I am Sorry if i am writing in wrong section but i didn't find any suitable section for my question !

My question is Digitalpoint(DP) has :--Members: 126,796, Active Members: 43,704

And here in daniweb :-- Members: 258,748

Then why Dp has ALexa rank of 253 and Daniweb 4675 ?
What is major factor of Dp ?
I Figure that Daniweb should have higher rank than Dp because of simplicity and content rich materials, altough Dp has same thing .

Is this figures only show that Dp has only higher Rank in ALexa ?

What makes Dp more Rank Holder we any one can clear it or have any idea it would be great .

The only 1 reason i found that Dp is specially for webmasters and most of the webmaster use Alexa toolbar that directly affect alexa rank ! is there anything else that makes huge difference between these two Big players !!

:: Regards

And here in daniweb :-- Members: 258,748

On daniweb only 29,659 have posted more than once and under 5,000 have posted more than 10 times.

hmm Thanks for your reply and the reason why ppl on DP post bcoz most of their users go to buy/sell/trade zone and they need to wait for some days from registering / certain number of post to make new thread in that section !! do you think these conditional post increase community quality??

currently there are 737 users viewing that section lol ..


Alexa rank has absolutely zero meaning.

DP has a more active membership because they put more focus on their buying and selling marketplace. Most of their members tend to be in it for the self-promotion.

Also, they're a revenue sharing forum ... members want to post (even if it's not a real quality post) just for the sake of posting, because they can potentially earn Google AdSense revenue when people view threads that they post in.

Thanks for your reply ! so as result i see that Dp is only useful for those who have something to sell or who want to buy something , I have seen there lots of scam cases, ppl there post post and post (really good posters)

:-> Conclusion

: Alexa Rank doesn't matter
: Some regular and good posters can improve site quality.
: therefore some good(regular) posters are better than huge number of only registered users.

Thanks again for you valuable reply and comments .


I dont care about alexa too. Its all about quality Posts , Quality members and advices. Its also upto posters to take care of the forums if they want to earn and live long.


daniweb must be pretty good because its neaerly always #1 in google whereas i have never heard of DP

DP is forum for general people, daniweb is for techies, anoter reason could be DP members are not as unforgiving as DW members.

daniweb isnt really for techies

i hang out mainly in the troubleshooting dead machines/windows xp forum and most people there are just slightly above the average user (in that they know how to seek help)

DP is an SEO forum though ... whole different ballpark.

i agree Dp has more active members in buy and sell section and due to revenue sharing memebrs are more.

Sorry to say but i find rather difficult here finding the right forum cause daniweb is too big.

That is something we're currently working on.

well i think xsimulator answered the question in his question,their alexa's better coz its a webmaster forum, its a known fact that webmasters use alexa..thats why they have a higher rank,and i agree with dani that alexa is not very accurate as well, as it is based on the toolbar users only

Yeap, DP is getting very crowdy lately. I also go there sometime to Buy/sell and for SEO thats it.

DP is an SEO forum though ... whole different ballpark.

On a related note:
one nice feature of DP is that they have a sub-forum specifically for the introduction of new directories. Every day you can visit this forum and there seems to be at least five new directories being introduced by their webmasters. And because the directories are brand new, the webmasters often tell people to submit links for free, to ignore the statements about a payment or reciprocal link being required. (Yes, I know directory submission doesn't do much for SEO anymore, but I like to keep all bases covered if I can.)

Otherwise, I would say there are other forums that are a lot better than DP in terms of level of professionalism (e.g. - SP, webproworld, etc.).

It could be because DP is good for marketing and promotion purposes, while Dainiweb is more for techies...

On a related note:
one nice feature of DP is that they have a sub-forum specifically for the introduction of new directories. Every day you can visit this forum and there seems to be at least five new directories being introduced by their webmasters. And because the directories are brand new, the webmasters often tell people to submit links for free, to ignore the statements about a payment or reciprocal link being required. (Yes, I know directory submission doesn't do much for SEO anymore, but I like to keep all bases covered if I can.)

Otherwise, I would say there are other forums that are a lot better than DP in terms of level of professionalism (e.g. - SP, webproworld, etc.).

We have lots of directories too :)


It is the people who make a forum like DP, I too like that forum where you can solve any problem just asking a question.

like here

I like both of the forums. For those who doesn't know what is DP and couldn't found out them in google. Try Digital Point Forum.

Yes. I belive it is true that DP has major traffic from Webmasters all over the world and they use Alexa Toolbar. So their Alexa ranking is higher. Also Webmasters love DP because they have a busy market place and Trader Reputation System.

But every forum has its own taste. Different community different culture.

DigitalPoint has more traffic (both organic and direct) ... however it seems DaniWeb has more participants and active members.

Actually I believe it's the reverse. :)

Oops ... that's what I meant to say, haha.

Sorry I was in a rush, posted that as I as leaving work.

Also, they're a revenue sharing forum ... members want to post (even if it's not a real quality post) just for the sake of posting, because they can potentially earn Google AdSense revenue when people view threads that they post in.

I don't know about DP, but from a philosophical point of view, is that a bad thing? I can see how some people might post just for the sake of making money, but if moderators do their job, wouldn't that mediate any problems with garbage posts?

A revenue share forum model definitely leads to a lot of crap posts. A really good moderation team should be able to combat it for the most part, but from what I've heard about DP, there's a lot of fluff throughout the site. Besides, moderators might be able to delete spam and garbage posts, but what about all of the 2-second posts that members are going to make just for the sake of posting? They wouldn't actually violate any rules but they wouldn't be quality either.

I don't think a revenue share model would work on DaniWeb because only a small percentage of our users are webmasters, and you need to have a preexisting AdSense account already approved for your own website in order to participate.

I took a look at their site and I agree with you Dani. There is a lot of volume, but not a lot of quality. And as you noted, the concept depends on an audience that already has an AdSense account.

i would be rich if i got paid for each post

A revenue share forum model definitely leads to a lot of crap posts. A really good moderation team should be able to combat it for the most part, but from what I've heard about DP, there's a lot of fluff throughout the site. Besides, moderators might be able to delete spam and garbage posts, but what about all of the 2-second posts that members are going to make just for the sake of posting? They wouldn't actually violate any rules but they wouldn't be quality either.

I don't think a revenue share model would work on DaniWeb because only a small percentage of our users are webmasters, and you need to have a preexisting AdSense account already approved for your own website in order to participate.

Totally, there is a bunch of fluff, it's like walking through a fog over there, trying to find what you want.

However, I get the most benefit from their Buy/Sell/Trade forum, and I like to help out newbies in the SEO/General Marketing section.

PS: Shoutout to BigBlueBall .. I used to visit your site years ago, tweaking my AIM/MSN, haha.

Thanks for the shout out, rixius.

I was intrigued by the revenue sharing concept, but it seems like the problems it creates outweighs the benefits.

i am a user in both forums here and there and for me PR or alexa ranking is not important, for me morei mportant is what i learn and what i and others share overe there and over here

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