Re: How to flush network buffers in Apple / Python Programming Software Development by rproffitt We ran into this on other platforms and worked around it. Sorry, no magic() call I know of, just had to rewrite. TCP turned out to be the incorrect choice for our needs but hey you can google "tcp force send" to see if any of those ideas work. Again, I don't know of any magic() here. Only that we had to rewrite. Read https://… How to flush network buffers in Apple / Python Programming Software Development by TSC_Chazz …, social3_resps host = "" # Get server name port = 6942 # this is where the server is listening with socket….settimeout(30.0) # note: 30 second timeout s.connect((host, port)) sbuf = json.dumps({"rmv":"1","… Re: How to flush network buffers in Apple / Python Programming Software Development by rproffitt How long have you been asking this question? I see priors at over 5 months and the second question I have for you is what do you consider helpful? While I'd rewrite this another way I won't rewrite it for you. You are the author and must support your app for as long as you see fit. I see nothing wrong with the usual open socket, send data, close… Re: How to flush network buffers in Apple / Python Programming Software Development by TSC_Chazz I asked it once on one other forum, five months ago. Yes, this is a very low priority issue; if I can't get it working, I'll simply leave it as is and Apple users will be SOL. And what I would consider helpful is specifically what I'm asking: how do I get the data to actually leave the Apple machine without closing the connection? Re: Problem with the external hard drive Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by QuintinFields … more difficult. Try connecting the drive to a different USB port or using another cable. Sometimes the problem might be with… the port or the cable.Check Disk Management on Windows to see… Re: How Can I Hookup My Mobile Phones To My PC Monitor ? Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by QuintinFields … adapter will let you connect your phone's USB-C port to an HDMI cable, which then connects to your monitor… into your phone, connect an HDMI cable to the HDMI port on the adapter, and plug the other end of the… Re: Future of Web Development: Trends and Tools Programming Web Development by jkon … that run a Python "server" script in a port , take the request and respond (only to the allowed IP… Re: Problem with the external hard drive Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Viva_2 Ensure that the hard drive is properly connected to the computer and that the cables are not damaged. Try using a different USB port or cable. Re: Port number, ip address, computer name Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Naveen port nos. vary depeding on the protocol using them. in command prompt u can run "netstat -a" to see what protocols are running,their port nos. their conn. status etc. port scanner???? Programming Software Development by willygstyle … to " + address + " on port " + str(port)) try: s.connect((address, port)) print("Connected to server " + address…#print("Connecting to " + address + " on port " + str(port) + " failed") return False def scan_server2(self, address… Re: port scanner???? Programming Software Development by willygstyle … __init__(self, host, port): Thread.__init__(self) # host and port = host self.port = port # build up the …while threading.activeCount() < MAX_THREADS: Scanner(host, self.port).start() self.port += 1 if __name__ == "__main__": blah =… Re: port scanner???? Programming Software Development by The_Kernel …: item = self.port_queue.get() if item is False: break address, port = item s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: s… port forwarding through a dsl modem Hardware and Software Networking by qavo …have configured using Tomcat standalone technology. It runs on port 5050 and works as expected in "localhost"…and the router software allows one to divert designated port traffic to an local network IP address. The following…: TCP (also offered UDP and BOTH) port start: 80 port end: 80 port map: 5050 When an external web web user… Port Scanner in C++ Programming Software Development by HLA91 …cin>>IP; cout << "Starting Port: "; cin>>start; cout <<…line above if(nret != SOCKET_ERROR) { cout << "Port " << temp << " - OPEN…] undefined reference to `__cpu_features_init' C:\Dev-Cpp\port.cpp ld returned 1 exit status Can someone please… Re: Port scanning Hardware and Software Networking by Acrimonus …a monitored network what should be done? 2)Definition of port scanning 3)Who's responsible for overall security of a… email spam, are the most common use of this. Port scanning isn't typically effective on the outside since any… etc. There are a wide variety of types of port scanning, google port scanning for a more in depth explanation about the… port conflict with Glassfish v2 using netbeans 6.5 beta Programming Web Development by valuba …if it's running now. - Port conflicts. (use netstat -a to detect possible port numbers already used by the operating… it's running now. - Port conflicts. (use netstat -a to detect possible port numbers already used by the operating… it's running now. - Port conflicts. (use netstat -a to detect possible port numbers already used by the operating… Re: port conflict with Glassfish v2 using netbeans 6.5 beta Programming Web Development by ashalatha6 …if it's running now. - Port conflicts. (use netstat -a to detect possible port numbers already used by the operating…if it's running now. - Port conflicts. (use netstat -a to detect possible port numbers already used by the operating… it's running now. - Port conflicts. (use netstat -a to detect possible port numbers already used by the operating… Port Mapping in C# is not working Programming Software Development by Nina 4 Ever …mapping entry to my router: application : HTTP , external port 8080 , internal port 8080, protocol: TCP , internal IP , enabled 3.… 4. the application receives a socket on the internal port and replies with a message. i manually remove the … ... the code is very… Re: Port forwarding Hardware and Software Networking by binoj_daniel … reouter to rout all the traffic to a particular port to a different port. By default all the HTTP requests are channeled… for Virus. You need to first find out on what port your IP Camera is set to. Then open your router… using the public ip. If port 80 is blocked you can use port 8080 as the alernate port. You can try using [url… Re: Port Forward MAJOR PROB!! Hardware and Software Networking by rohan_tahil … is made. You should see the incoming traffic to that port.[/QUOTE] Hey thanks for replying. Its not giving any error… show a normal response for that and canyouseeme accessing the port.. but for this it just shows a RST ACK packet… some other app is answering or blocking that port.. i even changed the port but it does not help.. could it be… Re: Port Forward MAJOR PROB!! Hardware and Software Networking by rohan_tahil … answering it. I assume you have triple checked that the port forward is going to your machine's ip and that… has a static ip or dhcp reserved ip. Since the port is answering, then I think its safe to assume that… be greatly appreciated.. its vital for my project that the port opens so pls help me out.. iv been stuck for… Re: Port forwarding not working? Hardware and Software Networking by JorgeM …network, you would configure your internet router to forward on port 80 to the IP address on your internal network that… do not have the local firewall blocking access to this port. From an internet client, just try to test for … client application, connect to your external IP but on the port that you have published. For example, "telnet xxx.… Re: Port forwarding Hardware and Software Networking by binoj_daniel … we have disabled the secondry port but no look what would the internal port be and the public port be would they both… would the other thing be FTP WWW. TELNET Well Known Port Any ideas I am at work now so could you… tell me know and we could try it[/QUOTE] See Port 80 is used for HTTP and thats what you are… Re: port forwarding with dlink will not work Hardware and Software Networking by rch1231 …you provide a little more detail about what port you are trying to forward to what IP… address inside your router? Port forwarding is normally used when you want the…IP address of the router to forward a port to a specific IP inside your local network… then you want any port 80 traffic that hits your router, from outside… Re: port forwarding Hardware and Software Networking by JorgeM …site for the instructions on how to set up port forwarding. Pictures included. To give you some background …router and inaccessible by Internet hosts. You can use port forwarding to get those packets from the public Internet into…to your public IP on a certain port. Your router will use the port forwarding configuration to take that packet and… port forwarding in Python Programming Software Development by katharnakh …to find possible solution, I found, I have to use port forwarding using SSH command, and I am using WinXP. …is not there in Windows. I used PLINK command for port forwarding. I was able to connect to MySQL on … being displayed? following is the code I run to port forwarding(local port forwarding) [code]import os os.system("plink -… port forwarding using cmd line... Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by ambi …Debian Linux i am runnint say telnet service on port 23... earlier i had some executable through which …i had forwarded the port 23 of MY PC to the VM Ware … this software of executable.. CAN i do a Port Forwarding from the command line...i.e. can …i forward the telnet port say 23 of my Win PC to the VM… Port 25 Windows 2003 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by FlyMayo …. Server B is the exchange server. I can telnet on port 25 from Server A to Server B but cannot telnet… from server B to Server A on port 25. Does this mean port 25 is open on Server A to send… but not receive? If so how can I open the port without utilizing Windows Security Configuration Wizard? Or is my thought… Port forward 3690 Hardware and Software Networking by shiiramari hi guys! I have a prob regarding port forwarding of port 3690 from linksys RV042. Here's what I would like …...I have tried adding the service of svn at port 3690 at the port forwarding interface and then added it to the… Port Reporter Error Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by audigy642 … the service I get an error - [I]Could not start Port Reporter service on Local Computer. Error 1067: The process terminated… other programs but it doesn't say anything about the port reporter service. I've even tried looking up the error… find anything. Has any one else had an error with port reporter and how did you fix it? Thanks Audrey