KronicZ -4 Newbie Poster

Hey guys, I came here to ask for some help on making a DoS(Denial of Service) program, Not MS-DOS :p. My problem is I don't know what i would use to make it function. I don't know and can't find the functions I would use to make it. I was thinking I'll make it into a simple WinAPI console application with perhaps command line arguments like - DOSER.exe address) 5557(port) tcp/udp? 8(speed - from 1-10) etc...

Anybody can put me on the right track?

The only thing i could think of is
system(ping -t -l 15000);
but the command line ping is at default port 80 and i'm looking to make one into a real DoSer with the choice of which protocol,how many packets, and what port + That would be a really nooby way to make the program.

I'm thinking there's got to be some Windows Function's which can be used to make this program...

Salem commented: Grow up you silly child -4
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