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Member Avatar for Aina_1

Hi. Im doing a login form with decryption. So i did a modification to my login code for decryption. Before i did the decryption, the login form is functioning well. But after i edit it to insert decryption code it suddenly cannot connect to database. Im still a begginer in …

Programming vb.net
Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for abdallah mohamad

hello everybody who can help with this task Now I will talk little about monoalpahapit cipher This is cipher is based on substitution the characters with another characters So in the encrypt.java file it counts how many the characters appeared in the cipher text , so in the picture that …

Member Avatar for Gloak

I have been trying to get Lat Lng from this code using the same call to Google Geocoding API, but I have not found a way. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated! /*! * geotext v1.0 * * https://github.com/Frizzled/geotext * * Copyright (c) 2014 Vladimir Loscutoff * Released under the …

Programming api javascript seo
Member Avatar for Gloak
Member Avatar for deepak_48

i have define code File selectedFile = new File(selectedFilePath); when run and test is it file or not if (!selectedFile.isFile()){ runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { tvFileName.setText("Source File Doesn't Exist: " + selectedFilePath); } }); return 0; it give message source file does't exist; why give this message, …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for tarifa

hello dear experts here at Daniweb, first of all i am pretty new to this site - to daniweb. I am new to this site. My interests are Programming in PHP, Python and running websites - with WordPress. Well - i am running webadmin - a Apache and MySQL-Server-frontend- for …

Programming mysql mysqli
Member Avatar for tarifa
Member Avatar for sanjay.vaniya

TITLE: Connect to Server ------------------------------ Cannot connect to (LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB. ------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Paturo.po

I aleady created a program counter number(v1) once your click the button it will show in label at Form 1 by using visual basic 2015. ( program counter number (v2): So I did some experiment like I have a button in form1 while in form I add some label where …

Programming vb.net visual-basic
Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for Rushabh Verma

I have a C# project that creates a COM object for use with a POS terminal. Before I give it to the customer, I want to make sure that it will work as a COM dll. The RegAsm says it works. using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace POS { [Guid( "0135bc5c-b248-444c-94b9-b0b4577f5a1a" …

Member Avatar for Harshu_1

# Major Reasons # ## Unclear or vague project requirements ## Defining project specifications is the first step in executing a successful project. In their eagerness to please potential clients and close a deal, companies often overlook details that could derail a project down the line. ## Poor or limited …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for jeffmylife

## Intro ## Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) plots are useful for visualizing a predictive model’s effectiveness. This tutorial explains how to code ROC plots in Python from scratch. ## Data Preparation & Motivation ## We’re going to use the breast cancer dataset from sklearn’s sample datasets. It is an accessible, …

Member Avatar for rproffitt

I like Agile, I really do but a few times it has me walk out on the process as a few think that everyone must "buy in." That's just part of the problems I've run into and kind of glad I'm no longer on such teams. In fact if a …

Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi guys, I was trying to sort an arrayList using a comparator but I didn't have much luck, or at least it seems like there is something slightly wrong with it. I have these objects in the arrayList employeeCollection.add(new Employee("Dan", 112)); employeeCollection.add(new Employee("Tim", 2)); employeeCollection.add(new Employee("Rick", 11)); employeeCollection.add(new Employee("Jack", 19)); …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Swetha_3

Hi, I have a .csv file in an AWS machine i wanted to convert that .csv file to .dat file? Can you please help me? Thansk, Swetha. G

Member Avatar for Nani_2
Member Avatar for Yeru

Currently i can search in a box for a specific thing in my database but i can't search in my drop down menus which i need so it can help "find" it as well so it can narrow down the search. my current code: [CODE] <?php $mysql_link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', …

Member Avatar for Dhanabal007
Member Avatar for misstj555

Hello. As a personal project, I am trying to create a "Java Argot" translator. However I am having some issues. The purpose of the program is to translate a sentece into the following "Secret Languages": "Pig Latin", "Leet" and "Morse Code". I have only done the "Pig Latin" translator however, …

Programming java
Member Avatar for misstj555
Member Avatar for Debbie_6

I have two classes Class1=Manage and Class2=Scan. I want to get the list from manage and check it with a method in Scan. Here is the code. The result that i get is "no" and with debugging i saw that list is empty but i don't know why. Manage.class private …

Member Avatar for Saboor880
Member Avatar for herdhemhola

I am having problem in submitting this form when I select "1" on the number of setting in html form. The submit button is working if I select 2 in the number of sitting from html form as it will show all the form fields but when I select 1, …

Member Avatar for misstj555

Hello. I wanted to download a "Python IDE" called "PyCharm" to type code using the coding language "Python" for class. Here is the problem: When I open up the IDE called "PyCharm", it says that the "Python Interpreter" is not found. I suspected it was because I downloaded the "IDE" …

Member Avatar for misstj555
Member Avatar for steven8579

I have an sql database names SubJobs with a column named Date. The data type is Time(7). I have a datagridview named DataGridView1. I want it to display a time like 04:30 PM. I’ve tried the following command to format the column but it gives me an error saying that …

Member Avatar for Des_2

I am learning database and php I have made a database with a list of my game collection with the following fields, 1. ID 2. game_name 3. game_year 4. platform 5. publisher_name 6. media 7. owned 8. finished 9. completed 10. launcher I made this database in phpMyAdmin and would …

Member Avatar for alan.davies
Member Avatar for Nihan_1

Hi all, I am trying to get the code I have working with PsychoPy3. The code was written using python and psychopy2 and with PyQt4. Now I have PsychoPy3 and PyQt5. Apperantly getting things work with PyQt5 is not really straitforward. Anyway, I have accomplished some. Now, I have an …

Programming python
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Saboor880

Hello to all! Hope you are fine. I am developing an e-commerce android app and integrating Stripe payment gateway in it and using Google Fire base as real time database. I browsed the official website of stripe and took the source code from there. I used my test key from …

Member Avatar for Ellina_1

The insurance business was conservative quite a long time; however, the appropriation of new advances isn't only a cutting edge pattern, but a need to keep up the competition. In our computerized era, Big Data innovations help to process various data, improve work process productivity, and reduce operational expenses. Learn …

Member Avatar for sanjay.vaniya

DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string pattern = @"(</?)(\w+:)"; //[XMLText] is a string variable containing XML downloaded from a WebServices API. StringReader sr = new StringReader(Regex.Replace(XMLText, pattern, "$1")); ds.ReadXml(sr); return ds;

Programming asp.net
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

As I continue my conversion from vbScript to Python I am finding the gotchas. For example... A lot of my utility scripts take a file name or a file pattern as a parameter. My script, bitrate.vbs, for example allows me to invoke it as bitrate file bitrate pattern Technically file …

Member Avatar for MrInternet101

Hello all...New to the group here. Glad to be part of the site as I just found it and am excited about learning! Have a hopefully easy question for anyone who has the time to assist. Yes, it is for homework, so I hope I don't break any rules here. …

Member Avatar for Fram
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The End.