mark22 0 Newbie Poster

I have almost given up but thought I would post here in a last attempt. I am pretty new to jquery and I am having an issue. I need to use the same carousel with three different json queries on the same page. I tried putting them in divs with InnerHTML but only the first one shows and only in ie - nothing in mozilla. Really don't want to make three pages. Is this doable and if so how?

Here is the code:

<!--- all --->
function(data) {     
	  $.each(data, function(i,item)  {         
	  var url = 'next.html?' +  $.param({data: {image: item.image}});          
<!--- one --->
function(data) {     
	  $.each(data, function(i,item)  {         
	  var url = 'next.html?' +  $.param({data: {image: item.image}});          
<!--- two --->
function(data) {     
	  $.each(data, function(i,item)  {         
	  var url = 'next.html?' +  $.param({data: {image: item.image}});          

<script language="JavaScript"> 
function changeContent() { 
document.getElementById('stuffDiv').innerHTML="<div id='my-carousel' class='carousel'><ul><div id='stuff'></div></ul></div>"; 
function changeContent1() { 
document.getElementById('stuffDiv').innerHTML="<div id='my-carousel' class='carousel'><ul><div id='stuff1'></div></ul></div>"; 
function changeContent2() { 
document.getElementById('stuffDiv').innerHTML="<div id='my-carousel' class='carousel'><ul><div id='stuff2'></div></ul></div>"; 

<div id="stuffDiv">
<div id="my-carousel" class="carousel">
 			 <ul><div id="stuff"></div>
<input type="button" value="One" onClick="changeContent1()">
<input type="button" value="Two" onClick="changeContent2()">
<input type="button" value="All" onClick="changeContent()">
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