51 Topics

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Member Avatar for sun-tzu

I have been working over the past week on a shopping cart script. What I can't seem to find out is how to make the checkout page. I want it to send the list of products, the total, and the address of the customer to PayPal and then have PayPal …

Member Avatar for nobuts

Hello Guys, I'd like to build a ajax cart which is pass the product id, title and quantity to another div. Saying the user clicked 3 items. And I'd like those item to display on a cart like: ID | Title | Qty ---------------- 1 | Apple | 2 2 …

Member Avatar for Niharika Jain

Hey, I've just started with JSP! Was trying my hand at this Shopping cart app.here's the code..[CODE]<%@page import ="java.sql.*"%> <%! Connection con = null; String query = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; %> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR='ORANGE'> <CENTER> <H2>YOUR CART CONTAINS</H2> <% try{ Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/shopping_mart?"+"user=root&password=root"); …

Member Avatar for bjeffries

If anyone is familiar with wordpress and the plugin shopp I am having an issue and no one on any other forum can seem to help me. I am running the plugin shopplugin which is a shopping cart. I want to the featured product to show up on the index …

Member Avatar for bjeffries
Member Avatar for johnst

Hi everyone, I have a few online stores all based on shopping cart softwares such as Prestoshop, Volusion and Magento. Now I'm realy looking to amped-up and get a shopping cart software that has good marketing tools and recently stumbled upon Izzonet shopping cart that offers integration with somthing like …

Member Avatar for rocco88
Member Avatar for princevaliant

*** I read and reviewed the rules and don't think this violates them, but please feel free to remove this if so. *** I've got this really great idea but no expert knowledge and no experience in how to execute it. I figured I'd come ask the experts. I want …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for thijscream

hey ppl, you helped me out allot of times, so i come back to you once again, i just transfered my website from a local pc(for testing) to a webserver @ my hosting. now some parts arent working correctly. [B]some extra info about the page:[/B] What kind of web page …

Member Avatar for thijscream
Member Avatar for ero100

I want to add SIZING OPTIONS to my website * i have created the database sizes with: size_id, size_list, and prod_id which is the ID OF the products tables as foreign key * i have issued a query to retrieve all the sizes according to the prod_id (product ID). as …

Member Avatar for ProfPickles

Hello I'm creating a simple Pizza website with online ordering capabilities. Since it's a simple site it doesn't require an extensive database which is why I'm using XML to store all my menu items. I'm new to PHP and XML so this site is part of a learning experience So …

Member Avatar for ProfPickles
Member Avatar for ymsweb

Hi all, We are having problems in the shopping cart created. It says "Shopping cart" is empty some pc's but on some pc's it is functioning properly. The shopping cart is working from my side but from client side (on client's pc's) it is some pc's working and some pc's …

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for scarcella

Hey guys i need help itegreating OpenCart into my existing website!!! If you guys can help me please!! Here is the website frontend: [url]http://www.peacockinkcartridges.com/new_site/[/url] But i need to have the opencart to products and stuff to display in the Catalogue page. Thanks, Marais

Member Avatar for andrewliu

I'm trying to create a shopping cart but I need help with arrays. [CODE]if(!isset($_SESSION["cart_array"])||count($_SESSION["cart_array"])<1){ // RUN IF THE CART EMPTY OR NOT SET $_SESSION["cart_array"]=array(1=>array("item_id"=>$pid,"quantity"=>1, "item_size" => $size, "item_color" => $color)); //quantity => $quantity (can be applied) }else{ // RUN IF THE CART HAS AT LEAST ONE ITEM IN IT foreach($_SESSION["cart_array"] …

Member Avatar for andrewliu
Member Avatar for Sahilsahni

hi please if anybody here could help me, i wannna know ho to integrate First data global gateway shopping cart, if anybody have done it before and provide any manual step by step, am a developer, client have bought it, so if there is any sandbox to try it? or …

Member Avatar for zcorvid
Member Avatar for nquinlan

I am looking for an ecommerce solution similar to [URL="http://simplecartjs.com/"]SimpleCart[/URL] in the fact that it is one page and allows PayPal (or Google Checkout ect.) to handle the heavy lifting. However, I need something that can calculate shipping costs and deal with in stock/out of stock items. I would really …

Member Avatar for phillip654
Member Avatar for seemsbeautiful

Hello :D i'm new here .. I'm 15 years old and wanna learn for making online shopping website which including like make user database with mysql and make shopping cart . I already installed XAMPP on my comp . But i don't know how to make login form in my …

Member Avatar for scaiferw
Member Avatar for Allison2009

Hello Everyone, We have a website driven by Zen Cart. There is a serious issue, which we find it extremely difficult to resolve. The issue is - We have a Registration Page. It has so many mandatory fields, like Telephone No. and Date of Birth. But users are able to …

Member Avatar for Allison2009
Member Avatar for ruwanaru

Helloo Im new in Databases. I want to create a simple shopping cart i have a table called product [CODE] CREATE TABLE `products` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `category` varchar(150) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `author` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `details` varchar(10000) NOT NULL, `price` int(11) NOT NULL, `imgpath` …

Member Avatar for Benjip
Member Avatar for pkrdimos

Hi. I am new both in daniweb and as a web programmer (university student) and I'd really like some help, if possible, with a shopping cart I've been developing for a lesson/project of mine. The error I get is: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in C:\Apache_PHP_MySQL\xampp\htdocs\site\basket.php on line 135. …

Member Avatar for pkrdimos
Member Avatar for Rblalock

[B]I need help understand where to place (and how to create) [CODE]function calcPrice() { product = document.form1.prod; pindex = product.selectedIndex; product_price = product.options[pindex].value; quantity = document.form1.qty; qindex = quantity.selectedIndex; quantity_ordered = quantity.options[qindex].value; document.form1.price.value = product_price*quantity_ordered; }[/CODE]. I also need to know where to add the [CODE]onchange = "calcPrice()"[/CODE] event handler. …

Member Avatar for Rblalock
Member Avatar for vishalkhialani

Hi, I am making a eCommerce site for a client of mine and I want to add products on the site. I don't want to pust plain vanila pictures of the products. I was wondering if I can take a plain image and make it into 3d or get a …

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The End.