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Member Avatar for Radroad

General Description please please please help please code in python3 let me know if any extra information is needed You have been chosen to create a version of connect 4. In this version, there can be forbidden positions, or places that neither x nor o can play. However, connecting four …

Programming python
Member Avatar for Radroad
Member Avatar for bradly.spicer

Hey guys, I recently started work on Minepress again, I'm having some problems however. I am trying to make a plugin which detects the ip of a minecraft server and results in printing out if its online or not here is display on my site: http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/4404/beaa1f33dce74c6dbee14e6.png as you can see …

Member Avatar for johnie_1
Member Avatar for Janezz

As one of the most powerful tools in Excel, PivotTable has the ability to calculate, summarize, and analyze data, which allows us to see the comparisons and trends of our data more intuitively. In addition, PivotTable also has the ability to sort and filter data, and it can meet our …

Programming java
Member Avatar for R_4

How can i check if email exists i have this code but it is not working <?php include "Config.php"; function mksafe($data){ $data=trim($data); $data=strip_tags($data); $data=htmlspecialchars($data); $data=addslashes( $data); return $data; } $fname = mksafe($_POST["fname"]); $lname = mksafe($_POST["lname"]); $email = mksafe($_POST["email"]); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `email`=$email"; $result = $conn->query($sql); if($result->num_rows …

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Member Avatar for cqx9

I'm looking for a way to attach listener to a C# variable, so that every time its updated or read, it will execute a function which will go on and process their own variables. I know of the means described below but I'm looking for something that would work like …

Member Avatar for cqx9
Member Avatar for Radroad

I want to make this code so I can pick exactly where to place my pieces. Right now you can only drop the pieces and it drops all the way to the bottom. What if I want it to be in the middle. Kind of like tic tac toe if …

Programming python
Member Avatar for Radroad
Member Avatar for SoftBa

Hi, I have one form with multiple reading data (using BindingSource) and I want to store those data + some text entry to third table (also using BindingSource DataGrid) Is it possoble to do that using sql statement ? I have connection to database. Picture is to show what I …

Member Avatar for SoftBa
Member Avatar for larry29936

I have some inline css that I'd like to add to an existing styles.css file but have no idea what the format needs to be. Here's what the inline css looks like: <style> .container { display: flex; max-width: 1350px; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; padding-top: .3rem; padding-bottom: 1.5rem; } .divL { …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for johncam

Hello Everyone, I have some clients and I manage website hosting for few of them. One of my client (Ecommerce store) went live on Product Hunt on Tuesday and his website crashed. Though I have fixed the issue, but I think I cannot work with shared hosting plan in long …

Member Avatar for johncam
Member Avatar for Nuti

<?php include "database.php";?> <?php session_start();?> <?php // Getting total rows there in table $query="SELECT * FROM questions"; $results=$mysqli->query($query) or die($mysqli->error.__LINE__); $total=$results->num_rows; $row=$results->fetch_assoc(); //Reading the rows next by next and vice versa $offset=$row["question_number"]; // when button next is clicked it will fetch the next row if(isset($_POST["NEXT"])){ $offset++; } // if previous …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for esyah

the error is at the curly brace under void main() line 28 can some one help me...pleasee #include <iomanip> #include <curses.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> using namespace std; //nonvoid function int main() { } float Final_pt(float GP_work,float GP_exam,int Eval) { float Grade_n, Grade; if(Eval==1) Grade_n = …

Programming c++
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for ppel123

Hi everyone, I am working on an app and trying to create a corrector and I am using keyboard module for the correction. I have created a class, which reads pressed events and displays them to screen, and its action are dependent to a variable passed to the constructor. If …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Jorge_19

hello, I need to add items in the 'ide' element, so that it looks like the example below saving in XML (thank you!). The example I need: `<ide> <cUF>43</cUF> <cCT>00000004</cCT> <CFOP>6353</CFOP>... </ide>` In the current situation, Im getting only `<cUF>:` <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <CTe xmlns="http://www.portalfiscal.inf.br/cte"> <infCte versao="3.00" Id="CTe43120178408960000182570010000000041000000047"> <ide><cUF>43</cUF></ide> </infCte> …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for larry29936

I have a download page that needs to run a function when clicking on a link. The function is supposed to enter a row in a mysql database table and download the file. I don't know if I've coded the function incorrectly or I coded the onclick incorrectly. Here's the …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for larry29936

I'm trying to pass a filename to a function but don't know how to call the function from a click on a link. The top of my index.php is: <?php $filename = NULL; session_start(); // start of script every time. // setup a path for all of your canned php …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Prince_31

I want to dynamically fill key and value in an associative array using for loop in PHP $ct = 4; $str = ''; for($cunt=1; $cunt<=$ct; $cunt++) { $valu= '"value'; $cuntc = $cunt.'"'; $rw = '"$row'; $fild= "field"; $cp = $valu.$cuntc."=>".$rw."->".$fild.$cuntc; $str .= $cp . ','; } //trim the , from …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for DrakeDemon

Most of us think of magic links when we hear "passwordless", but I'm trying out a different approach. What if we require our users to SEND an email for authenticating? I've been experimenting with this idea recently and actually got around to building a prototype. This system will work as …

Member Avatar for DrakeDemon
Member Avatar for Tcll

Sorry for the lousy title, "InterProcess Communication" was too long Basically, I'm looking to use the native `_winapi` and `msvcrt` modules to launch an integrated python interpreter and communicate with it over pipes I can't find anything on Google or DDG, and I've been searching for days, but nobody uses …

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Member Avatar for extr3mex
Member Avatar for Max_14
Member Avatar for Crazyscript77

Hi all, I was recently having a look at the pywin32 module and found a multitude of approaches on how to find the color of a pixel given its coordinates, but was wondering if there was a way to find the coordinate of a pixel given its particular color, either …

Member Avatar for spam_1
Member Avatar for Abdullah_13

Hello eveyone, I want to write a MARIE code to perform the following program excerpt: If (x < y + z) { x = x – y; z=z+1; } else y=y-1; Instactions given: - Use “ORG” instruction to start your program at address 200. - The following labels and directives …

Member Avatar for Abdelrhman_2
Member Avatar for Quinncunx

Hi, Is there at all a way to sort (numerically) a multidimensional array? I have an array that is as follows `dim points(23,1) as String` The first dimension of the array has the players names in, the second dimension of it has their cumulative points, so I want to sort …

Member Avatar for randysoft1
Member Avatar for swathi sajja
Member Avatar for Passy

<?php if(!empty($_POST['submit'])){ if(empty($_POST['user_name'])|| empty($_POST['phone_number'])|| empty($_POST['email'])|| empty($_POST['password'])|| empty($_POST['confirm_password'])) { exit("please fill in all the fields. <a href = './register.php'>return</a>"); } if($_POST['password']!==$_POST['confirm_password']) { exit("passwords must match. <a href = './register.php'>return</a>"); } /*$pattern = "^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})$"; if(!pregmatch($pattern,$POST['email'])) { exit("please enter a valid email address. <a href = './register.php'>return</a>"); }*/ $regex = '/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$/'; if (!preg_match($regex, …

Programming php
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for medsibouh

hello guys I'm trying to make a code that return the name of the flight that has the most total number of passengers from a file : Alitalia Rome 180 Alitalia Pisa 82 Germanwings Munich 96 Germanwings Frankfurt 163 NorwegianAir Bergen 202 Wizzair London 184 Wizzair Frankfurt 83 Wizzair Lisbon …

Programming c c++ python
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Hisham_3

Hello everyone, I have some problems with my program , hope you can help me to solve it. 1- I need a method for the** Clear Time** button that remove the counter to be 0. ` private void btclearActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { // TODO add your handling code here: min=0;sec=0; lblsec.remove(lblsec); …

Programming java
Member Avatar for Hisham_3
Member Avatar for ramkrishna.dhakad

onkeypress event in javascript not showing the unicode(hindi/remingtongail) character it is only alerting 'r' on pressing a key. i am using hindi indic input 3 toolbar to type in laptop. my javascript code is function validate(){ var string=event.key; c = string.charCodeAt(1); var xyx=String.fromCharCode(c); alert(xyx); } My html text area code …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Baloch_1

Dear All, How to Save Finger Print (Template/Minutiae) into database, using SecuGen Hamster Pro 20 finger print reader, i have also downloaded SDK, in there sample code there is no any function to save Finger Print (Template/Minutiae) into database using vb.net. Please guide me. the sample code is here Imports …

Programming database vb.net
Member Avatar for KarolP

Hi! I am a begineer in programming. I have started to work on the app using tkinter. I would like to add a contact form (similar to Django) to my app so a user can send me a message with queries. This message would be sent to my email address. …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Hisham_3

Hi, I want someone to explain this code ( method ), and how it works.؟؟ Especially the process of moving the elevator // The elevator class draws the elevator area and simulates elevator movement class Elevator extends JPanel implements ActionListener { // Declaration of variables private Elevator_Simulation app; // Elevator …

Programming java
Member Avatar for Hisham_3

The End.