Re: Are SaaS & Cloud Computing Interchangeable Terms? Community Center by adelenoble … app and are often subscription-based. While all SaaS applications rely on cloud computing infrastructure, not all… cloud computing services are SaaS. For example, IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) … different types of services. In summary, while SaaS and cloud computing are closely related and often … Re: Saas / Less Programming Web Development by rproffitt SAAS usually means Software As A Service. LESS in reference to … Saas / Less Programming Web Development by davy_yg Ever heard Saas or Less? (for frontend developer) What is it for? I read the article and still do not understand the purpose. SaaS solutions for IT projects? Community Center by droth Hi all, Would you find a SaaS solution that would manage IT projects from beginning to ending … SaaS product marketing Digital Media Digital Marketing by joelchrist Can anyone suggest some methods, that how do i market my saas software products. ? saas Ecommerce solution Digital Media Digital Marketing by joelchrist Have you ever used SaaS Ecommerce solution? A Summit About SaaS? Seriously? Community Center by Lisa Hoover …it gets its own conference. For the uninitiated, SaaS takes the old-school idea of buying a DVD…"]The IDC SaaS Summit: Delivering Business Innovation within the New Paradigm… and CIOs about "the opportunities and challenges that SaaS brings to the enterprise." Topics include: [LIST]… Are SaaS & Cloud Computing Interchangeable Terms? Community Center by Techwriter10 …post got me thinking that perhaps they were different. SaaS applications use cloud platforms, but are not exactly …of computing as electricity. [B] The SaaS and Cloud Computing Vendor[/B] I decided to ask…cloud computing. Not all cloud applications are SaaS applications, but essentially all SaaS applications are in the cloud, and … Re: Are SaaS & Cloud Computing Interchangeable Terms? Community Center by Andy Zhao …China leading provider of distribution and Hosting services for SaaS and on-premises ISVs. Having been in this … service for ZOHO. We are also helping other SaaS or on-premises ISVs getting success in China market…Prospect Maturation Solution 3.)Local Deployment & Hosting For SaaS Vendors only. It would be great to have the… Re: Are SaaS & Cloud Computing Interchangeable Terms? Community Center by AnwarDShaikh Three combination of Cloud and SaaS 1. Cloud Computing without SaaS. 2. Cloud Computing with SaaS. 3. SaaS without Cloud COmputing. Please let me know if all 3 of above are valid scenarios. most of the people disgree on Case-1 Re: Are SaaS & Cloud Computing Interchangeable Terms? Community Center by khess Good article. When I think of SaaS, I think, for one. When I think Cloud, I think Amazon EC2 where you use their computing infrastructure to power your apps or whatever whereas SaaS is more of a subscription-based software rental. Re: Are SaaS & Cloud Computing Interchangeable Terms? Community Center by RichardClarke … different - my company SNIP has been building what we term SaaS applications for 10 years - by that I mean applications which… subscription management service. I view CRM as a SaaS product, whereas is a platform for cloud computing… Re: Are SaaS & Cloud Computing Interchangeable Terms? Community Center by LuisSala You may wish to take a look at James Urquhart's definition of Saas vs. Cloud Computing. Here's a Google cache link as his domain is temporarily down: [url][/url] Re: Are SaaS & Cloud Computing Interchangeable Terms? Community Center by Siersema … the main ones being built are Software as a Service (SaaS which SalesForce is a great example), Platform as a Service… Re: Are SaaS & Cloud Computing Interchangeable Terms? Community Center by coppingalfred4 I gathered more information about cloud computing Saas. I attended one conference in [url][/url] and learned more information about that conference. That information is more helpful for IT Professionals. How's your career affected by shifts to SaaS and social networking? Community Center by estherschindler …apps, has it been easy to make the transition to SaaS-based platforms, such as the * What …do you see as the upside to SaaS-based development platforms? What are the downsides (as compared …premise apps)? * Will the emergence of development platforms for SaaS apps affect your overall job security and viability? How? … What does it take to build a cloud-based SaaS Web app? Programming Web Development by neville.solomon2 … to be programmed, what things I need to start a SaaS company. Can anyone help please? I didn't know what… of questions 1) What requirements are needed to have a SaaS website? I heard I need a server so I was… Re: What does it take to build a cloud-based SaaS Web app? Programming Web Development by diafol … to be programmed, what things I need to start a SaaS company. Can anyone help please? Do you have any idea… Re: How to integrate your existing website with a SaaS booking engine? Hardware and Software Cloud-based Apps by jwenting … you're going with an off the shelf solution). A SAAS provider will generally have people who specialise in doing just…, logos, and fonts, things like that are all things a SAAS provider can help you with if they know what they… A Good SaaS Company? Community Center by comlom I am trying to look into getting SaaS for our office. I have heard good things about Olymtech and EnterConnect. Has anyone heard anything about either one of these or do you have a good suggestion for another company? Any help would be great thanks. Will GNU AGPLv3 boost Open Source SaaS support? Programming Databases by newsguy … important difference: support for on-demand software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications. By publishing this license, the FSF aims to foster… How to implement a sample saas application Programming Software Development by gshockneo hi friends I am trying to implement a SAAS based sample application in my final year project. But I do not know where to start and what is needed to build it. Kindly if anyone knows about it please help me Thanks Re: How to implement a sample saas application Programming Software Development by Cronless If you're looking for examples, try Duke's Pet Store. That's a complete JEE solution for SaaS. However, I wouldn't suggest turning that in as your project. Google is your friend. :) How to promote Help Desk SaaS? Digital Media Digital Marketing by joelchrist I am just offering Help Desk SaaS service. How to promote my services? Any marketing plan ...suggestions are welcome. Newbie learning Saas, C#, and HTML5 for an idea Digital Media UI / UX Design by Dannyv79 … may take. Project Summary: 1. I was thinking of utilizing Saas to provide a user the ability to perform multiple tasks… How to integrate your existing website with a SaaS booking engine? Hardware and Software Cloud-based Apps by vesto I'm a travel agent running my business in an On-premise booking engine model with a basic website. I would like to upgrade my booking engine to a saas model. Give me a suggestion? How to promote foodservice SAAS Hardware and Software by Jerrie_1 Anyone who in this area could let me know the advantage to use SAAS for a restaurant. How do I track the source of each user signup for B2B SaaS product? Digital Media UI / UX Design by Dkevinjames How do I track the source of each user signup for B2B SaaS product? In other words, how do I check from which source the user landed on my website? I need to track for each individual user. Re: How do I track the source of each user signup for B2B SaaS product? Digital Media UI / UX Design by Alisha_8 … track the source of each user signup for a B2B SaaS product is to use an analytics software such as Google… Re: Are SaaS & Cloud Computing Interchangeable Terms? Community Center by Techwriter10 I'm afraid the link doesn't work. Requires a password, but I would be interested in seeing it at some point.