INdia in full swing producing the large number of engineering graduates in a year but somewhere they are loosing quality of education are you agree with that

This is my personnal opinion. If my post hurts anyone,I am sorry. But I have to put this point here

To be frank, the engineering colleges have become an bussiness rather than being as a service to provide knowledge.

Its creating machines that can write for long period without handpain and machines that can memorize anything without understanding.

I am a person who completed my engineering under anna university,Chennai,India. According to the outer world its a heaven for students. But for those who are studying there,its a ___________. I dont wanna to say this here.

Those who wanna to know what i was going to say before kindly check this linkClick Here

I can't speak in general but in Canada it was recently discovered that a number of workers who were brought into the country from India as temporary (then made permanent through a loophole) employees were found to have purchased their credentials rather than earned them through study.

@Jim, you can do that in a lot of countries... it doesn't cost very much.

So i would say that roughly 50% or less of the engineers from india are real?

I gave one well known (at least to Canadian media) where that was the case. I didn't quote a number as to how widespread the practice is in that country. I also did not make any comment on the quality of the engineers who graduated from legitimate institutions in India.

i can only imagine how many of the REAL engineers of India are even any good...

commented: dont you think you're being a bit naive here ? +0

@Jim, you can do that in a lot of countries... it doesn't cost very much.

I think you can buy Ph.D. in USA

I think you can buy Ph.D. in USA

That's debateable... If we can buy our ph.d's, I would already be a cardiologist!

I failed to mention that such a degree is worthless.

People, this is a signature spam post, look at the OP's signature.

I are agree with that :)

I guess you can find good engineers in any country, also the bad ones.

People, this is a signature spam post, look at the OP's signature.

Makes it all the more ironic that he's quite right in saying that there's a lot of underqualified people "graduating" in India.

And yes, we've all encountered them. And yes, they exist elsewhere as well, just (at least in my experience) elsewhere they tend to be a smaller percentage of those you encounter.

I've seen very good people from India, and very bad ones.
Same with everywhere else, though again the balance trends towards larger differences between top and bottom as well as a higher percentage towards the bottom with people from India (and especially with people from India who are in India and got their education there, many of the best of them leave the country and/or get an education in the US or Europe and stay there after (this is in part a result of their caste system which more of less closes the top universities in India to those of higher castes, who tend to thus send their children abroad to get an education instead at places like Harvard and Oxford)).

It's overall cultural as well, unwillingness to admit lack of knowledge to foreigners leading to misinterpreted specs, bugs that could have been avoided by asking a few questions, etc..

I know almost nothing about Level of Engineering Education in India, but I know that India has a lot of just excellent engineers.

I think, am the most genuine guy to answer this thread, as am a professor in one of the reputed college in India. Truly I think Indian Engineering education is losing its quality as we are producing large number of Engineers every year...As increase in the number of availabilty of the seats, more number of students getting into Engg stream, but they dont have good foundation so they they end up being a bad engineer..Just 5 years back students were like very good, they always used to come with an innovative ideas and projects, but that culture is getting diminised with days...

Am not talking about all Univerisites, still IIT's, NIT's and some other universities in India producing good/great Enginners, but still there are 100's of universities who are just producing dummy Engineers..

@jwenting :- you pointed very correct thing, thats what exactly happens here


Well said. I am a recent passed out one. Many of my department in my college as well as some of the university topers of Information Technology department, whom i know doesn't even know to write a add program in basic c. And as Trap910 said, they bought their project from a project center and till now they doesnt even know whats their project is really about.

This is the real fact.

But I also admit that some like IIT is producing more efficient students.

Engineers from India make up 60% of the special visa recipients in the USA.

lately I've been into a discussion about just this topic with a few developers from India. According to them, a lot (if not most) of the degrees handed after college are obtained by cheating, plagiarism and bribing the professor.

so .... yes, they might have a lot of graduates each year, but I also see their 'skillzzzzzz' online: final year students who create their 'learn here how to develop in Java' tutorials, who obviously never heard of the .equals method, nor that declaring a variable as final doesn't automatically makes it a constant.

a lot of good grades, but whether they are earned? that I very much doubt.

And just because you claim to work for 'the Best institute in India', doesn't mean I trust the degrees you hand out any more than the ones of other colleges.

I am Indian and I have degree of a very highly reputated college in India. I hope you have heard of IIT's which are damn famous all over the world. I am not from there , but still am from a college which ranked 8th in all over India in terms of placements, campus, teaching , infrastructure etc. yes! i agree there is alot of cheating in various universities, but all companies here know the status of those universites and students from there hardly get any job in India atleast. Trust me, engineers from these top colleges are really really really great and there is no match with them as compared to those who cheat with degree.

Good engineers are increasing on per day basis in India but these fake degrees are making out of them. pity! because of this , students who are working hard suffer because of those cheaters. There is nothing to stop them and they will never be stopped. but even after all these things, India still have very high qualitative engineers and they share a big percentage in the ratio of engineers from all over the world. thanks.

Well as @nitin said, I remember the head of Google's Android team was also a Indian.

commented: damn true!! this proves the intelligence level of Indian Engineers +0

i agree with your but some technocrats are also invlolving in this section and making it business, so where is quality of education. sir i am from utter pradesh india, there is list of best engineering colleges but every year losts of new colleges registrting affilated to Uptu Lucknow and they are increasing day by day , lack of good faculty, poor placements

commented: this is spam. if not for the topic , then for the grammar. +0

Off course most of Engineering colleges in India are becomig a center for earning the money from center but you can not deny the fact some of them has a good reputation and producing some of engineers having good quality like IIT. So I think no one should generalize the idea that Inidan engineering colleges doesn't produce quality engineers.

But it's also a fact that most of our college passed out so called engineers lack of such qualities to be merged in industry. So I think Government should pay an attention towards this issue and should cancel the recognization of such colleges who look to be a cheater in the student prospective or in quality of Education they deliver. Don't be inclined to increase the number of engineers but inclined to produce best skilled engineered students.

To be frank, the engineering colleges have become an bussiness rather than being as a service to provide knowledge.
Its creating machines that can write for long period without handpain and machines that can memorize anything without understanding.
I am a person who completed my engineering under anna university,Chennai,India. According to the outer world its a heaven for students. But for those who are studying there,its a ___________. I dont wanna to say this here.

I completely agree with you. Even I am also an engineering student from Maharishi Dayanad University, Haryana but I also felt the same way as you did. Those lenghty exams in which we are just in rush to fill up all the sheets are just making us a writing machine. The education level has really dropped badly.

it is true but its not good to show this on forum where so many people from other countries are reading this,do you want to show them?
if you not happy with the education system then change it but don't disappoint your own country.

I feel sad that for a few dumbass people with no sense of what they are saying , students from india get such a bad rep. Unfortunately , the rotting education system in the country keeps feeding off peoples hopes that getting their child to an engineering institution would guarantee a better future , and keeps churning out more such dumbasses by the year.

what is more unfortunate is that , these people get heard the most.

i would request the mods to delete this thread.

What you said is a point to be considered, but there is a quote "Revealing the truth is better then hiding them".

Member Avatar for diafol

i would request the mods to delete this thread.

That won't happen. It's not even your thread - it was started by a sig spammer.

I feel sad that for a few dumbass people with no sense of what they are saying , students from india get such a bad rep. Unfortunately , the rotting education system in the country keeps feeding off peoples hopes that getting their child to an engineering institution would guarantee a better future , and keeps churning out more such dumbasses by the year.
what is more unfortunate is that , these people get heard the most.

Well, it seems that you agree with the 'dumbasses', but don't want the message publicized. I'm not sure what you're trying to get across.

i would request the mods to delete this thread.

I would have deleted it in a split second if people hadn't replied on the thread so quickly. By the time I noticed this thread, which is an obvious vessel for signature spamming, several people had already replied. Generally, we don't delete threads that have more than one post, because we don't want to delete the valid posts other people have made when only the OP is a spammer.

And we do not delete threads on request like that (i.e., because you don't like the content of it). We apply the forum rules, and the rest is in the domain of free-speech.

Yep, same here. I've left the thread as it is valid, even though the OP is/was a pretty obvious sig spamming one.

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