Hi Dani,

For some reason, I'm always getting the cached or old version of a given page. E.g. clicking on the CP link shows me a thread which was recently bumped in the C++ forum. After I added code tags to the post and moved it to a separate thread, I'm still getting the same notification in my CP in the subscribed thread list div box.

Can you look into this? Anyone else facing the same issue?

Same here. User-control-panel is really messed up.


Just started cleaning up the double threads and posts because of this problem. But too bad I can't see which thread I've already deleted :S

Me as well, very confusing to say the least.

OK, just to help out others who are facing the issue, a force refresh for some reason is fixing things on my end, at least temporarily. E.g. if you want to view the latest CP, visit the CP link and press "CTRL + R" or "CTRL + F5" (force refresh, at least in Firefox).

OK, since CTRL + R seems to fix this, it seems more like a issue with HTTP headers. The suspicious one is the "Expires" header which is pointing to a future date for this page request...

We were working last night adding caching for CSS and JS files. Looks like the wrong effect occurred!! Getting James on this right now ...

Just got in touch with James. This should be fixed. But anyone already affected, please clear your browser cache.

I clicked on a PM and got this.

Invalid Private Message specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator

Have you cleared your browser cache?

Clearing the browser cache is one of those miracle cures that nearly always works, and indeed worked for me on this occasion... :)

My bad, I did not pick up on this thread but posted my own. Thanks for all who sorted this.:)

Sorry about that. We can all go and blame James, k? :)

I am also facing this Problem, and no help is found these days

Have you cleared your browser cache as stated?

Member Avatar for diafol

Also had the problem - said token had expired. Cleared cache, but had no effect. Odd.

That was yesterday. A-OK today.

There are still problems here. I logged in this morning and clicked on the "Today's Posts" link and got the 'No Matches' message.
I proceeded to click on the 'New Posts,' 'Unanswered Threads,' 'Threads I've Posted in' and 'Threads I've Started' and got the exact same message. 10 minutes later all was well.
Logged in again this afternoon and am having the same problem again.
I cleared my cache with no improvement.

Getting it again now.

This is wierd. 1 minute later and it's working ok again.

Can anyone else confirm? I cannot duplicate this.

It is only on occasion for me too. Sometimes it is fine, other times I get that Sorry - no matches error.

Very odd. Does it happen both while logged in and not?

Also something else with those links. I get the same results (when it is working) from clicking either the "Todays Posts' or 'Unanswered Threads.'
If I click on those links a second time, I then get the correct results.

I will try again after logging out. Because it is random though, it may not show for a while.
FYI, I am using Opera, but this is a new error for me. Been using Opera exclusively for years.

Very odd. Does it happen both while logged in and not?

When not logged in I do not see those buttons.

Also something else with those links. I get the same results (when it is working) from clicking either the "Todays Posts' or 'Unanswered Threads.'
If I click on those links a second time, I then get the correct results.

This is happening with Firefox too.

And again. Getting to be a pain now.

I'm not getting this at all (using Chrome here) which doesn't help you, I appreciate that, but does suggest as you say that it's one of those hugely annoying intermittent/random things which are all the harder to trap.

I *think* I do understand what kind of problem Chris *might* facing here. I am for some reason getting the same result when I first click on Unanswered Threads and Todays posts after that. The result is the same page which I see when I had first clicked Unanswered threads. But for some reason this went away after I pressed CTRL + R in Opera. Have you tried that Chris?

I have just tried hitting 'Todays Posts' and got the 'No Matches' error again, so I tried the Ctrl + R as suggested. The page refreshed to the same 'No Matches' message.
I do not believe it is browser related though, otherwise this would have been happening for a while.

Still happening for me...all browsers (IE8, FF, opera).


I'm really sorry ... I can't duplicate your problem at all, and no one else seems to be experiencing it??

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