45 Topics

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Member Avatar for geoamins2

I am facing the problem when i m attaching the ms sql 2005 database file in win7... MICROSOFT SQL SERVER ERROR 5120

Member Avatar for geoamins2
Member Avatar for briandapice

I need to create a very simple script with php. Just a simple form with an input field for the users name and another for the users email address. They click submit, and the script sends an email to that address, while attaching a PDF file that I specify in …

Member Avatar for qazplm114477
Member Avatar for emiola

Hello, I need my web users to send an uploaded file along with their registration data. The form will be sent via email while at the same time, the uploaded file will be stored in a folder on my server. Take a look at the code please: [CODE] <?php if(isset($_POST['email'])) …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for calebcook

Hi. I’m creating a system for my client where he goes to a page where he types in a letter. The text is saved as a file (preferably PDF) and then sent as an email to a printing service. I’d prefer not to save multiple PDFs on my server, so …

Member Avatar for tiggsy
Member Avatar for pegburke4

Hi, all, Got no idea what causes this: My sister sends a JPG attachment from her Mac (OS 10.6, not sure what else you'd need to know) to someone with Windows who uses AOL. The attachment comes up with an ASPX extension at the Windows end. Huh? Then I try …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for axman1000

I have a task. I will be receiving anywhere between 1 and 4 files daily from one single email id. I would like to extract these attachments, save it to my local drive, and then, extract the data from there into a database. I do not/will not be using Outlook …

Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

I want to add a file which will come database that is file path. I am using the following code to send, Mail is being sent with out attachment. [code] $name = "Abhi"; $email = "abhi10kumar@gmail.com"; $to = "$name <$email>"; $from = "Rahul Kumar"; $subject = "Here is your attachment"; …

Member Avatar for ChicagoOutfit

Hello! I'm looking to create a simple form with PHP that will allow users to attach multiple files. For example, I'd like to offer these five fields: - First Name (text) - Last Name (text) - Word Document (browse) - PDF Document (browse) - Excel Document (browse) I am new …

Member Avatar for Noorul Ariff

Friends... I'm doing INVENTORY project... front-end : vb.net back-end : Access I'm having PURCHASE, SALES tables... Now i wanted to send E-MAIL(with OPTIONS LIKE: ATTACHMENTS, to specific E-MAIL address, to ANY NUMBER OF E-MAIL ADDRESS, CC, BB) when i click BUTTON... i don't know how to do this... please help …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for MysticalNomad

I have the following code that is very simple and gets information from form fields and mails it off. The issue is that when the email is received using Microsoft Outlook 2003 the message is blank and the actual message that is supposed to be there is an attached HTML …

Member Avatar for MysticalNomad
Member Avatar for lewilaloupe

Hi, I'm sure this has been discussed here somewhere, but I can't find exactly what I want... I have a form set up that is sent to different email addresses based on field selections. Sometimes that user will need to attach a file to send too. I have found code …

Member Avatar for lewilaloupe
Member Avatar for JayGeePee

I want to put my own "twang" to certain elements on my website. For instance I'd like to have a image for say the a file attachment, instead of the normal box with browse after it. Can I do this? How can I do this. I'd like to apply images …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for thehap

I've noticed some inconsistencies in the way different Outlook version handle the file creation and modification timestamps for saved attachments. Whenever my coworker (running Outlook 2007 SP2 on Windows XP) saves an attachment, it is timestamped using the moment that the attachment was saved to the file system. However, whenever …

Member Avatar for thehap
Member Avatar for tonejaquim

hi, im using webdav, httpclient api, to send email to exchange 2007 with the following code i send a message successfully: String strTempRelativeURI="https://webmail/exchange/user@email.com/Drafts/"; [code] PutMethod pm = new PutMethod ("https://webmail/exchange/user@email.com/Drafts/test5.eml/"); pm.setRequestBody(body); client.executeMethod(pm); move(strTempRelativeURI + "test5.EML", strSubRelativeURI, null); public static void move(String urlOrigem, String urlDest, HttpConnection conn) throws Exception { MoveMethod …

Member Avatar for virspy

Hello friends I want to send the attachment with mail in my code iam successful in sending the mail but the problem is the attachment iam getting is in unknown format can any one please help me in resolving the issue i already posted this but i not get any …

Member Avatar for DonaldAlexander

The End.