: Getting Started With C# - The List Programming Software Development by chj124 Here is a good set of basic instruction for getting started with c# [Youtube Series -> Click Here](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAC325451207E3105) Outlook Process not getting Started Programming Web Development by vvashishta … the on the required Event the outlook application is not getting started. Also even if I run the same code by making… Re: Outlook Process not getting Started Programming Web Development by vvashishta … the on the required Event the outlook application is not getting started. Also even if I run the same code by making… Re: Outlook Process not getting Started Programming Web Development by kvprajapati [b]>But I make the same code uploaded on Server and the on the required Event the outlook application is not getting started.[/b] Maybe correct version of Office Outlook api is missing OR There is a permission (rights) issue with asp.net guest user. Re: Outlook Process not getting Started Programming Web Development by vvashishta … the on the required Event the outlook application is not getting started.[/b] Maybe correct version of Office Outlook api is missing… MySQL Workbench, getting started Programming Databases by lewashby … source .sql files for the book. I need some help getting started. How do I get the files into Workbench so I… Need help getting started thanks Programming Software Development by Coyboss Hi there everyone, I need some help getting started creating a Java program for a class I am taking. … Re: Getting Started Programming Web Development by davidianstyle Wow, thanks! I really appreciate you taking the time out to write out all of that to help me out. I am sooo excited on getting started!!! Re: Getting Started Programming Web Development by pty … that to help me out. I am sooo excited on getting started!!![/QUOTE] Glad you're so enthusiastic about it - another invaluable… Re: Getting started Programming Software Development by Ezzaral And if you look through the Read Me: Getting Started thread stickied at the top of the forum you will find more help info and links on this. Re: GETTING STARTED Programming Game Development by Purpleavanger If you want to learn how to program, one option might be C# you can download C# 2010 Express for free from Microsoft and the xna plugin. You will find plenty of resources online for getting started and will quickly see results your be proud of. Getting started (again) Programming Software Development by cloudedvision I did some C++ a few years ago, and now am starting again. One of the first things I am going to try is getting SOs to work. Can somebody recommend some good tutorials for me to get started? (I know C++ pretty well, just a bit rusty) Getting started Programming Databases by lewashby I just got a new book on sql. So what software do I need to get started to and play around with these statements and load the querys supplied by the book. Thanks. By the way I'M running Ubuntu Linux Getting started Programming Software Development by Sparky_ …" Today I installed the 2 at work and am getting errors involving: "NoClassDefFoundError" (even with what worked last… Re: Getting started Programming Software Development by ~s.o.s~ … with it). Also paste the complete stack trace you are getting. Re: Getting started with parallel programming Programming Software Development by Ninabox … MPI before. Do you have any manuals on topic like getting started with MPI? My e-mails if you have any information… Re: Getting started with Polynomials Programming Software Development by Seapoe Thanks for the input everyone!!!! I'm getting started tonight!! Re: need help getting started Programming Web Development by hollystyles The problem is you haven't researched ASP.NET properly. Use Google (or your favourite search engine) to search tutorials like this: [URL="http://www.sitepoint.com/article/getting-started-asp-net"]http://www.sitepoint.com/article/getting-started-asp-net[/URL] Re: need help getting started Programming Web Development by hollystyles …! well how you can read 15 hours of ASP.NET getting started and surmise that merely changing the file extension of an… Re: need help getting started Programming Web Development by silviuks …! well how you can read 15 hours of ASP.NET getting started and surmise that merely changing the file extension of an… Re: Getting started with asp.net? Programming Software Development by nakor77 WebForms more closely resembles developing in windows forms than MVC does. You can drag controls onto the page and things like that which may be more comfortable for you if you're not very familiar with writing html. Although, if you're not then I would suggest getting familiar with it before you go much farther in developing web applications.