I seem to not be able to identify why the styling does not appear at all on my page... Did i reference something incorrectly? It all appears right to me... syntax, quotes, tags all look right. Does anyone have an idea what may be happening? Sorry if my question is unclear, I am frustrated with this website :)

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I will send you guys the links for my site if needed (only through PM)...I want to keep the site as private as possible.

not really. i just saved them to my site using filezilla. i personally find it easier to edit them from any computer this way.

are those pages being loaded properly by the site

check firebug/other tool to make sure your urls are correct

may seem basic but...

commented: i see +10

Okay... this may sound stupid but I just discovered the problem was that my brother played a prank on me by adding an extra folder in the directory (which i didn't notice until i realized that he threw everything in a folder called Nothing_Suspicious).

So, now all the elements should be showing on the page... which means it leads me to my next question. Why is it that my site gets stuck at the introduction i set up? I sent you both the link to the site to help me identify where the problem is. I gave you guys rep points for the previous contribution.

Do you have any recommendations to avoid the 404s? I personally am lost at this point because I now feel like ALL my js files got messed up in their own way.

Also, when i search for the example you gave on a browser, i just see the js code for it (i put in the actual site name in it instead:D) (i am using chrome).

Perhaps an IP block, or folder protection. I can't open the map.

commented: hmmm... possibly a WP issue +0

If you use chrome, you are able to see the js files i am using if you simply go and inspect an element>resources>frames>scripts

Maybe that will help you a bit more to help me when it comes to seeing my js files? Also, there really isn't anything special on the domain itself... would it be because I still have WP installed on it which maybe is causing the issue (it crashed, which is why the main page is all white)?

Perhaps some htaccess redirects that are causing you issues?

commented: possible... it could be possible +0

Hmm, i don't think it is any htaccess. I haven't had any issues with the past but i do assume the issue is caused by either: a) my sloppy coding b) Wordpress's crash on the domain

I removed the one that had a warning on it (according to chrome) and the page still appears the same. Did i remove the right one?

Shouldn't matter, just the fact that two might be in each others way.

Still, I think stripping is the only way to go, considering I never used WP am not sure how that would work in your case.

commented: maybe a removal of wp may work +0

Should i remove it and see what happens?

I would, but am not sure that it's feasible in your case.

commented: Eh, i was gonna remove it at some point +0

Eh... it doesn't matter, as long as I learn something new and make my projects works, i am all for it.

Okay, Wordpress has been removed.

Btw. Upvoting with rep has no effect within a certain timeframe. I appreciate the gesture, but is has no effect other than a regular upvote.

commented: I know +0

Btw. Upvoting with rep has no effect within a certain timeframe. I appreciate the gesture, but is has no effect other than a regular upvote.

I am aware... i just do it so that it gets everyone to participate and share their ideas :) (good idea, don't you say?)

Okay.... i removed wordpress but the page still looks the same :(

Any other ideas that i should try?

if i can add an additional comment, back to using full URLs in your HTML markup.. the real reason why this is a bad idea, at least in my opinion is that it generates a problem say for example, if you were to change the domain name.

This may not be your case, but something to consider if you develop web apps for customers. Say you have a generic web app that serves some business purpose, and you sell it to a variety of customers... you can see in that scenrio, using fully qualified host names would pose a problem when reusing your code.

sorry, just wanted to throw that in there..

commented: That was definitely worth knowing +10

This may not be your case, but something to consider if you develop web apps for customers. Say you have a generic web app that serves some business purpose, and you sell it to a variety of customers... you can see in that scenrio, using fully qualified host names would pose a problem when reusing your code.

That was definitly worth knowing. I will definitly consider it for future projects, espicially professional works. I am not sure if you are interested but are you able to assist with this current situation involving a glitch in my code causing the intro to never load on the page?

Also, i am sending you a link to the page so you can see it for yourself :)

Ok, a quick look and i think the reason why you dont see anything happening on your page is because you have one or more problems related to loading your scripts even though you dont see any errros in the console.

For example... one thing that i see that needs to be fixed is the order that you are loading your scripts. I noticed that you are loading jQueryUI before jQuery itself. Certain scripts are going to depend on other javascript already being loaded before it can do what its supposed to do.

I always recommend that you load the jQuery library first. Then you can figure out the correct order after that.

Other than that, nothing else really stands out..but you do have a boat load of external resources loading.

commented: Oooooh, gotcha +0

I always recommend that you load the jQuery library first. Then you can figure out the correct order after that.

Okay, let me do that. Also, where do you recommend i place the js/jquery libraries within the document? Do you prefer the header or body? Or do the rest not really matter (other than the jquery library itself)?

Other than that, nothing else really stands out..but you do have a boat load of external resources loading.


I generally add the common "core" libraries in the head section of my document. For the most part, they are so common, you dont have to worry about peformance issues because browsers will have them cached.

Then all other libraries (custom and stuff you find online) could be placed right before the body closing tab. This is a generalization, of course.

commented: got it! +0

Okay, i will definitely take that into consideration! In the mean time, i am going to make those changes.

Hey, do you think it would be best to load the jquery UI right after jquery itself in the header? Also, in regards to my code, don't I already have the jquery file before the jquery ui (i hope i didn't misinterpret my own code)?

Try removing the "http" on your links.

I.E. href="\somewebsite.com\css\site.css"

This is a hack that works if one of the sites is using https or http.

commented: Hmmm, never thought of that... +10

@ggamble, hmmmm, i never thought of that... i will give that a go.

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