
Simple............ Are you afraid from die?

Me not.

What is the expression if you saw dying people?

share your exprience with others.

peter_budo commented: Signature spammer. Know this, your links are not viable by outside world, only daniweb signed user can see them (unfortunate for us) +0

I'm not currently in the act of dying, so it's hard to be afraid from 'it'.

It's hard to be afraid of something that is inevitable.

Member Avatar for diafol

You can hide under your bed or you can ride out to meet the f***** with your boots on. I intend to do the latter. Like kat says, why be scared? I want to live as long as possible while I'm in good health. Once my bits and bobs stop functioning, turn off my oxygen please, and give me a sword in my hand!

commented: I agree! +0

I'm terribly afraid of pink die. Not so much of blue or black die.

Honestly, i'm terrified of death but i try not to think about. Someone once told me not to worry about something if there is nothing i can do about it.


Nobody who hasn't already died can know for sure what it's like, so I can't really fear death -- only my idea of what death might be like. Most of the time I don't fear my idea of death nearly so much as I fear some of the events or conditions that could cause death, most of which I find scary. Drowning in a vat of beer might be OK, but even that might have its downside.

I'd say I fear the pain, embarrassment and loss of control that often comes with fatal accidents or illnesses more than death itself. Fear won't stop you from dying, so don't let it stop you from living.

Member Avatar for diafol

> Fear won't stop you from dying, so don't let it stop you from living.

Oh, it's like poetry :)

Like it. Face death as you do life, at a 100mph. C'mon, whatcha got?

I don't like to die until know what happen me to after die....:icon_rolleyes:
If any 1 can prove what happen me afer die than i can ready for it...:confused:

But I believe no one can be explain me to what happen after die..
Scientifically its on childhood... Religious are try to solve this question...
But I believes there are only way to solve this is be the Philosopher...:)

I don't like to die until know what happen me to after die....:icon_rolleyes:
If any 1 can prove what happen me afer die than i can ready for it...:confused:

But I believe no one can be explain me to what happen after die..
Scientifically its on childhood... Religious are try to solve this question...
But I believes there are only way to solve this is be the Philosopher...:)

See the question here is what is "me" science has a very good explanation of what happens to a body after it dies and all bits of it. But science does not have a good understanding of what "me" is. If science can figure out what "me" is it should be easy to figure out what happens to it after death.

Religion thinks about the question a lot but is not equipped to answer/figure out the truth about anything.

Philosophy seems to break questions down so much that by the time they can logic out an answer there is no practical interpretation of their answer. eg. Trying to prove the existence of God by arguing there has to be a thing that causes its own existence.

I know where I am going and it is a far better place than here. So I am looking forward to it. But if I wasn't SURE I was saved by Jesus Christ, then I would be terrified of where I was going. You CAN know all this for sure. Ask God and he will reveal it to you.

And yes I am a Visual Basic.net Programmer...if you can believe that!

Here is my custom asp.net website with a comments and admin backend! Plus, it is related to the topic of this thread...how doubly appropriate!




See the question here is what is "me" science has a very good explanation of what happens to a body after it dies and all bits of it. But science does not have a good understanding of what "me" is. If science can figure out what "me" is it should be easy to figure out what happens to it after death.

Religion thinks about the question a lot but is not equipped to answer/figure out the truth about anything.

Philosophy seems to break questions down so much that by the time they can logic out an answer there is no practical interpretation of their answer. eg. Trying to prove the existence of God by arguing there has to be a thing that causes its own existence.

Actually, physicists have taken quite seriously the question of the essential nature of an observer of a quantum event ("a good understanding of what 'me' is").

I've started reading a book about what happens after you die that bases it's conclusions on scientific evidence and theories. Of course that doesn't mean all scientists would endorse its conclusions but after reading about 10% I find it intriguing and rather persuasive. I've resisted the temptation to skip to the end of the book to find out what happens when I die, but it seems to be suggesting we relive our lives over again, sort of like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. But I'm still reading, so there must be more to it than that.

> But I'm still reading, so there must be more to it than that.
Maybe not. Maybe it just starts repeating itself ;)

> You CAN know all this for sure. Ask God and he will reveal it to you.
Well, I asked my cat about it instead and he said I would never die so long as he needed feeding and that I would be rewarded eternally for this service.

I think he may be just making crap up to serve his own ends though.

commented: Guffaws loudly :) +0

> But I'm still reading, so there must be more to it than that.
Maybe not. Maybe it just starts repeating itself ;)

:DIt better not, or I'll make a mental note not to buy that book next time around.

> You CAN know all this for sure. Ask God and he will reveal it to you.
Well, I asked my cat about it instead and he said I would never die so long as he needed feeding and that I would be rewarded eternally for this service.

I think he may be just making crap up to serve his own ends though.

If I may play Devil's advocate (if that's the right expression): your cat has an incentive to make up crap whereas God, being omnipotent and self-supporting and all, does not.:)

So far as you assume.

Member Avatar for diafol

As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing but oblivion. Some may see this as horrible, but I reckon I'm entitled to a bit of rest after squeezing every drop out of this mortal coil. Jeez, I sound like a solenoid! I live life to the full and I'll get all the rest I need when I'm dead. Sounds fine to me.

How do these religious nuts sell an afterlife? Is it like an aftertaste or the pain that goes with aftershave? Is it eternal? What if you don't like it (I'm not talking just about the place that singes your arse)? You can't get off the ride, coz it's forever. Can't think of anything worse. "Here we pray on the hour every hour and read extracts from the Bible". Or some will promise a shed load of virgins. Well, they can't be virgins more than once can they? That'll be a short-lived sweetener then.

Phaff. Gimme oblivion any day.

What if you don't like it (I'm not talking just about the place that singes your XXXX)?

I've always wondered how heaven deals with contradictions in desire, eg. a man loves a woman and would only be happy with her but she hates him and cannot be happy with him, are they together or not in heaven? or are they both existing in separate delusions so the man thinks the woman is with him and she thinks she is with some one else?

Actually, physicists have taken quite seriously the question of the essential nature of an observer of a quantum event ("a good understanding of what 'me' is").

I didn't mean to imply science doesn't take the question seriously, many branches do: psychology, neuroscience, biology, and physics are principle among them. But there is yet to be a scientific consensus of what is consciousness, what how/what we perceive to be ourselves, and whether or not we have free will. The observer part of quantum mechanics is still debated (my favourite quotes by leading quantum mechanical physicists are that no one understands quantum mechanics including themselves). There are new interesting hypotheses suggesting quantum fluctuations in molecules in the brain may be what we perceive as free-will. Many others involve emergent properties of sufficiently complex neural networks.

As a general rule the more hypotheses/theories there are about a phenomenon the less it is understood.

PS That looks like an interesting book, worth a read....

So far as you assume.

I assumed God's omnipotence for the sake of argument, because people often have defined God as the all-powerful creator of everything. If he's not all-powerful then what's to stop some other entity from taking his place as numero uno? ... in which case we wouldn't know which god we were referring to when we use the name 'God'.:)

I didn't mean to imply science doesn't take the question seriously, many branches do: psychology, neuroscience, biology, and physics are principle among them. But there is yet to be a scientific consensus of what is consciousness, what how/what we perceive to be ourselves, and whether or not we have free will. The observer part of quantum mechanics is still debated (my favourite quotes by leading quantum mechanical physicists are that no one understands quantum mechanics including themselves). There are new interesting hypotheses suggesting quantum fluctuations in molecules in the brain may be what we perceive as free-will. Many others involve emergent properties of sufficiently complex neural networks.

As a general rule the more hypotheses/theories there are about a phenomenon the less it is understood.

PS That looks like an interesting book, worth a read....

From what you've said so far, I think you'd like that book. I doubt that I'll end up 100% convinced that his theory is correct. Have you read anything by the late Robert Anton Wilson? He claimed all models have varies levels of usefulness, but he didn't claim 100% certainty for any model.

As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing but oblivion. Some may see this as horrible, but I reckon I'm entitled to a bit of rest after squeezing every drop out of this mortal coil. Jeez, I sound like a solenoid! I live life to the full and I'll get all the rest I need when I'm dead. Sounds fine to me.

How do these religious nuts sell an afterlife? Is it like an aftertaste or the pain that goes with aftershave? Is it eternal? What if you don't like it (I'm not talking just about the place that singes your arse)? You can't get off the ride, coz it's forever. Can't think of anything worse. "Here we pray on the hour every hour and read extracts from the Bible". Or some will promise a shed load of virgins. Well, they can't be virgins more than once can they? That'll be a short-lived sweetener then.

Phaff. Gimme oblivion any day.

I think religions sell their accounts of the afterlife to people who already suspect there is some kind of afterlife that they won't like and so are receptive to being told there are ways of improving their prospects.

Gimme oblivion any day.

Me too. I wouldn't mind oblivion, especially if there will be no 'me' to mind it. I just have a hard time convincing myself that eternal oblivion is what follows death. That doesn't prove that there's an afterlife, of course. Based on my experience, I just don't know. Who has experienced eternal life? I don't know. My encounters with episodes of oblivion always ended with me waking up, sometimes not feeling so good.:confused:

Everyone has an opinion, and I respect everyone's right to have an opinion, but the question "what happens when we die" is extremely important if the Christian religion is correct. In summary: Jesus Christ taught that you must believe in him and follow him BEFORE you die, or else you go to hell for an afterlife.

And when a guy goes around raising dead people, then is raised himself...well, that should cause us all to put some weight into what he said!

So the big question is: did Jesus really live and die and do the things the bible says?

Many people have set-out to investigate the evidence for whether he lived or not, and whether he did what the bible says he did. There is a lot of proof that he actually DID live and die and do what the bible says. Enough proof that would hold up in a court of law, according to several investigators.

So I for one decided to follow Jesus, and things have happened in my life that I could never have imagined, apart from believing that he is real!

> And when a guy goes around raising dead people, then is raised himself...well, that should cause us all to put some weight into what he said!

I always listen carefully to those who have risen from the dead.

You'll want to stand a little back from them when they're speaking, but you should listen very intently.

commented: Also love the thing about your cat :) +0


You'll want to stand a little back from them when they're speaking, but you should listen very intently.

You are very funny!


You should not be afraid that you die, but how you die.

Member Avatar for diafol

> And when a guy goes around raising dead people, then is raised himself...well, that should cause us all to put some weight into what he said!

Sounds like a necromancer to me. Don't listen to him, evil so-and-so whoever he is. If not a necromancer, then Dracula. I don't like him either. He kept me awake for hours when I was a kid. Why do people need to wake the dead anyway? Aren't there enough living people in the world?

The moment your conception started, you are busy dying!
So what is there to be affraid of?

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