Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Reverend Jim Based on the proliferation of AI generated content, and the age-old rule of garbage in, garbage out, what will be the result of AI models being trained on ever increasing amounts of content generated by other AI platforms? Will we get into a negative feedback loop where the output will become so polluted with bad input that it will be effectively … Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by jwenting Even worse: the junk being deliberately fed to AIs is already at the stage where the results are useless BUT those results are blindly believed by many people BECAUSE they're generated by AI and therefore supposedly automatically correct! Think Google's disastrous launch of their image generator which would under no condition generate Caucasian … ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Johannes C. … discovery of negative energy and the manufacture of a [Tipler cylinder](, for instance. The implications… Cylinder surface, area, height etc etc Programming Software Development by Hjcooke … System.out.print("Please enter radius of cylinder: "); radius = MyInput.readDouble(); System.…out.print("Please enter length of cylinder: "); length = MyInput.readDouble(); System.out.print… Re: Cylinder surface, area, height etc etc Programming Software Development by Hjcooke As well as calculating the volume of the cylinder which is already in this sample of code, i have to calculate the surface area, set the height, set the radius of the base, and set the center of the base. Help: C++ Cylinder class Programming Software Development by CanaznFTW … double PI = 3.14159; // Constructors Cylinder::Cylinder() { radius = 0; height = 0; } Cylinder::Cylinder(double r, double h) { radius =… ***Header*** [CODE] using namespace std; class Cylinder { public: // Constructors Cylinder(); Cylinder(double r, double h); // Accessors double getRadius… Re: Help: C++ Cylinder class Programming Software Development by Caligulaminus I think you should recheck your area() function. You are definitely not calculating the cylinder's surface area that way. Re: Help: C++ Cylinder class Programming Software Development by CanaznFTW Ah I do see the issue. I was too worried in trying to compile the program that I kind of just did that. Thank you for pointing that out. Should look something more like this: [CODE] Cylinder:area() { return 2 * PI * radius * radius + 2 * PI * radius * height; } [/CODE] output got problem ..derived class cylinder ...Please hlp fix a bit problem Programming Software Development by jimmy.teohmingsiong … >> r; circle.setRadius(r); circle.print(); cylinderType cylinder; double h; cout << "Enter the height …of the cylinder: "; cin >> h; cylinder.setHeight(h); cylinder.print(); system("pause"); return… Re: output got problem ..derived class cylinder ...Please hlp fix a bit problem Programming Software Development by NathanOliver you need to modify your cylinder class to take in the radius and than pass that to the circle class that makes up the cylinder class. Cylinder::Cylinder(int h, int r) : Circle(r) { height = h; } Re: output got problem ..derived class cylinder ...Please hlp fix a bit problem Programming Software Development by np complete …()` are of circle class, and you are using them in cylinder class, you might want to write separate functions for both… see, you will realize that when `getRadius()` is called in Cylinder class, it has value 0. And never use `system("… Re: output got problem ..derived class cylinder ...Please hlp fix a bit problem Programming Software Development by jimmy.teohmingsiong oo so i still need to create a getRadius() on class cylinder ?? Re: output got problem ..derived class cylinder ...Please hlp fix a bit problem Programming Software Development by np complete You can code setHeight() such that it takes the height and radius, from the circle part. `cylinder.setHeight(h, r)`. Intersection with cylinder endcaps Programming Software Development by Valaraukar … failing me :( Anyway....I have a cylinder object in 3D space and inside of the cylinder I have line objects originating at…,0,0) (which is also the centre point of the cylinder). I would like to find the exact point of intersection… a line crosses either of the end-caps of the cylinder but I'm not sure how to do this.... I… C++ Cylinder Code Programming by SylveeAshley …writing a program that calculates the volume of a cylinder when you input the diameter and height, using the…diameter,height,volume; cout<<"Enter Diameter of Cylinder : "; cin>>diameter; cout<<…;"Enter Height of Cylinder :"; cin>>height; volume=1/4*… Re: C++ Cylinder Code Programming by rproffitt …height,volume; cout<<"Enter Diameter of Cylinder : "; cin>>diameter; cout&…lt;<"Enter Height of Cylinder :"; cin>>height; volume=1…diameter); cout<<"Volume of Cylinder is : " <<volume; return 0; } Re: C++ Cylinder Code Programming by Husoski …,height,volume; cout << "Enter Diameter of Cylinder : "; cin >> diameter; cout <…;< "Enter Height of Cylinder :"; cin >> height; volume = PI / …<< "Volume of Cylinder is : " <<volume; return 0; } Re: PHP functions needs for my cylinder? Programming Web Development by diafol … public abstract function getArea(); public abstract function getVolume(); } class Cylinder extends Shape { public $areaFunction = '2&pi;rh'; …rad = 5; $ht = 6; $sphereRad = 13.55; $c = new Cylinder($rad,$ht); $s = new Sphere($sphereRad); echo "Area of… calculate the volume and area of cylinder Programming Software Development by shahzrinsaid …() and CylinderArea(). Both functions should receive diameter and height of cylinder as parameters. Each function should return the volume and area… respectively to main program. Given formula: Cylinder volume, v=πr2h Cylinder area, a=2π2r+2πrh where π is… area and volume occupied by a cylinder Programming Software Development by supermastereu …;\n ===========Calculate the total area and volume occupied by a cylinder============\n"); printf("\n the base radius.......: "); scanf…("%f", &r); printf("\n Cylinder height.: "); scanf("%f", &h); At = ((2… Re: area and volume occupied by a cylinder Programming Software Development by David W …;\n========Total surface area and " "volume of a cylinder========\n"); radius = takeInFltMin( "\nThe base radius.......: ", 0… = %.2e and height = %.2e ...\n", r, h ); printf( "Cylinder surface area = %.2e\n", surfaceArea ); printf( "… Re: Intersection with cylinder endcaps Programming Software Development by ravenous I'm assuming that the cylinder is oriented with its axis along the z-axis of … PHP functions needs for my cylinder? Programming Web Development by tony75 … PHP functions for calculating the area and volume of a cylinder? I will be thankfull for your answer. <form action…; </form> <?php //calculates the volume of a cylinder //Volym = π r2 h function volumeCylinder($r,$h) { $pi = 3.141592653589… Re: calculate the volume and area of cylinder Programming Software Development by <M/> … http://www… Pneumatic Cylinder? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mmcdonald … issue is, I don't think it's a pneumatic cylinder that I'm looking for as their bore is quite… of the component I'm looking for? The description: a cylinder shaped device that extends in a single direction that can… Re: PHP functions needs for my cylinder? Programming Web Development by tony75 Thanks diafol It’s working very fine now. Can you give me some tip how can I solve cylinder Area? Is it right? area = 2 π r h -> area= 2 * pi * r2 + 2 + pi * radius * height ? should I have also two parameter i function areaCylinder($r,$h) ? Cuboid and Cylinder Programming Software Development by chound This programme can find the dimensions of cuboid and cylinder. In cuboids it can find missing dimensions also. Eg. if length is missing and volume is given it will find the length. What SSD should I get for replacement of old cylinder HDD (sata 2)? Hardware and Software Hardware by headcracker What SSD should I get for replacement of old cylinder HDD (sata 2) for Intel Centrino laptop in terms of … Re: Cylinder surface, area, height etc etc Programming Software Development by server_crash what exactly are you needing help with? Re: Cylinder surface, area, height etc etc Programming Software Development by server_crash When you say that you want to set the radius and stuff, do you mean that you want user input?