Hello Friend,

Can anybody help me about SEO? Tell me any software.

please tell me my mistakes and how can i correct them.


We can't tell you your errors when we don't know what you have tried. And, besides that, the growing area of SEO is too complex to cover here. There are plenty of sites around now that explain the basics and how to implement your own SEO strategies. But make sure you know the difference between black hat and white hat techniques and steer clear of the black hat stuff.

The software will only help you to get keywords. you should do your site manual work.. google webmaster tool is better

Only practice makes you perfect. Never bother about the mistakes

seo is very different process.. you can't do seo with any software.. this includes lots of factors in this.

What is the exact problem with your site? Will you share the url of your site,so i will check it out.

try to search and learn SEO techniques on google...

Installed Google analytics this is the best for SEO, you can cheek every thing via Google analytics.

At first you know about seo. You learn it searching in google. Many good tutorial are there. You get only webmaster tool to find out to help keyword. But other work you done manual.

Google Webmaster Tools will be of assistance to your problem.

hi dear for the solution of this problem i suggest that you have to higher an SEO expert for your website,Seo expert can solve your problems in better way.

Read the tutorial at the top of this forum! This will get you started.

There are software but i think use of those is not appreciated by google very much. Google some times gives you negative points if these types of activities are detected by google. So try to make manual SEO.

Hi, If your looking for a software which is used to do SEO for you then its wrong, because software's do automated work and proves you a spammer in the search engines when you proves a spammer then your search ranking fall and output may not come several months. Do manual SEO and take good results.

There are software but i think use of those is not appreciated by google very much. Google some times gives you negative points if these types of activities are detected by google. So try to make manual SEO.

Apparently some HappyGEEK decided I needed to be chastised with warnings and infractions for telling you about the only performance based SEO Software that works. The offending link in question pays YOU 25% for any SEO services you buy - not me. It's not that kind of party because I am not, never have been and never will be an affiliate marketer.

I guess I should have explained that instead of assuming everyone would know. This is who I am: http://www.ez-1.net/like_equal and being in business all my life is why I know what works. According to popular belief, software for SEO doesn't exist, so Google Jerry West and learn SEO from the best.

I was under the distinct impression people come here looking for real help or is all this user-created content just supposed to help drive more traffic here under the guise of "helping" those who join looking for answers? If I can't help people when I come here, then what's the point? Please explain. I mean the REAL point. What is it?


Hey ranarockzz I think you forgot to mention your mistake here until and unless you didn't share you mistake here we will not be able to give the solution.

Don't use software in seo you will be reject or banned by search engines use manual work manual submissions.

Don't use software in seo you will be reject or banned by search engines use manual work manual submissions.

You must be referring to Black or Gray Hat software or firms such as SNIP and SNIP would not exist. Instead of worrying about what search engines want, focus on what your audience wants [audience optimization] and CRO [conversion rate optimization] instead.

When search engines keep sending you traffic that never converts, that says people are not finding whatever your manual SEO submissions have been telling search engines your site has to offer. Without conversions, all the manual SEO in the world won't help.

You need software to test, test, test, and re-test what works for your website, your offers and the traffic you attract whether free or paid.

If your site is not giving the results in that way you are making efforts than pay attention to on site of your site make a use of keywords in tittle tags , heading ,description and try to make your good use of social media to gain traffic for your site

SEO is something which you can learn by mistakes and practices only

I have list of SEO software
Backlink Tracker Pro : this is the Free tool to check your paid / exchanged links.
Backlink Builder : This tool for build backlink"
Keyword Density Checker: this tools use for check keyword density
Reciprocal Link Check: check the reciprocal link
Domain Age Tool: use for check out the age of your competitor's domains.

Use the following tool for improving your seo
Google analytic - traffic source
Google Webmaster - on page
Google Adword - keyword
IBP - seo administrator

manual SEO work is better than software work. you can find millions of SEO tips around the web. although, the most important things are your website layout, keywords, website description and high quality backlinks to your website.

Your questen is not clear ,tell us some condation , then we can say what mistake your doing , what is wrong with your techniques

I think if any developer develop a site aspect of visitor, he/she don't need extra seo.

You should ask more specific.
Questions difficult to answer as above.

there is no any software for getting ranking in google .

Idon't know much about it.

commented: why say anything then? -2

SEO is very intersting process for website promotion. We can't use any software in SEO, you should use tool in SEO.

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