Aspire ONE Android confirmed

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The Google Android OS is coming to the Acer Aspire ONE netbook, and sooner than you might imagine. As a happy ONE owner myself, and a keen observer of all things Android, the news that it could be as soon as Q3 this year really pleases me. Jim Wong, President of IT Products at Acer, was speaking at the Computex Trade Show when he said that an Android netbook would make an appearance during the third quarter of 2009. Wong reckons that, primarily, the "incredibly fast wireless connection to the Internet" that Android provides has been the motivation for getting the product out so quickly. This is more good news for both Google and the wider netbook using public, especially as ASUS has already showcased the Snapdragon/Android Eee PC.

The Aspire ONE Android, though, if it does appear later this year will be the first Android-powered netbook. It will feature the same Intel Atom processor inside as existing models, and a 10 inch screen. Let's just hope the ongoing trademark infringement case does not rain on the Android parade too heavily.