epson121 0 Newbie Poster

Hello everyone!
I have a question regarding p2p software. I need to build a file sharing system. I am going to build it on .NET platform, in C# language. I was reading for a past few days about the topic and came up with an idea of how to build one. What I'm asking you if you can tell me if I'm on the right track or I'm completely missing the point of it all. Here is the idea:
Basically what I'm trying to do is this:
Build a client application that connects to web service ( web service) and stores it's data (username, files to share, IP adress) to web services database. It can also query the web service to tell him which other users are online, what are their IP adresses and what files they are sharing. Web service would send data to client. After that he can choose a file to download and connect to the user holding that file directly with socket and download it. Also, every user would have the ability to be found and share it's own files.

Coud you point some mistakes regarding this, or maybe show me an easier way of completing my task? Thank you.