Is the Google bubble slowly bursting?

UrbanKhoja 0 Tallied Votes 165 Views Share

Figures released earlier by ComScore reveal that Google's web-search market share dipped Janurary to Feburay overall; even though the US share was up slightly.

Google's lions share of the search world still sits at 62.8% though; down from 63.1% in Janurary. The number of searches going through Google is also declining - in Janurary Google users carried out around 6.14 billion searches, Feburarys figure is down slightly to 5.86 billion.

"We are continuing to see deceleration in growth in web search," said Jefferies & Co analyst Youssef Squali. "Google's month-over-month five percent decline is a little surprising, but all the major web-search names were down."

But they are however up year-on-year, in February 2007 Google had a world wide market share of around 58.5% compared with 62.8% last month.

Although it doesn't just seem to be Google - Yahoo is also on an equally rocky road; with their shares down 2.1% to $27.07 or £13.64.

But with a string of new products in the pipe line things could start to look up for the web giant; especially where Android is concerned - with heavy interest from the public and healthy reveiws it could just be Googles PR silver lining.

And with a strong mobile front; Google has little reason to currently get worried - with iPhone users alone making around 50 times the web searches than users of standard mobiles.

This is partly believe to be due to the recent update to the Google mobile search software that the majority of these mobile devices use - which is reported to have increased search speeds by around 40%.

Dazza :cool: