tarifa 15 Newbie Poster

hello dear experts hello dear user,

first of all; many thanks for this great wordpress-plugin. This is just overwhelming.
currently i am planning to set up a site:

well – We would like to create a dropdown menu that selects jobs from different sites on a WordPress-multisite.
Scenario: imagine – when on one site, I can select a site from a dropdown menu and have it populate with that other subsite’s job listings.

So there would be a central db where all the jobs are stored

– i would have three sites:


is this doable – how to create the subsites – how to work on only one Database with the jobs?

Any advice on the best way to accomplish this?

By the way: How to create a WordPress Multisite?

Step 1: Install WordPress. If i am building a Multisite network from-scratch, then i need to install WordPress. …
Step 2: Back up the site. …
Step 3: Deactivate all active plugins. …
Step 4: Update wp-config.php. …
Step 5: Install Multisite in WordPress. …
Step 6: Enable the Network.

love to hear from you

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