Re: Convert C++ to VB.Net Programming Software Development by liangting03 cv::Mat ResultImage11 = cv::Mat::zeros(resu_textpic3.size(), CV_8UC1); cv::drawContours(ResultImage11, contoursTarget, -1, Scalar(255, 255, 255), 1, 8, Mat()); //cv::RotatedRect ellipse; int rid1 = 480; int rid2 = 600; //去除干扰 vector<vector<Point>> filteredContours; for (int i = 0; i < contoursTarget.… char to detect space Programming Software Development by gamodg …; My [COLOR="#ff0000"]name[/COLOR] is xyz "; char *q; q=strstr(p,"[COLOR="#ff0000"]name… will increment the ptr q and put it in a char array say str[] but how will i check for space… Re: Char data type in while loop Programming Software Development by Salem > char a_char; Well you asked for only one char, and that's what you got. Consider a char array (or better, a [ICODE]std::string[/ICODE]) if you want to store many chars in the same object. Re: char or varchar Programming Databases by RomelynCastillo … field to hold. The maximum value is 255. For example: CHAR(10) This field can then hold a maximum of ten… your text: "TEXT " "TENLETTERS" VARCHAR- Like CHAR, but the rest of the characters are not padded with… Re: char or varchar Programming Databases by pritaeas Char allocates a fixed length string as defined, whereas varchar uses a string length upto it's defined size. Re: char ** Programming Software Development by Lucaci Andrew …can do a 2x2 matrix out of a `char**`: #include <iostream> using namespace …row 3 #define col 3 char** CreateCharMatrix(){ char ** matrix; matrix=new char*[row]; for (int i=…[i]; } delete [] matrix; } int main(){ char ** matrix; matrix=CreateCharMatrix(); for (int i=0;i… CHAR[] Help? Programming Software Development by turtlez …...(more before) void getInput(int num){ char = one[1]; char = two[1]; char = three[1]; char = four[1]; ...(more after) saying… it is expecting something before the keyword "char" i am using Dev C++(Latest) as… had i as the following at one point: char[5]xxx; ((Example Variable)) Any and all help… char help Programming Software Development by kangarooblood …include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char name; cout << "please type in your … <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char name; cout << "please type in your …hello bitch, if I try to change the char name; to char name[30]; I receive a error message saying… Re: char help Programming Software Development by csurfer [B]@skydiploma :[/B] [QUOTE]Use the function strcmp(char ,char)[/QUOTE]Missing out on several things today ha buddy ??? Its [ICODE]strcmp(char *,char *)[/ICODE] for strings. ;) Re: CHAR[] Help? Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon There are two problems on each of those lines 1) one, two, three, etc are not defined in that function. 2) [b]char[/b] is a data type, but you failed to provide a variable name. For example [icode] char something = 1;[/icode] [edit]What ^^^ said too :) Re: char help Programming Software Development by Sky Diploma You should either use a string from [icode]#include<string>[/icode] Or else Use the function [URL=""]strcmp(char ,char)[/URL] Re: char help Programming Software Development by Sky Diploma Well it seems that "today is not my day" . Maybe its because of my anticipation towards the Wimbledon final. I am a big Roger Federer Fan!! However I just realised that it is [code] strcmp ( const char * , const char *); [/code] Re: CHAR[] Help? Programming Software Development by donaldw … you're trying to do in that code, but "char" is a data type, so you're trying to… Re: char help Programming Software Development by csurfer [B]Three small changes :[/B] [B]1>[/B]Use #include<string> in the beginning [B]2>[/B]Take name as [code=c++]string name;[/code]rather than char name. [B]3>[/B]Use "kevin" rather than 'kevin' in the check. Re: char help Programming Software Development by Sky Diploma … Make name into a C-styled array as in [icode]char name[30][/icode] Then, you should use double quotes ("… Re: char help Programming Software Development by kangarooblood … Make name into a C-styled array as in [icode]char name[30][/icode] Then, you should use double quotes ("… Re: char help Programming Software Development by kangarooblood [QUOTE=csurfer;908691][B]Three small changes :[/B] [B]1>[/B]Use #include<string> in the beginning [B]2>[/B]Take name as [code=c++]string name;[/code]rather than char name. [B]3>[/B]Use "kevin" rather than 'kevin' in the check.[/QUOTE] Thank You, at last it works!!! char Programming Software Development by annitaz …jmp start ; Start program execution 7 00000003 42524F574E20464F58 char: db 'BROWN FOX' ; Please key in exactly…ah,02h 21 0000001D 8A16[0900] mov dl,[char+6] 22 23 jmp_: 24 00000021 7502… Re: char ** Programming Software Development by NathanOliver …. It is just an array of characters. A `char **` is and array of `char*` which is to say it is an group… different things. This is a good page for learning about char arrays this is… char * Programming Software Development by ram619 The output is 2011. Can anyone plz tell me how it is so ????[CODE=c]#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { char c[]="GATE2011"; char *p=c; clrscr(); printf("%s",p+p[3]-p[1]); getch(); }[/CODE] Re: char ** Programming Software Development by learner_new thankx i got this.. but i have one more problem....what is a string exactly?? becoz getline(char **,size_t*,FILE*) it works as getline(cin,data); //where data is a string i.e. string data; however somehow i think string is not exactly char **. char ** Programming Software Development by learner_new > what exactly is char **?? how is it used in getline function? Re: char ** Programming Software Development by WaltP It's a *pointer* that points to a *pointer* that points to a *char* As for how it works, work it out. Draw a map of memory and see how it could possibly be layed out and used. Re: char to detect space Programming Software Development by John A … C or C++? When I saw you using strstr and char arrays, I assumed we were in C. But file.eof… char ** s = new[], char s[i] = new [], for (i < size) delete [] s[i] = Segfault Programming Software Development by saishn …public: aClass(); ~aClass(); bool addPattern(char * type, char * ptrn); private: int numPtrns; char ** ptrnTypes; char ** ptrns; }; aClass::aClass() …(ptrns, numPtrns); } bool aClass::addPattern(char * type, char * ptrn) { char * * typesHolder = 0; char * * ptrnsHolder = 0; if (… Char array Programming Software Development by iluwinter … void readFunction(char,int&); void guessLetter(char&, int&); void checkLetter(char, char, char&, int&); int rightORwrong(char&, char&, char&, int…&); void printSolution(char, int&); int main… Re: Char array Programming Software Development by goldzero …&); void checkLetter(char*, char*, char&, int&); int rightORwrong(char*, char*, char&, int&); void printSolution(char*, int&); int main() { char word[100], solution… char function return Programming Software Development by aastephen char name[30]; char type[20]; char date[10]; char id[10]; Person(char pname[],char ptype[],char pdate[],char pid[]); void addPerson(); void personDelete(); char personFind(char…return the name of the person char Person::personFind(char pid[]) { fstream readFile; … Re: Char doesnt display? Programming Software Development by WaltP … 30: Undefined symbol 'fstream' in function count_file_values(char *) Error E2379 x.cpp 30: Statement missing…39: Undefined symbol 'EXIT_FAILURE' in function count_file_values(char *) Warning W8057 x.cpp 52: Parameter 'input_filename…' is never used in function count_file_values(char *) Error E2451 x.cpp 56: Undefined symbol… char ch3 = '\u00c6' is not recognised, why not? Programming Software Development by NoviceChrilill …namespace lektion2 { class MainClass { public static void Main () { char ch1 = 'A', ch2 = '\u0041', ch3 = '\u00c6',…the numeric value: {1}", char.GetNumericValue('3'), char.GetNumericValue('a')); Console.WriteLine("…