Member Avatar for diafol

My inner peace has started to return. What a nicer place this is to have a civilised discussion. :)

@Dani: You have introduced a side effect in Opera.

If I type a sentence now, and go back with the cursor keys to insert a new word or char before an existing one, the cursor jumps one character ahead. Let me see if I can grab it. In the screenshot I went back to before 'see' and inserted 'me'.

What version of Opera? I just tested with both 11.64 and 12.10 with no ill effect. Have you tried clearing your cache? The site attempts to force it when there are script changes, but it doesn't always seem to work. ;)

12.10 on XP. I don't use cache but I cleared it manually anyway because you asked, and yes, it still happens. Probably an XP thing then.

My work is on IE9 but my house has switched to preview version of IE10 so I cant report much bugs anymore except if they happen on my work PC...

IE10 feedback is welcome as well ;)

So far no issues with IE10.

I am not seeing the rep&post graph on my profile, although it says Flash is installed.

Oh, it does work on the desktop, just not in the metro version. Must be a setting.

Using Chrome ver. 23.0.1271.64 m

Sometimes when I write a reply and hit the "Reply to this Discussion" button, nothing changes except that the, "Reply to this Discussion" button disappears. After copying what I've written I refresh the page and the button is back. So, I paste my reply and hit the button and this time my post goes through.

I'm wondering if this may be because I'm remote accessing my system at the house, but I don't experience this anywhere else.

FWIW, I also see some text editor bugs, but cannot replicate them on demand.
Using IE Version 9.0.8112.16421 on Windows 7 Build 7601: Service Pack 1; it seems to be after a big paste operation. For me, I've only noticed issues with placing the cursor back to the end of the text - I've gotten to where I just backspace until I can "see" again.

When this does happen, it sometimes also places the last few lines from the paste operation (clipboard buffer?) in the post as well as whatver keys I'm currently pressing.

Please, don't think that I an advocating the attitude of the original poster. I would be very happy to repost my comments in a new and constructively titled thread.

Update: Chrome does have issues with other in-page feature rich text editing fields. I didn't notice this earlier because they don't have as dramatic a reaction. Daniweb seems to be too technically advanced for Google Chrome.

To clarify what I'm saying about other pages, they give me a very small and hardly discernable message saying something like, `Your browser does not...' erm... hang on I'll go read it again. (The perils of live reporting) Okay, this is the message, "You have set 'Rich Text Editor' as your editor but your browser isn't compatible with it. The standard editor has been used instead".

Opera also reports the same message: Version 12.11, Build 1661
Chrome: 23.0.1271.64 m

No problems with Firefox or IE in this particular matter.

BigPaw, can you send me a screenshot? That would be great. Thanks.

Please, don't think that I an advocating the attitude of the original poster. I would be very happy to repost my comments in a new and constructively titled thread.

No attitude at all. I like the helpfulness of the members but I hate the pig behind the lipstick.

It troubles me that just because of this thread you posted a problem though :( I hope this is not all cases....

No attitude at all. I like the helpfulness of the members but I hate the pig behind the lipstick.

I dunno. Referring to someone's lovingly crafted system (of which I am quite pleased by the way) as lipstick on a pig sounds like attitude to me. Saying "I don't care for the interface", or "I find it difficult and/or frustrating" is one thing. But "lipstick on a pig" is just insulting.

Well I wrote the system and I wasn't insulted. I'd rather be told the honest truth of what someone thinks, because all that can happen is it can get better! A contributing member with 700+ posts wouldn't be wasting his time defending his position if it wasn't something he was passionate about. And I value the opinions of everyone who is passionate about DaniWeb (good, bad and ugly). Besides, everyone who knows me in person can vouch that there's absolutely nothing in this world I hate worse than being patronized!

commented: Spot on. +0

Before you judge someone riahc, why don't you consider not judging other people because I am sure the founders of google are not the greatest looking dudes (no offense to them, i do respect them) but they don't need to worry about cosmetics because they have done something that could impact someone greatly. So don't judge Dani, she has created something that could impact the knowledge of new coders and experienced coders... because you probably make mirrors shatter when you look at them.

(sorry Dani i am not patronizing you, I am pointing out a fact and respecting you:D)

I think Dani deserves a bunny
( '.')

Dani, I have never, ever read such a magnanimous response to such a defamatory comment. You are a very genuine person. You can't say I am being patronizing here, because I say it with good intent and really mean it. My comment antagonised the issue, and for this I'm sorry for my part in what came of it.

BigPaw, can you send me a screenshot? That would be great. Thanks.

Yup, will do, as soon as it happens again.

Member Avatar for diafol

To my mind there's a fine line between 'saying it as it is' and being rude, but one should know when they've crossed it, often in hindsight. When judging something somebody has produced which is free for all to use, I think a little tact is called for. I don't mean that you should 'patronize' or provide fawning plaudits, but being careful with 'language' leads to a more mature discussion.

Terms like 'pig behind the lipstick' can bring up all sorts of negative connotations, and IMO, seems inappropriate. While there is much heated debate behind the scenes in the mod forums, I'd like to think that there is always mutual respect, and if somebody oversteps the mark, they're always ready to apologise. My 2p.

You guys really need to stop kissing Dani's ass.....I said my opinion; I stated it not only in my first post but also in the title! Im glad Dani appriciates "as is" comments. Of course, her, my, and others opinions can differ and thats OK. Even though I dont like the posting system and I cannot get used to it, I like the site because most people are helpful.

Member Avatar for diafol

You guys really need to stop kissing Dani's ###

Now, that's what I was referring to. In your OP, you yourself seem to appreciate the good manners afforded to you by other members and don't wish to get into a flame war. I agree 100%.

And the posting horror continue:

Today I copy paste code into the shitty editor and all of the sudden I start typing normal letters in the post box and whatever is above it that was "code quoted" get typed AGAIN...

When this does happen, it sometimes also places the last few lines from the paste operation (clipboard buffer?) in the post as well as whatver keys I'm currently pressing.

Exactly what I described.

Today I copy paste code into the shitty editor and all of the sudden I start typing normal letters in the post box and whatever is above it that was "code quoted" get typed AGAIN...

Dude, you have posted almost 800 times so you should get used to it... plus you have been around since '08 so you should know and appreciate the changes Dani has made to the site...

So stop complaining about this site, if it really bothers you go join another site or make your own.

Today I got a warning for "profanity".........Come on.

Because you seem unable to make your point without including intentionally offensive language.

If you could act like an adult, perhaps your feedback would be taken seriously by others.

commented: Bam! +0

I'd like to ask why <MICHAEL>'s last post was deleted. He expressed an opinion (a valid one if you ask me). It seems that the only reason it was deleted was out of fear of offending riahc3. There was no name calling. Every system has its foibles (or "personality" if you will). All problems are ranked on a scale from serious to not. The developers have some idea as to the effort required to fix each one. The effort is weighed against the annoyance factor and the perceived benefit. Then the problems are addressed in turn. This is how a business operates. If anyone finds that the existing problems are too annoying to live with then he/she is free to take their business elsewhere. As far as I can tell, that was the gist of <MICHAEL>'s post. I don't think it should have been deleted.

It seems that the only reason it was deleted was out of fear of offending riahc3.

Agreed. Since no rules were broken, I'll chalk it up as a lapse in judgment (mods are human, after all) and restore the post.

I thought it would just pour oil on fire.

Member Avatar for diafol

The rules do clearly state no foul language.
Anyway, IMO, I think riahc has a point to make. The editor is not infallible and there are things that may be able to be tweaked. I don't particularly agree with his sentiments, but free speech and all that (but without the swearing). Gosh! I better watch my gordon-bennetting language too. :)

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