Anyone Know How To Clear Do Follow Or No Follow Blog ?

You can also try "YOUR KEYWORD" + ".edu" + "blog"

Just keep on adding strands till you get the look you are hoping for. Or find someone with more micro ring hair extensions experience to help you.

you can make search query with your keywords and serch realted to that blogs. and google provides you whatever you search would be what you are looking for.

you can make search query with your keywords and serch realted to that blogs. and google provides you whatever you search would be what you are looking for.

i too search manually form bing and google to find dofollow blogs realted to my keywords and we easily find it there.

manually it is difficult and time consuming for finding do=follow blogs

I agreed it is very hard to find Do Follow blogs now days. All the ones I have checked are no follow now.

what do follow blog comment very important for seo

Yeahh.. This Good Article for Improvement Our Back Link.

Normal blogs with high PR also give you enough backlinks and traffic.

Finding WordPress Blogs inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD”
Adding your keywords to the searches enable you locate related sites. If you cannot find a related site to link from, you may have to widen your search. For instance, instead of using “Under Cabinet TV” you may need to narrow down to “Cabinet TV”.
Finding ExpressionEngine Blogs “powered by expressionengine” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD” “powered by expressionengine” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD” “powered by expressionengine” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD” “powered by expressionengine” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD”
Finding BlogEngine blogs “Powered by BlogEngine.NET” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD” “Powered by BlogEngine.NET” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD” “Powered by BlogEngine.NET” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD” “Powered by BlogEngine.NET” inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “ADD YOUR KEYWORD”
Wondering why I added BlogEngine and ExpressionEngine? I have noticed – can’t quite explain why – that these blogging platforms are quite popular with academics and government agencies and those links can easily translate to high authority and PR.
Finding Directories and Submission Sites
intitle:add+url “your key word”
intitle:submit+site “your key word”
intitle:submit+url “your key word”
intitle:add+your+site “your key word”
intitle:add+site “your key word”
intitle:directory “your key word”
intitle:sites “your key word”
intitle:list “your key word”

i wld suggest to work on no follow pr sites rather thn do follow..!!
n yes for high pr do follow sites search on goole you will get several results..

oh, it is very userful for me, thanks all

I always search dofollow blogs list from some popular SEO forums and they give quite good results...

Drop My link is the best tool for search high page rank do follow blogs.

I need do blog comment site list.
Plz share it..

Just search on Google for dofollow blog and you will get lots of dofollow blog link simple.

Do follow” is the opposite of “No-Follow”. WordPress blogs, by default, use the HTML nofollow attribute on links that point away from the blog. This no follow attribute comes into play with the posting of blog comments. The no-follow tag tells the search engines NOT to follow the link to any other web sites.

If you are looking for a portal, Google it and you may find lots of portal regarding to dofollow blog search.

I prefer to use these quries:
"post comments" intitle:keyword
"post comments" keyword -login
"post comments" keyword -login
"post comments" intitle: keyword
"post comments" keyword -login

This page is very informative and fun to read. I appreciated what you have done here. I enjoyed every little bit part of it. I am always searching for informative information like this. Thanks for sharing with us.

Also, using NoDofollow addon on Firefox would tell you which link is dofollow and nofollow.

Dofollow blogs is the best way of get good traffic & back link.You can increase your sites back link and get good pagerank.

Search engines are only way to fing high page rank blogs

Thank you very much for above listed gov and edu stuff. Although Google prefer gov and edu backlinks but, most of them are nofollow blog. Even and are also nofollow blogs, when we are going to comment there.

search manual and use search like that
"keyword + wordpress" as most of blog running on wordpress technology.

To Find Blogs as per "Keywords":

Search with below syntax then go to the "More" menu and then Select "Blogs"

"Keyword" Poweredby typepad
"Keyword" Poweredby disqus
"Keyword" Poweredby blogspot
"Keyword" Poweredby wordpress

as per the the google algorithm apart from do follow some no follow links are also useful for better indexing and improvement of site

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