163 Topics

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Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp

hi all, I am creating a basic threaded server and chat client... so far everything is going to plan however i am confused as to how i will make two clients(which ever they maybe) connect and send their data to each other. My idea is in the server app i …

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for skiabox

I am reading the book Head First Java. Reading the chapter 'networking and threads' I tried to run a project in my Eclipse IDE that consists of a chat server and chat clients. The problem is that I am getting no feedback in the clients text area and debugging seems …

Member Avatar for skiabox
Member Avatar for glut

Hey, I have a question on fwrite. I know that fwrite can write things to your server, for instance, but when I put try to write C:\foo.txt, will this actually save it to my server, or to the clients computer? If not, then is there any way that I can …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for secret-code

Hii everybody I was building RPC based server-client application I have a struct called event contains int type long int time I have a function in a server that `return (*event)` event * log_1_svc(event *argp, struct svc_req *rqstp) { static event* result; result = (struct event*)malloc (3 * sizeof (struct …

Member Avatar for adityatandon
Member Avatar for noorf

Hi everyone :) This is one of my first programs using C, so I am facing some issues. our professer asked us to develop a TCP socket (client/server) where the client sends lets say an ID,Name or Major and the server searches into a txt file and returns the line(s) …

Member Avatar for Trentacle
Member Avatar for thatscrap12543

Hi, networking is new to me in vb.net as I normally use third party components to do my networking like Winsock Orcas. However I want to make my own classes for networking. The following is what I have so far. It has problems. 1) Its disorganized...particularly the way I'm multi-threading, …

Member Avatar for Halogen1

Hi: I wasn't able to find the exact solution to my problem on Daniweb, although there are several posts regarding the game of life. This situation came the closest: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/cpp/threads/242338[/url] My situation is a bit different because I HAVE to use a combination of functions and a class in the …

Member Avatar for Halogen1
Member Avatar for efronefron

Server Code [CODE]import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.net.ServerSocket; import java.net.Socket; /** * * @author efron */ public class Server { public static void main(String[] args) { try { ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(Integer.parseInt("49999")); System.out.println(serverSocket.getLocalPort()); while (true) { System.out.println("Waiting for Client...(port = " + 49999 + ")"); Socket acceptSocket = serverSocket.accept(); …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for ricedragon

I am currently writing a Client and server program and I have no idea where when wrong with the write function It calls the function [CODE] writeToclient (int clientFd) { tatic char* win = "you win !"; write (cliendFD , win , strlen(win)+1) ; printf("test"); } [/CODE] it execute the …

Member Avatar for bops

Hello. I have a piece of code currently where I have a JFrame that I have removed the title bar and borders etc from using .setUndecorated(true). I have tried a number of ways with no success to make this window draggable by it's client area. [CODE] JFrame f = new …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for haanjae

hello, i want to show the client's ip and machine name in ListView. Please help, Thank you. i also created code the collection for the listview collection [CODE] class ClientCollection { public string userIpadd { get; set; } public string userPcname { get; set; } public ClientCollection() { } } …

Member Avatar for haanjae
Member Avatar for SpyrosMet

I need to create a simple http client to a web server and my code is the following: [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <errno.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> struct sockaddr_in wserver, cl; struct hostent *rem; int fd, newfd, len, l; int main(int argc, char …

Member Avatar for SpyrosMet
Member Avatar for mbirum

Hello, I have a project in which I have to write a client program for the finger protocol. It's a very, very basic program which covers the basic socket() connect() connectToHost() and read()/write() functions. I am having a small problem which I cannot figure out. My program compiles perfectly, no …

Member Avatar for mbirum
Member Avatar for asmsycool

Hi, i've a problem with my codes, when ever i run it, i got an error from the checking i implemented. Can some pls explain why does the error keep coming. [CODE]import java.net.*; import java.io.*; public class EchoClient{ static final int serverPort = 1026; static final int packetSize = 1024; …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for AndyPants

hello, im working on a file transfer program but a cant figure out how to make the main function work, i have spent hours on Google trying to find a solution... but i cant. Now, as you probably have guessed: the main function is to transfer files over the internet, …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for 650U

I'm currently working on a project where I need to Authenticate the Client using his/her certificate. I have created my own CA, Server and Client certificates and imported them into my browser. Then I wrote a JSP code just to read the certificate. That is the program returns the commonname, …

Member Avatar for sujan.dasmahapa

Dear Friends I have a mfc application which I already converted to a dll. now I want to launch that application from another win32 client application. So how I can achieve this. Any h elp would be highly appreciated. check my code snippet. [CODE]//in App.h header extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void …

Member Avatar for sujan.dasmahapa
Member Avatar for johnscanlon

Hi, trying to make a chat system with multiple servers. Server needs to send message from a client to all the other clients. But need to save the client ports that are connected to the server in order to do this. Not really getting anywhere with this, i'll post ode …

Member Avatar for johnscanlon
Member Avatar for ginG3R

Hey guys I have a question...First am amateur on web design and development. Didn't go to school for it so I kinda just learned it on my own. So I've been working with clients and building websites for people but this is my challenge: after I finish a website job, …

Member Avatar for ginG3R
Member Avatar for darelet

Hi all, I need a setup involving a client or front-end program that sends some tasks to a back-end process for processing and collects results for output. I know this involves socket programming, but one issue here is that the front-end is a windows program and the back-end is a …

Member Avatar for darelet
Member Avatar for haanjae

hi all, i have the server code and client code, but it cannot communicating with each other. i try to run it in 2 pc but happen error. i do not know what is the problem, please help me. server code: [CODE] using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for vin24

Hi guys!.... My colleagues and I were developing a Library system. We want to make use of a client-server but I just want to know what are the basic prerequisite needed in making a system with client-server. Is it time consuming because our professor told us we have 1 month …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for Blasz

Hello, I am using the handle_options function in a client program written in C that is using the MySQL API. Considering there is no actual reference to this function (to my knowledge) except the book 'MySQL' (or something) written by DuBois, I'm asking for help here. So I want to …

Member Avatar for kathoneil27
Member Avatar for shobe089

hello there. i was just wondering.is it possible to get the text display of your div and place it in a variable? if so, how should i do it? i've been searching for a solution in this problem but i can't find anything.thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for llemes4011

Hi all, I'm working on a C++ app that needs to communicate with a server. I was wondering if it would be possible to use Java for the Server, and C++ for the Client. I'm assuming it should work (without the use of JNI) because TCP packets are TCP packets, …

Member Avatar for llemes4011
Member Avatar for pissman

Hello, I was working on my Server - Client comunicating programm for moonth or more, when a tricky issue had met me. I works so: Server does certain commands if client types certain commnads, and I need need the Client to do certain commands if Server types certain commands. I …

Member Avatar for pissman
Member Avatar for syeda amna

hi is there any difference between servlet and HTTP server. I want to develop client server model (two tier) please help. how to do it?

Member Avatar for syeda amna
Member Avatar for ajst

Hi DaniWeb, I'm currently writing a client server program. I have my client and server sending data and everything fine. But I'm trying to get my client to reconnect. E.g if I get the server to kill the clients connection how can I get the client to realise it is …

Member Avatar for maninaction
Member Avatar for maii_18

Hello, I want to know how can I call VB.NET (Server Side) function to Javascript (Client Side). I want to insert function here in my Javascript code; [CODE]function ConfirmSave() { var Ok = confirm('Proceed to Save?'); if(Ok==true) return true; else if(Ok!=true) return false; }[/CODE]I want to exefcute the Save() function …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for McLaren

Hi, so do I need much hacking or not if I want to make a feature where client after ordering could edit his order in virtuemart? I tried little bit google searching, but did not find tutorials or something.


The End.