bluerabbit 0 Newbie Poster

for my web application I am needed to reply short code SMS queries over HTTP. how can i integrate the service provider API with jsp and servlets. I am using jboss, Tomcat and MySql.

Developers API are given below : Bulk SMS API Documentation (Single/multiple SMS via HTTP) for website/software integration

Send SMS:

:8080/WebSMS/SMSAPI.jsp?username=username&password =password&sendername=sender id&mobileno=919999999999&message=Hello

Sent Report:

:8080/WebSMS/sentreport.jsp?username=username&password= password&fromdate=DD-MM-YYYY&todate=DD-MM-YYYY

I have looked on many forums but could not get where to begin so even a hint in right direction would be appreciated.
rather a newbie so not very sure what more details I should provide to get an appropriate answer so please suggest something and I will try to elaborate my question as much I can if required.

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