At the moment my record is two. Like right now I am upgrading fedora on one and chatting here and coding as I speak. Well, more of chatting then coding.

My record is 4. But you can only use multiple computers if you have multiple lengthy tasks to do, such as uploading multiple websites using ftp or doing s/w installations.

If re-installs also count, then many, but I've only really used 2 computers simultaneously.
In fact, I always use two computers simultaneously: I've one computer which connects to another one over an RDP connection, so I can use internet via remote desktop, while I can just program on my good old W2K :)

5. One PDA, two laptops, and two desktops.

I was installing and setting-up W2K on the laptops for my father and his boss.

If lengthy tasks count then 10. Back before the days of sysprep'ing machines we installed we would line them up and go down the line installing Windows :)

We only had enough room for 10 displays on the table. And yes, in hindsight, I know there were many better ways to go about it.

When I was working for a computer forensic team, I had about 15 computers working 22 printers - I kept about a hundred temps running. We were reconstructing email for a couple of lawsuits - once the emails were printed they were sent to a senior document clerk who then made sure that every person, company, or entity mention had their own copy printed and filed

Only one computer at a time -- I only have two hands and one brain, which is single-tasking. I can't tap the top of my head and rub my tummy at the same time either :)

two , my sweet dynabook lappy and my powerful desktop computer.
and I never turn off the computers.

I use the laptop computer to read ebooks and study while I can do their particles and exercises using the desktop computer. Desktop
computer is powerful enough to run the compilers. and use X-Chat
to chat with using the laptop.

Wow, some of these numbers are amazing. I would have trouble remembering which computer is doing what.

For me, two computers and an iPhone is my max to have going at one time.

if this counts I once DoD wiped 12 computers at once

4s my record. Installing the OS on 2, upgrading the 3rd and actually chatting and listening to music on the 4th

For me, 2.

Although you might want to rethink the thread name, I am not sure how you can use multiple computers simultaniously at a different time.... :P

Do virtual machines count?

I could easily find myself running a VM on my main desktop, as well as the host OS, RDP into my machine at work which is also running a VM, and there's the laptop beside me. That's 5.

For me, 2.

Although you might want to rethink the thread name, I am not sure how you can use multiple computers simultaniously at a different time.... :P

If there is a desire(that's me) or need to use multiple computers there is a way of doing it. As example with two computers you can do one hand typing on two keyboards. :P

What a bunch of nerds.

What a bunch of nerds.

Welcome to the club, fellow nerd :D

I'll pick at the phrase "simultaneously used"... which implies using at the exact same time.

Given that it takes two hands to use a keyboard efficiently (and not really into typing one-handed on two keyboards simultaneously), I'd have to say one! Even if have multiple machines lined up for trouble shooting, am only actually physically using one machine at a time.

To those claiming multiple simultaneous usage, where exactly are those extra appendages growing out from? Or are you claiming to type with your toes??

just my laptop for im(i hate having to keep opening the blinking box)and read news or do some misc. on it, while doing my main stuff on my desktop :) but laptop has been bad and has been freezing on me :(

I'll pick at the phrase "simultaneously used"... which implies using at the exact same time.

Given that it takes two hands to use a keyboard efficiently (and not really into typing one-handed on two keyboards simultaneously), I'd have to say one! Even if have multiple machines lined up for trouble shooting, am only actually physically using one machine at a time.

To those claiming multiple simultaneous usage, where exactly are those extra appendages growing out from? Or are you claiming to type with your toes??

Do you realize that once you set a topic title you can not change it? I am wondering why you are concerned about the title? I started this thread for fun and did not put any classification of what is and isn't considered usage. But anyways I intend not to contend with you and xan on proper wording and your negative responses. So if you so choose this path I will just ingore your off topic responses.

commented: don't be such a d1ck! If you can't comprehend a little sarcasm, this really isn't the place for you and your tantrums! +0

What a bunch of nerds.

I am a computer nerd and proud off it. LOL!

You people are amazing... I have used only one.

You people are amazing... I have used only one.

come on man ! computers are always fine man , after you get a one
then you need another one , after you get two you need another one.... It's a brain acceleration tool man, you will never satisfy no matter how many computers you own. 1,2,3.....100...until infinity.

come on man ! computers are always fine man , after you get a one
then you need another one , after you get two you need another one.... It's a brain acceleration tool man, you will never satisfy no matter how many computers you own. 1,2,3.....100...until infinity.

Definition of "own"

Defintion of "use"

commented: I like your new avatar. Way better than your previous one! +21

Definition of "own"

Defintion of "use"

Careful - the precious little OP might threaten to ignore you too :D

Do you realize that once you set a topic title you can not change it? I am wondering why you are concerned about the title? I started this thread for fun and did not put any classification of what is and isn't considered usage. But anyways I intend not to contend with you and xan on proper wording and your negative responses. So if you so choose this path I will just ingore your off topic responses.

Get a sense of humour, little child. If you are going to put a question or idea out in "the wild", expect all types of responses and outlooks (even when said question is embedded in the title). Neither of us were being negative, merely toying with semantics (I hope that word isn't beyond your reading level!) Grow up!!

I guess 10 using vnc viewer :D .

For the most of the time, one is enough for me to handle, but i used to used three at a time!

Aweful experiences!

Get a sense of humour, little child. If you are going to put a question or idea out in "the wild", expect all types of responses and outlooks (even when said question is embedded in the title). Neither of us were being negative, merely toying with semantics (I hope that word isn't beyond your reading level!) Grow up!!

I apologize I didn't see it as you described. Anyways you made a stark comment to me. I will not allow it to get to me and say I have no hard feelings. :)

actually two computers are needed , for example when you are doing programming , with a one you can read the docs and run UML tools and browse the google , and next one for do actually work in the
project. I'm doing my final year project like that.

However sorry for the electricity bill at you're home.

I have to agree with the person who said that you actually can only use one computer at a time: though you might be using VNC or RDP the remotely connect to a computer, you'll most likely be focused more on computer A than on computer B.
I can't imagine how clunky it would be to actually use two computers at the same time (and I mean that you use them both exactly the same amount of time, to really perform tasks, nah that would be far too difficult for me).

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