Hi all members

Anybody can tell me how to get good backlinks and fast indexing?

Go for article submission, one ezinearticle approval is best back-link from article sites, do blog commenting, Forum posting is another good thing for good back-link and social media marketing is good to boost traffic on your site.

You can make a good links by forum posting, blog commenting , directory submission and article marketing

commented: yawn (spammer) yawn -3

Thank you everyone

Which web page has a good PR from that page try to will get backlinks. because Google will give more importance for PR websites.

Fast indexing:

Post your website URL with quality content in top social bookmarking sites then if you will get more votes your website will get indexing very fast.

Guest Posting
Do Follow Blog Commenting ...

Firstly you should need to blog commenting, forum posting and the last thing is social bookmarking these are the some methods and you can get good back links.

It's always good to have Good back-links for the site,
There are lots of technique like article submission, blog Commenting, forum Posting, Directory submission.

Back-link from ezinearticles, DMOZ and High PR sites are always good for Back-links

I think get backlinks from dofollow blog help to increase your site serp results.

Submit your website to niche related high PR directories as well article submission, blog commenting and forum posting also help to get backlinks.

Use web 2.0 sites and keep on blog commenting as well.Also do some guest posting as well .Its a good way to get good back links.

Getting good backlink is not an eazy job. You should work hard for dofollow links and also need some time.

Article submission, directory submission, social bookmarking, forum answering and blog commenting are the some major techniques using to get backlinks.


there are so many options to get backlinks like directory submissions ,article postings, book marking,forum posting etc.but always try to do quality works not so much high quantity. because quality baclinks are the secret of good ranking of a website.


You can get good back links via article submission,blog posting,guest posting,forum posting,blog commenting,do follow social bookmarking submission,manual directory submission in high page rank directories.

If you need good links and fast indexing so you should do article submissions,social bookmarking,directory submissions,forums posting,blog commenting,and blogging

Hi all members

Anybody can tell me how to get good backlinks and fast indexing?


In order to get good backlinks you can go with Article marketing, Social Networking Site Profile, Press Release, Link Exchange, Document Sharing Sites, Guest Blogging, Blog Commenting. All these methods are really helpful in getting good backlinks and helpful in fast indexing too.

Thanks & Regards
(Backlink Help Team)

Hi all members

Anybody can tell me how to get good backlinks and fast indexing?

Follow the below techniques for good Backlinks:

1. Article Submission (High PR Directory with Unique content)
2. Blog Posting (Like: Squidoo, BLogger, WordPress, Blog.com, Hubpages, LiveJournal etc. with Unique content)
3. Directory Submission (High PR Directory)
4. Social Bookmarking
5. Classified Submission
6. Review Posting
7. Forum Posting
8. Blog Commenting
9. Video/Image Sharing
10. Local Business Directory Submission
11. Press Release
12. SMO (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc)

Do off page optimization you can easily creates a lots of backlinks.

Web 2.0 is the best way to get backlinks.

To get good backlinks submit your link in do follow bookmarking sites.

through directory submission

Guest blog commenting as many. I personally suggest high PR social bookmarking site will do it.

For good backlink strategy go for this practise
Social bookmarking
Web 2.0
Press release
Forum participation
Blog commenting
Guest blogging
Article submission
Link exchange
RSS feed submission
Classified Submission
Profile creation (gravator)

.edu & .gov backlinks and also unique content to your site and other article directories.

To get good backlinks On page optimization is necessary. A quality website gains a quality backlink. Place a fresh and quality content on the website, add new features which gains the attention of users. SEO is the best method to achieve it.

Do flow blog helps good backlink.

With the help of social bookmarking and dir submission you can get quality back links

You can get your website indexed faster by doing social bookmarking and forum posting. Back links can be create by doing article submission, directory, press release, blog commenting, social bookmarking and forum posting.

You can make a good links by forum posting, Article submission, directory submission

Tr to get good backlinks with the help of off-page optimization techniques...But don't collect low quality backlinks

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