Italy has condemned three managers of Google Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ArtphotoasiA … want let you know as I'm in Italy The Court of Milan in Italy has condemned three managers of Google accused… managers and the former President of the Board of Google Italy. The three were sentenced for the head of imputation of… Re: Italy has condemned three managers of Google Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ArtphotoasiA I agree .... and... This kind of things should not happen... broadcasting or not... SHOULD NOT HAPPEN. The new generation here in Italy is totally rotten believe me.... and is not their fault all the system must be blamed as does not offer anymore the most important thing in life for a young man... dreams. Will Google pull out of Italy over new censorship row? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by happygeek … would suggest, maybe it should consider pulling out of Italy next. Unless of course the China crisis is more to…even further by suggesting that the move would mean that Italy had joined "the club of the censors, …something to say, in the strongest possible terms, if Italy becomes the only western country to effectively censor YouTube in… Re: Will Google pull out of Italy over new censorship row? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by InsightsDigital Let's think back - Italy does have Fascist roots. Despite that, I am not surprised Italy is doing this. What will be surprising is if other countries will follow suit. Advertising to ITALY and SPAIN audience Digital Media Digital Marketing by Roman10 Our web service has a large % of audience from Italy and Spain. We'd like to target these visitor by … hi everyone from italy Community Center Say Hello! by dani2k … nickname: Landru ('cause I have 3 ex wives) location: Milan (Italy)... yep Hobbies: drink beer with friends and chat, ride with… Hi from Italy Community Center Say Hello! by docfra … make my little contribution. I am a PhD student in Italy. In particular I am studying computational biology, and my interests… Newbie from Italy Community Center Say Hello! by doleotti … guys). What else? I'm 40, I live near Milano (Italy) and I work in the IT department of the italian… Nice to Meet You All - Greetings From Italy Community Center Say Hello! by MICHELE_1 good morning to you all, i'm Michele and i live (and work) in Italy. I'm coding since the end of '90/beginning of 2000. I'd like to move to a foreign country to improve myself and meet new people and find new way of life. Happy coding to everyone! Re: Italy has condemned three managers of Google Community Center Geeks' Lounge by BestJewSinceJC And they are absolutely right. If you cannot offer services on the internet that are harmless in concept, but subject to abuse, then you cannot offer the same level of service and the same experience to your customers. No one can be reasonably held accountable for something like that when they have methods for reporting offensive material. It could… Re: Italy has condemned three managers of Google Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting The content involved was illegal under Italian law, so they were convicted of distributing illegal material. Same way a person hosting a website that distributes child porn can and should be held criminally liable for that. Whether in this case the content should have been illegal is another question, not whether the persons responsible for its… Re: Italy has condemned three managers of Google Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ArtphotoasiA Good points........ regretfully they are in the situation that ALSO if the want check all what the users submit is just IMPOSSIBLE. Social networks and aggregators have no control whatsoever on the material there.... is this something good? Re: Italy has condemned three managers of Google Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting It's tricky. I moderate one photography related website, and as mods we have guidelines as to what's allowed and not. I assume youtube and similar sites have teams like that as well. Of course something can slip through the cracks, but we can assume that anything blatantly illegal like this is going to go viral (nastiness always does), which … Re: Italy has condemned three managers of Google Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Salem What about the other case then? You know, the one where the bullies who managed to incriminate themselves got prosecuted. Were they charged with violation of privacy, or just regular physical assault? It's hard to find out, because without the "google" tag, this isn't anything like international news. For example, did any of … Re: Italy has condemned three managers of Google Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting the bullies (if caught) would likely be handled unde juvenile law and sent home with a warning to never do it again if Italian law is anything like Dutch law. Re: Italy has condemned three managers of Google Community Center Geeks' Lounge by vegaseat Someone at Google forgot to hand over the envelope of cash to make Italian justice work better. Re: Italy has condemned three managers of Google Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting Italian justice system has learned to not be corrupt. Had to deal with the Mafia for decades. Maybe Google didn't realise that and tried to bribe a judge... Re: Italy has condemned three managers of Google Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ArtphotoasiA I do not think so... but the system is anyway rotten.... Re: Italy has condemned three managers of Google Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Lardmeister [QUOTE=jwenting;1146975]Italian justice system has learned to not be corrupt. Had to deal with the Mafia for decades. Maybe Google didn't realise that and tried to bribe a judge...[/QUOTE] Ah, they learned the trade from the best in the field! The Malware World Cup results are in Community Center by happygeek Italy may have won the soccer [URL="… Re: Will Google pull out of Italy over new censorship row? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by AirForceOne I think Google might be finding a decent quit chance from China for its not so good job in Chinese Search Arena. Also, I don't think this would be a good tactic just like Microsoft has said. :) Have a nice day, Re: hi everyone from italy Community Center Say Hello! by happygeek Hi Roberto, welcome to DaniWeb. Milan huh, lovely place, always enjoy my visits there. Mind you, will be in Palermo on business in a couple of weeks and love that as well... Re: hi everyone from italy Community Center Say Hello! by zandiago Welcome aboard…..hope you’ll enjoy it here…..well, start posting!!! Re: hi everyone from italy Community Center Say Hello! by thunderstorm98 Welcome ! Re: hi everyone from italy Community Center Say Hello! by jasimp Welcome! 70's rock music was some of the best music ever made. Re: hi everyone from italy Community Center Say Hello! by happygeek Nearly right. 70's [B]punk rock [/B]music was some of the best music ever made :) Re: Hi from Italy Community Center Say Hello! by ahihihi... ehi ! ma guarda ^.^ welcome to Daniweb ! Re: Newbie from Italy Community Center Say Hello! by AndreRet Welcome Davide. I am sure you will enjoy Daniweb as much as we do, no matter your IT line. Check out our geeks lounge for some relaxation... Re: Nice to Meet You All - Greetings From Italy Community Center Say Hello! by ddanbe Greetings from Belgium Michele and welcome to DaniWeb! :) Re: Nice to Meet You All - Greetings From Italy Community Center Say Hello! by Dani Hi Michele! Welcome to DaniWeb!! :)