CORBA with Ruby/Rails Programming Web Development by BrackishWater … over to Ruby/Rails. I need a solution for the CORBA calls. I see that Ruby has its own distributed API… there are a few 3rd party CORBA tools, but nothing seems viable for actually doing CORBA in Ruby. What are you guys… Re: CORBA with Ruby/Rails Programming Web Development by LastMitch … using **Ruby on Rails** to using **CORBA**? If someone don't know what is **CORBA** or how it function can read this… mean is to create a Ruby api then adapt to **CORBA**:… Re: Corba project in c++ Programming Software Development by BobS0327 [Here]( is a list of Corba products. ALL corba products MUST have a IDL compiler. Thus, you can try the compiler from each of these products. Corba project in c++ Programming Software Development by hannahaddad Hi, i was working on corba project using java, now i want to do it on c++. but i don't know how to compile the idl file in c++. I'm using dev-c++ for c++. So what software should i have do compile the idl file? Re: Corba project in c++ Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon Study [this tutorial]( Re: Corba project in c++ Programming Software Development by hannahaddad I know this tutorial, and I know how to create corba project but my problem is how to compile the idl file. what software should I have to use to compile the idl file. This tutorial use something called Orbacus to compile the idl file. but I don't know how to get this Orbacus thing :p Re: Corba project in c++ Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon Didn't you google for it? ([link]( c++ server (corba communication) Programming Software Development by vishy_85 …quot; << endl; CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init( argc, argv ); CORBA::Object_var obj = orb->resolve_initial_references… PortableServer::ObjectId_var oid2 = poa->activate_object( MessageServer_servant ); CORBA::Object_var MessageServer_obj = poa->id_to_reference( );… throwing corba exception in c++ Programming Software Development by vishy_85 …schedule_Mgmt::planData & newPlanData1) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException , schedule_Mgmt::alreadyExists , schedule_Mgmt::unknownErr …repeatdelay_bool = (CORBA::Boolean) newPlanData1.repeatDelay; notonweekend_bool = (CORBA::Boolean) newPlanData1.notOnWeekend; validity_bool = (CORBA::Boolean) newPlanData1… minor codes in TAO (CORBA) Programming Software Development by ahtaniv …Exception thrown by TAO: EventIterator::destroy()-org.omg.CORBA.TRANSIENT: cannot establish binding vmcid: 0x49540000 minor … Code + 0x2U Error Code) 0x06U means CORBA::COMM_FAILURE exception //According to TAO Developer's guide…guide Another exception thrown by TAO: org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: vmcid: 0x49540000 minor code: 512 512… RMI CORBA hmm..which one , how ? Programming Software Development by reezal I just started both RMI and CORBA programming, yup normal basic Hello World from available tutorial at … Re: RMI CORBA hmm..which one , how ? Programming Software Development by jwenting learn to do things outside your IDE. RMI works just fine if you program it correctly, so should CORBA (if you have all the correct services running etc. etc.). Re: Corba project in c++ Programming Software Development by hannahaddad The first thing i usually do before go to communities is to google it :p , and the link you give is already mentionned in the tutorial you told me about. I visited the link and i didn't find a download link for the compiler. Re: Corba project in c++ Programming Software Development by hannahaddad i tried to compile the idl file in visual studio 2010, but it doesn't create all the stubs that i need Re: Corba project in c++ Programming Software Development by BobS0327 Have you tried using the Microsoft IDL compiler (MIDL.EXE) from the command line? Re: Corba project in c++ Programming Software Development by hannahaddad yes I did but it doesn't generate the stubs and the skeleton that should generate Re: Corba project in c++ Programming Software Development by BobS0327 > yes I did but it doesn't generate the stubs and the skeleton that should generate Unfortunately, you do not provide any detailed info about your issue in order for us to zero in on the source of the problem. My guess is that your IDL file is not written correctly. I really don't think it's an IDL compiler issue. Re: Corba project in c++ Programming Software Development by hannahaddad Hello, I have a idl file, and i want to compile it. So my problem is that i'm searching for a compiler. (I'm using the Dev-C++ for rogramming). I searched the internet but i found nothing. i don't need tutorials, all i want is a compiler. Regards. Re: Corba project in c++ Programming Software Development by hannahaddad The link you provided seems very useful. i will check it and see what compiler is more appropriate. Thank you BobS0327. Re: Corba project in c++ Programming Software Development by Hector73 Could you find the tool? I have the same problem. I find omniORB, but to use it with DevC++ I need to re-compile, and to do this I need Visual Studio. Re: Can't set up IP host by eclipse in project corba Programming Software Development by lanhlung696 …obj); // Create policies for our persistent POA org.omg.CORBA.Policy[] policies = { // poaRoot.create_lifespan_policy(LifespanPolicyValue.PERSISTENT),…---- Uncomment below to enable Naming Service access. ---- // org.omg.CORBA.Object ncobj = // orb.resolve_initial_references("NameService"); // NamingContextExt nc… Re: c++ and corba communication Programming Software Development by vishy_85 … the function is of planList type (sequence defined in the corba idl) i need to return the array in "planList… Re: RMI CORBA hmm..which one , how ? Programming Software Development by reezal thanks. ya, maybe i should try harder. Re: RMI CORBA hmm..which one , how ? Programming Software Development by jwenting if you have an RMI server running and registered with the RMI registry the client should be able to find it unless there's a firewall blocking it (which should never happen when both are on the same machine). Problem in running a simple session bean in JOnAS Programming Software Development by parthiban …createConnection( at…( at… Can't pass custom object, ejb remote interface and JPA, Netbeans Programming Software Development by suncica2222 …( at…( at… Cannot able to Start J2ee server Programming Software Development by prem2 …internal.POA.POAImpl.activate_object( at at …<init>(… Passing Java System Properties(-D) during SOAP Service Invocation Programming Web Development by pamararaj …(registered as uri:StartServer). But my method calls some CORBA functionalities insite the method. SO I need to pass some…java command: [B][I]java -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBClass=IE.Iona.OrbixWeb.CORBA.ORB StartServer[/I][/B] How do I …pass the system property 'org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass=IE.Iona.OrbixWeb.CORBA.ORB' during the method invocation from my … J2EE Architecture in Brief Programming Web Development by sayedjustetc … not for users o JNDI: Naming and directory services. o CORBA: Objects to communicate regardless of their implementation language or the… system o Java IDL API enables J2EE applications to utilize CORBA functionality * Other support technologies o JDBC, Java Transaction API, Java… ORBTCPReadTimeouts property Programming Software Development by amt_muk … 15, 2013 11:48:51 AM onImpl readFully WARNING: "… code: 215 completed: No at After some googling… a property, System.setProperty("com.sun.CORBA.transport.ORBTCPReadTimeouts", "100:60000:0…