so... for 5 solid years, our C/C++ Warrior Narue has been a regular poster averaging 4 posts per day (4.08 to be exact).

On June 21 2009, Narue disappears off the face of the Daniweb planet.

new guy Tom Gunn had joined Daniweb five days previously, on June 18. Tom Gunn hits the ground running. He maintains a posting rate identical to Narue's (3.99 posts per day) and almost immediately becomes a C/C++ superstar. For the next 5 months, he logs 681 posts, and racks up an incredible 1400+ rep points. Yes, that's right: 1479 reputation points in less than 5 months.

Then on 13 November, Tom Gunn abruptly disappears as quick as he appeared, vanishing into the ether with not so much as a "by your leave"

and less than 5 days later, Narue has fully resumed her previous posting frequency, picking up right where she left off.

Narue may point out that she had been posting during the time between 21 June and 18 November. But i point out that it was highly sporadic, sometimes just one post a week, sometimes up to a month without posting at all.

In fact, she posted absolutely nothing at all from June 21 to July 17... July 17th just so happened to be the very day that I posted this thread about Tom Gunn's uncanny resemblance to our C/C++ goddess

I submit this for your consideration. :)


I also know that Narue is from Georgia because of her hostname on IRC. I don't recall the exact host but I remember having a conversation with her about Atlanta. I think it was *

It just so happens that the location under Tomm Gunn's profile is ... Atlanta, Georgia.

I think you may be on to something here....

commented: and the pieces fall into place.... +0

I'm a bit confused.. what would be the point of such a thing?

Narue would never start a thread in the Community Introductions. ;-)

Perhaps you should get a job as a mod. That way you have this nice link in each post, which gives you the posters ip-number :)

But I'm not going to tell you anything, because I enjoy these conspiracy-threads too much.

Also consider the possibility of Narue not finding the need to reply to threads which have been already replied by Tom with a more than satisfactory answer. :)

>On June 21 2009, Narue disappears off the face of the Daniweb planet.
As she does occasionally due to real life concerns and lack of interest. This is common knowledge, and a running joke, I think.

>Then on 13 November, Tom Gunn abruptly disappears as quick as he
>appeared, vanishing into the ether with not so much as a "by your leave"

Maybe he got hit by a bus. :icon_rolleyes: Or maybe it's crunch time for a project and he doesn't waste his non-work hours around here. Not everything is a conspiracy, you know. Then again, maybe Tom Gunn is Daniweb superhero Narue's mild mannered alter ego. When the n00bs attack, Tom Gunn steps into a telephone booth and changes into Narue so that she can swoop in and save the day with a sound verbal thrashing. Da da da daaa, NARUE!

>and less than 5 days later, Narue has fully resumed her previous
>posting frequency, picking up right where she left off.

Shortly after a "where is Narue?" thread in which I expressed interest in going old school again. Cause and effect.

>Narue may point out that she had been posting during the
>time between 21 June and 18 November. But i point out that it
>was highly sporadic, sometimes just one post a week, sometimes
>up to a month without posting at all.

You mean around the time I stepped down as super mod and took a break from Daniweb? Yes, I can easily see how a decrease in Narue postings might occur during that time. :icon_rolleyes:

>July 17th just so happened to be the very day that I posted this
>thread about Tom Gunn's uncanny resemblance to our C/C++ goddess

Even when I don't post, I still read all of the new threads in my favorite forums. If a thread mentions me, I'm more likely to respond even during a posting hiatus. Once again, cause and effect.

>But I'm not going to tell you anything, because I enjoy these conspiracy-threads too much.
Indeed, they're very amusing. One of the reasons I don't outright confirm or deny the accusation is because it's so much fun to watch everyone speculate (and by "everyone" I mean jephthah, since he seems to be the only one who really cares). :)

This could also have disastrous consequences. If you are in fact Tomm Gunn, thus a guy, I don't know what this would do to serkan.

What makes you think Tomm Gunn is a guy? I know for a fact that Narue is female. So if Tomm is a guy then of course he and Narue could not possibly be the same person, unless you know of a guy who can have babies.

What makes you think Tomm Gunn is a guy? I know for a fact that Narue is female. So if Tomm is a guy then of course he and Narue could not possibly be the same person, unless you know of a guy who can have babies.

Well... I have no idea if Tomm Gunn is a guy and I know Narue is a female but neither of those helped prove my point so I had to take a little liberty with presenting the facts

commented: i, too, like taking liberties with the facts +0

>If you are in fact Tomm Gunn, thus a guy, I don't know what this would do to serkan.
Hmm, that might make him give up on his creepy fascination with me...

>So if Tomm is a guy then of course he and Narue could not possibly be the same person
Of course, gender online is little more than a matter of saying "I'm male" or "I'm female". It's not unreasonable to assume that if I'm Tomm Gunn I could just be lying about being male. Or I could be lying about being female as Narue. Oh no, the conspiracies theories are increasing. :D

Of course that doesn't discount the possibility that you are hermaphrodite (both male and female) :)

commented: ++ +0

> Of course that doesn't discount the possibility that you are
> hermaphrodite

That sounds .. so .. disturbing on all counts... :S

Narue is a female. Ive seen a picture.

But they have the same IP?

Narue is a female. Ive seen a picture.

How can you be sure that it is in fact Narue in that picture?

But they have the same IP?

Maybe, maybe not. You can find out as easily as I did. Just don't tell anyone, it'll spoil my fun :)

Gender is irrelevant on the internet; I could say I'm a chick and show you some pictures I stole.

What is this obsession with Tom Gunn, anyway? We already had a whole thread on this months ago.

What is this obsession with Tom Gunn, anyway? We already had a whole thread on this months ago

part of the wide-ranging conspiracy is that the original thread was locked down. the mods don't think you can handle the truth.

and FTR, the obsession is with Narue, duh. but i digress: Tom Gunn is Narue.


One of the reasons I don't outright confirm or deny the accusation is because it's so much fun to watch everyone speculate

well you sure did spend a lot of keystrokes attempting to explain away the mountain of circumstantial evidence against you ;-)

and by "everyone" I mean jephthah, since he seems to be the only one who really cares

don't confuse being my able to recognize your shenanigans with the source of the warm fuzzies you're feeling. sure i love you ... but you still can't call me Serkan. :D


> part of the wide-ranging conspiracy is that the original thread was
> locked down [...] and FTR, the obsession is with Narue

We've already infracted two members on grounds of stalking and minor harassment. Play time's over, the sooner you realize it, the better. One more "OMG, Narue!?" post and this thread is gone....

>well you sure did spend a lot of keystrokes attempting to explain
>away the mountain of circumstantial evidence against you ;-)

But of course. If I didn't make that effort, you wouldn't be able to use the "she doth protest too much" argument to keep this conspiracy theory going. :)

>We've already infracted two members on grounds of stalking and minor harassment.
I think this one's all in good fun, no worries.

OMG, Narue!?

We've already infracted two members on grounds of stalking and minor harassment.

OMG, ~s.o.s~!?

overzealous, much?


> overzealous, much?

Far better than a stalker with too much time on his hands IMO.

[you're] a stalker with too much time on his hands.





I've checked your IP to, just to make sure that you and Serkan are two different people ;)

commented: LOL +0

>I've checked your IP to, just to make sure that you and Serkan are two different people
Don't tell anyone that Narue = jephthah too. :D

I think Tom Gunn is an AI system that is down for the switch to Windows 7.

If you are in fact Tomm Gunn, thus a guy...

I know for a fact that Narue is female.

Haven't you ever heard of Sybil?

I do not think a person of Narue's status and popularity needs to make more than one account at daniweb .

I do not think a person of Narue's status and popularity needs to make more than one account at daniweb .

Most mods have second accounts.

I do not think a person of Narue's status and popularity needs to make more than one account at daniweb .

Narue has admitted that she has another account, but never said what that account name was.

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