Index.cshtml not found - .NET Core 2.2 Web App Deployed on Azure Programming Software Development by Rushabh Verma … IActionResult Index() { return View("~/src/Views/Home/Index.cshtml"); } } public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env… }); } I expect it to render the Index.cshtml instead it give me this: InvalidOperationException: The view … MVC : How to show my menu in muy _Layout.cshtml Programming Web Development by grafic.web … and inside my views folder i create a page Menu.cshtml with the list of my menus and submenus, now, i… would love to show this page in my _Layout.cshtml, this is the code : @model IEnumerable<Menu3.Models.Menu… Re: strongly typed views problem Programming Web Development by Violet_82 …\documents\visual studio 2012\mvc3_w3cschool_example\modelsTests\modelsTests\Views\Home\About.cshtml" "{ff1816ec-aa5e-4d10-87f7-6f4963833460}" "…\documents\visual studio 2012\mvc3_w3cschool_example\modelsTests\modelsTests\Views\Home\About.cshtml" Line 147: Write(company.Description); Line 148: Line … Multiple routing help. Programming Web Development by CriticalError … RouteTable.Routes.MapWebPageRoute("Tutorials/CSharp/{rcPageName}", "~/Default.cshtml", new { rcPageName = "C-SharpTutorial" });… RouteTable.Routes.MapWebPageRoute("Tutorials/HTML/{rcPageName}", "~/Default.cshtml", new { rcPageName = "HTMLTutorial" }); RouteTable… Delete db record using Razor syntax Programming Web Development by UFO Disko …the code of the page DeleteMovie.cshtml [CODE]@{ Layout = "~/_SiteLayout.cshtml"; var id = Request["… db.Execute(SQLDELETE, id); Response.Redirect("Default.cshtml"); } } <h1>Delete Movie<…, id); Line 13: Response.Redirect("Default.cshtml"); Line 14: } Source File: c:\Users… Update Record Error: Invalid column id Programming Web Development by UFO Disko …(SQLUPDATE, Title, Body, Date, User, id); Response.Redirect("ViewArticles.cshtml"); } else { <fieldset> <dl> <dt… Routing Help - Get parameter from database Programming Web Development by CriticalError … code now: RouteTable.Routes.MapWebPageRoute("{rcPageName}", "~/Default.cshtml", new {rcPageName = "default" }); RouteTable.Routes.MapWebPageRoute…/{cat}/{rcPageName}", "~/Default.cshtml", new{cat = ""}); In the Default.cshtml I have this code: //check … Re: Microsoft WebMatrix with Razor Programming Web Development by masterjiraya …a new forum list under web development called RAZOR/CSHTML/C# HTML I'm not after the cons …classes and functions of the CS file to your CSHTML... I think it could be possible too in … if VB files can be include to call in CSHTML. If it is, then how long will it…4.0 is where the time also that CSHTML web prog Language is also in development launching. Razor Webpages Response.Redirect Programming Web Development by CriticalError … to work. This is my code: Response.Redirect("~/sitedown.cshtml"); I have put @using System.Web.WebPages() at the…? I am also tried this: WebPageRenderingBase.Response.Redirect("~/sitedown.cshtml"); The got this error: CS0120: An object reference is… how to perform SEARCH by comparing dates in (Webmatrix) Programming Web Development by deeps2_daniweb … just want to enter dd/mm .Please help. //emp.cshtml @{ Layout = "~/_layout.cshtml"; Page.Title = "NIC Employee DBMS"… Initializing DropDown list from a table Programming Web Development by gaasha …(new Software()); } But still the stmt `@Html.DropDownListFor()` inside `Create.cshtml` isn't working. What could possibly be the arguments for…'t even compile.... -The model being used in my `Create.cshtml` file is `@model SoftwarePortal.Models.Software` strongly typed views problem Programming Web Development by Violet_82 …;, }; return View("About", company); } Now, in the About.cshtml I want to display the values of those properties using… and Description directly. So at the top of the About.cshtml page I need to include, presumably, `@model CompanyInfo` but visual… why I cant access my logout page? Programming Web Development by JerrimePatient …;Logout", "Account")</li> My Logout.cshtml codes. @{ ViewBag.Title = "Log Out"; Session.Clear(); FormsAuthentication….SignOut(); Response.Redirect("~/../Home/Index.cshtml"); } Why I can't access my logout form? Re: Angular Js recieve Url Parameters Programming Software Development by MagnusTheRed90 … at least two files/views under the Units folder -index.cshtml -AddWeapon.cshtml Microsoft WebMatrix with Razor Programming Web Development by jeffcogswell … works out very nicely. Razor pages by default have a .cshtml filename extension so that the runtime can distinguish them from… Can I suggest here to add new Item list in we development section? Community Center Meta DaniWeb by masterjiraya … under web development about the new web programming language called CSHTML (C# HTML or what is called easily to remember as… Reducing the number of lookups in jQuery mvc Programming Software Development by 3825 Here is a snippet from my _layout.cshtml file from one of the projects I am involved with... [… How can I achieve this without tables? Digital Media UI / UX Design by 3825 … application. I have something like the following in my _Layout.cshtml I would love it if I could get rid of… Problem with tutorial : Creating a Multilingual Website with ASP.NET MVC 4 Programming Web Development by grafic.web … source: c:\FRANCESCO\Project\Collectionhair\Collectionhair\Collectionhair\Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml Ligne: 7 Afficher les résultats détaillés de… Big problem with my app, the menu goes in conflict with the rest of the app Programming Web Development by grafic.web … generate the menubar of my site) called in my _Layout.cshtml THIS IS WORKING FINE What is not working are all… Using ASP.NET MVC without creating controllers for each view Programming Web Development by Brent_1 …"].ToString(); var path = string.Format("~/Views/{0}/{1}.cshtml", controller, action); return View(path); } } ## NuGet ## A NuGet package… IIS 404 error Programming Web Development by Mike Askew … directory structure in IIS is actually Reports/Views/ReportName/index.cshtml. I have added a new report with the exact same… Calculate Quotation Programming Software Development by Darsh95 … @{ ViewBag.Title = "Quotation"; Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_CustomerLayout.cshtml"; } <h2>Quotation</h2> @using (Html… Sorting by table header in MVC Programming Databases by NightOwl93 … approaches) The current code I have is: For my Index.cshtml <div style="height: 200px; overflow: auto;">… AngularJS Example: Programming Web Development by mani_12 … @{ ViewBag.Title = "Index"; Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"; } <div> <div ng-controller="myCntrl… how can i get the cookie who created by server side (C#) using javascript Programming Web Development by T3STO hi brothers , i work on a ASP.NET MVC Project, please i try to get a cookie who created already using server side C# , and in a pure HTML page not .CSHTML i talk now about .HTML page , in this page i want to using javascript to read the value of the cookie that i created using C# . i wish if anyone can help me and thanks so much in advance. Angular Js recieve Url Parameters Programming Software Development by MagnusTheRed90 ….config(function ($routeProvider) { $routeProvider.when('/AddWeapon/:unitId', { templateUrl: 'AddWeapon/index.cshtml', controller: 'AddWeaponController' }) }); //declare the controller app.controller("AddWeaponController"… Why is my ASP route returning no data Programming Web Development by TimTheCoder … a folder called **Shared** that contains files such as **index.cshtml**. When I launch the project, a web browser opens up… Why my form does not pass parameters to my controller? Programming Web Development by TimTheCoder …=>c.NoPassengers<=3).ToList(); } } } below is my index.cshtml form with the values I need passed to the controller… Re: Website via Microsoft Web Developer Programming Web Development by mani-hellboy … with script in .net you able develop in .aspx or cshtml or vbhtml only you can do