
I am new to SEO, just wanted to know what's the best and quickest way to get your site in google top ranking.


hey I just answered a similar question on a different thread and here is what i said:

"your question is a HUGE one and its not something people can answer in single post but here are the basics:

2 factors:
on page SEO
and off page SEO

On page SEO includes putting your keyword in your title tag, description, meta tags and so on (plenty of good info online on this just look up on page seo)

Off page SEO includes building backlinks to your site, and at first it might seem like building backlinks is impossible but just stick to the follosing and you will be fine:

Blog comments
forum backlinks
social bookmarking
article submission (contextual links)
directory submissions

I have found that article submissions are the most effective

hope this helps "

Go to the google webmaster page and RTFM

For getting top ranking position is a long work and keep patience. Follow the work which is written by ps3gamereviews for ranking postions

Do Competitor Analysis ,Change your content after every 6 months the content should be short but descriptive,Off-Page SEO daily,Link Exchange with the sites with higher PR,Quality link building.It is really very tough to get your site to the first position ,it may take some time.

Their is not any quick way to increase ranking for that you will have to do hard work to your site . Do On page optimization of your site and start link building bay every methods

link building is the best way like
directory submission
article posting
forum posting
these are the best way to get improve your ranking


If you have basic knowledge of SEO you can use directory submission and article posting for your website or business to promote...This is free as well as paid too...

Hard Work
Link Building

Nothing is easy!

There are multiple way to get top Ranking
WebSpy Technology is leading SEO and internet Marketing company in India - Complete Search Engine Optimization, Link Building, Web Designing, Increase Web Traffic and Top Web Design Company solutions for your online business

commented: huge spam BS level, -3

the best way is in quickly SEO results
Quality contents
comment posting on Do Follow blogs like <link removed> and the best way to comment approve is that your comment must be relevant match with the site title and content.
also article submission will give effective results

Does anyone have any advise on improving rankings for a Flash site. I've dont the obvious like Alt Text Tags to all images describing the image and links to external sites which has helped, but I wondering if there are any Flash specific tricks I can use?

hey I just answered a similar question on a different thread and here is what i said:

"your question is a HUGE one and its not something people can answer in single post but here are the basics:

2 factors:
on page SEO
and off page SEO

On page SEO includes putting your keyword in your title tag, description, meta tags and so on (plenty of good info online on this just look up on page seo)

Off page SEO includes building backlinks to your site, and at first it might seem like building backlinks is impossible but just stick to the follosing and you will be fine:

Blog comments
forum backlinks
social bookmarking
article submission (contextual links)
directory submissions

I have found that article submissions are the most effective

hope this helps "

Really, I do agree with you. What I would like to suggest, The moment you feel all you have done above mentioned, Create a site map of your site using site map generator and submit it to search engine using the Google webmaster tool that help you to get indexed all of your web pages explained in the site map in a very quickest way.

To gain ranking in google or whatever do basic following things for your site.
Blog comments
forum backlinks
social bookmarking
article submission (contextual links)
directory submissions

submit hight page rank

Just follow what Anna Mariya and ps3gamereviews said and you will find out the result as soon as possible.

Does anyone have any advise on improving rankings for a Flash site. I've dont the obvious like Alt Text Tags to all images describing the image and links to external sites which has helped, but I wondering if there are any Flash specific tricks I can use?

Flash, allows there to be text embedded in the file, see "text reader extensions", a disabliility aide, this allows bots to index the flash file
ensure the site html is valid and includes searchable words,
If the site works with flash disabled, bots will be able to index it

There are many factors like age of your website, website content and designing, meta tags, quality backlins etc are considered by Google.

there is no quick way to get top.you have to do all seo strategy on daily basis.

When writing an article for submission to Ezine and other related site, is it important to place keywords in the content or it is enough to put your contextual link to the submission box? Sorry did i confuse you? i'm new to IM.

Getting top rank is not a very easy race! It requires a very much efforts, Patience and continuous and tedious task. I would like to suggest, Start your search engine submission first just after completing your on page and then try to install the Google webmaster tool that help[ you to get indexed very quickly with the search engine. after that start your non stop SEO marathon.

if u are serious then do hard work genuine work not artificial ways to gather links.

Keep patience always for get the best result.


I am new to SEO, just wanted to know what's the best and quickest way to get your site in google top ranking.


You can not get top ranking in quick interval of time it takes some time approx 1-2 months depend on the keyword which you are using to promote your website.

Here are some useful tools of website promotion:

1. Content of website must be effective and unique
2. Make forum posting and include your website signature in your post.
3. Comment on do-follow blogs and share your website url in it.
4. Submit your website in high PR directories.
5. Share your URL in social bookmarking websites
6. Submit Article in Article Submission website like Ezinearticles
7. Exchange your website link with your niche website(Niche website means website similar to your website)
8. Sharing of URL in yahoo answers
9. Share of URL and website ads in Social Networking websites.

To get top rank you will have to do hard work . and do all seo efforts . One thing , Seo is not a one night stand

Are you fed up and frustrated about your current levels of traffic on the major search engines like Google? You're not alone. The thing is it's not easy to get that elusive top spot on Google as it used to be in the past few years. Things have changed and many marketers have given up. But don't despair as there is still hope. Search engine optimization is tricky and it's important to make realistic goals. This is one of the reasons to get discouraged if your goals are too high. For instance, don't target keywords which are too competitive. Instead go after keywords which have lower competition but still give you the opportunity to have a piece of the Google search engine pie. You don't necessarily need huge traffic from a popular search term to get success, even just a few traffic from more targeted keyword phrases are enough to make sales. Quality is sometimes better than quantity.

Getting top rank is not that easy in search engines but it takes time - few days, few months and a whole year too. The thing is one should keep patience and keep consistency in work - SEO tactics : off page and on page.

For a get a good position in Google need to optimize your website with Onpage, equal effort we have to give Off page also. day to day build a link for your website from this way.

Do follow blog commenting
Do follow Social bookmarking
Do follow article posting
Do follow press release

A lot has already been answered but all I can say it isnt an instant overnight thing. I wouldnt expect to see results or some kind of ranking at least for 1-2 months really, and it depends on how easy the competition is to trump. On page SEO isnt what takes time, its the off page SEO.

Building backlinks takes time, writing quality content that can get published and distributed to directories and be approved takes time, finding high PR back links (backlinks from websites that have a high page rank rating by google) takes time. Basically...it takes time and determination. Just stick with it.

Small note on writing articles and providing a backlink from them; the backlinks from article directories are not going to be very strong. By all means do it, I am NOT saying dont do it (I do it myself), its backlinks at the end of the day. But there are quicker ways to get backlinks which will be a similar quality. The point of article directories isnt for backlink building, its for getting your article syndicated and distributed through someone elses website or product etc.... where its policy to include your backlink provided in the resource box at the bottom of the article. So they are spreading your backlink far and wide and getting you more traffic.

Also, if you can get any, .gov or .edu backlinks are like gold dust to internet marketers. Google looks upon them VERY highly, if your site has backlinks for government or educational domains then that can effect your rankings greatly. Id take a .gov backlink to my site over 300 standard low PR backlinks anyday.

Of course you could outsource a lot of backlinking, but you never know what your paying for really, unless your paying real top dollar to a reknown SEO company.

link building,directory submission,article posting,forum posting and many more are the best way to get improve your ranking

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