Programming Software Development by piers … skeleton class [CODE] /** * This class represents a deck of 52 playing cards. * * @author Ian Bradley … the order SPADES, DIAMONDS, CLUBS,HEARTS */ public Deck() { String [] suits = {"SPADES",&…. here is my code. [CODE] class Deck { Deck card[] = new Deck [52]; card[0] ="SPADES Ace&… Deck of cards include some poker rules Programming Software Development by algerino83 …printdeck(); void sorthand(); void printhand(); void printHandType(); void PokerGame(); }; Deck::Deck() { current = 0; for (int i = 0; i &…getsuit() <<"\n"; } } Deck::~Deck() {} void Deck::sorthand()///sort the hand or the five cards hand!! … Deck of Cards, shuffle, randomize, not reproducing same card in a hand Programming Software Development by scottd82 …> #include <string.h> struct deck{ int pips; char suit; }deck[52]; main() { int i; int j; …printf("Your card is %d of ", deck[j].pips); switch(deck[j].suit) { case 'C': printf("Clubs\… Re: Programming Software Development by Ezzaral …. You have declared card[] as an array of Deck, when the assignment declares deck[] an array of Card. It also indicates that… create a new Card object for each card in the deck. Your current code is trying to assign a string to… should be assigning a Card object (once you declare the deck array properly). Re: Deck of Cards, shuffle, randomize, not reproducing same card in a hand Programming Software Development by Moschops … to mind. What you call a deck struct above clearly is not actually modelling a deck, but a single card. Your array… of 52 decks (that you have named deck) IS a deck of cards, except that you have called the cards… "decks", so you've got a deck of decks. Anyway, decide on your container, be it a… Re: Deck of Cards, shuffle, randomize, not reproducing same card in a hand Programming Software Development by scottd82 … to mind. What you call a deck struct above clearly is not actually modelling a deck, but a single card. Your array… of 52 decks (that you have named deck) IS a deck of cards, except that you have called the cards… "decks", so you've got a deck of decks. Anyway, decide on your container, be it a… Re: Deck of Cards, shuffle, randomize, not reproducing same card in a hand Programming Software Development by WaltP Food for thought: How many cards in a deck? How many cards in a suit? How many cards of … and coming up with a new representation of your [I]deck[/I]. Next: Once you deal a card, as [B]Moschops…[/B] suggests, you need to remove the card from the deck or mark it as used. Deck of Cards Programming Software Development by ajst …; } [/CODE] This is working fine. but when i add my deck class I suddely get an error [CODE] #include "Card….h" using namespace std; class Deck { public: Deck(); Card cardAt(int pos); Card *deck[52]; } #include "Deck.h" #include "Card… Deck and Cards Classes Programming Software Development by iweir …; typedef Card* CardPtr; class Deck{ public: Deck(); ~Deck(); void reset(); void shuffle(); …pile[52]; }; #endif and my Deck constructor Deck::Deck() { int sCount=1; int … Re: Deck of Cards, shuffle, randomize, not reproducing same card in a hand Programming Software Development by Moschops … the mark. It will be easier to simply create a deck of cards and shuffle it, and then draw them one… Re: Deck of Cards Programming Software Development by snippsat …# This is what we need to make a hole deck >>> # Now we loop trough … and append the result. >>> deck = [] # Empty deck >>> for n in numbers: for… let us print 10 card >>> pprint(deck[:10]) ['1 of diamonds', '1 of clubs', '1… Now you can to shuffle the deck,use random module. Deck is a list now,so to … Re: Deck of Cards Programming Software Development by Fbody Notice anything missing??? [CODE]class Deck { public: Deck(); Card cardAt(int pos); Card *deck[52]; } //<---????[/CODE] Deck of cards Programming Software Development by Suzie999 …to create a class for a deck of cards, and my first question is… set; } public Card() { } } class Deck : Card { private ushort deck_count { get; set; } public Deck() { deck_count = 52; } } } Of … Re: Deck of cards Programming Software Development by deceptikon > my first question is whether a deck of cards should have a base class of card It doesn't make sense to me, personally. A deck of cards is not a card, it's a collection of cards, so composition is the better choice over inheritance: public class Deck { public List<Card> Cards { get; set; } ... } Re: Deck of Cards Programming Software Development by vegaseat …]suit_str = "CDHS" rank_str = "23456789TJQKA" deck = [rank+suit for suit in suit_str for rank in rank_str…] print(deck) """my output (made pretty) --> …do it this way import random random.shuffle(deck) # pick five cards hand = deck[:5] # show the hand print(hand)… Re: Deck of cards Programming Software Development by Suzie999 That makes sense. I was beginning to wonder as I was Thinking about how to constuct the Deck class. Thank you for your time. Re: Deck of cards Programming Software Development by Suzie999 …" + ((char)psuit).ToString(); default: return "Xx"; } } } class Deck { // TODO } } Deck of Cards Programming Software Development by Garee … of code im trying to write. I have created a deck of cards and then shuffled them however now I am… trying to covert my deck (which is simply a list containing the numbers between 1… Deck of cards game Programming by redtribal23 I am trying to do a deck of cards in linear form so that I would be … 2 of clubs would be the first card in the deck, Jack of Clubs would be no. 10, followed by the… Re: Deck of Cards Programming Software Development by Garee What I am able to do so far is change the suit to each card correctly for example "1S", "52C". However the bit im having trouble with is changing the number in front. I am trying to do this using loops and if statements going through each index of the shuffled deck of cards. Re: Deck of cards game Programming by David W A first approach might be to use a struct to order all the cards in the deck struct Card { int value; char suit; int place; // 0..51 // } ; Then could use the 'place value' to compare cards ... Help with Deck of Cards (struct) Programming Software Development by ryan.legow … shufflesave[1][] = deck[mult][]; deck[mult][] = deck[sort][]; deck[sort][] = shufflesave[1][]; } } } } } cout << deck[]; } "part2…(CardBits[c][] != 0){ c++; } shffleSave[][] = deck[c][]; deck[c][] = deck[r][]; deck[r][] = shuffleSave[][]; CardBits[c][] = 1; } … Re: Help with Deck of Cards (struct) Programming Software Development by ryan.legow … corrispond to the first card latter. char shufflesave[1][]; deck deck[][]; // deck as defined in deck.h that was imported. for (int a = 1…; // zeroing out the bit array. } char shuffleSave[1][]; deck deck[][]; // making a deck object imported from deck.h. int card; for (card = 1; card… Re: Help with Deck of Cards (struct) Programming Software Development by ryan.legow …the first card latter. char shufflesave[1]; deck deck[52]; // deck as defined in deck.h that was imported. int card; for … holding the card that is going to be replaced. deck[r] = deck[b]; // replacing the card in b with the …the next card of the same number until found. deck[sort] = deck[b]; // replacing the card that is not … Re: Help with Deck of Cards (struct) Programming Software Development by ryan.legow …[]; int card_n; // card number used for the deck of cards typedef enum { clubs, diamonds, hearts…;= 13){ suit_t = "clubs"; card_n = card; deck[card] = suit_t + card_n; } else if (card >… = a - 26; // cards subtracting 26 for correct numbering. deck[card] = suit_t + card_n; } else{ suit_t = "… Help with a deck of cards program Programming Software Development by jongiambi … A class CCardDeck provides the required functionality of a deck, as shown below. This class also includes a more… screen, all of the cards in a deck) shuffle (shuffle the current deck, as described above) private: card type array…Print the deck Put back the 3 cards into the deck Print the deck Shuffle the deck Print the deck Shuffle the deck Print … Re: Help with Deck of Cards (struct) Programming Software Development by Moschops … people can read your code. 25: `deck deck[][];` What is a deck object? You never defined a deck object, but here you're trying… to create a 2D array of them, also named deck. This makes no sense at all. I gave up here… Re: Help with Deck of Cards (struct) Programming Software Development by ryan.legow … the iostream as it is in C not C++, the deck object is from the .h header file. I thought I… to somehow use lines 5 - 12 somehow to make the deck. I see what you guys are talking about and appologize… Re: Help with Deck of Cards (struct) Programming Software Development by Moschops … .h header file. I don't see any type named `deck` being defined in the header files. I see a file… named deck.h, but that's just a name. It's got… I would create an array of 52 card structs named deck: `card_t deck[52];` Re: Help with Deck of Cards (struct) Programming Software Development by Moschops You're still going wrong creating the deck of cards. Think about what you're trying to do. … make an array of 52 card items. `card_t deck[52];` That's the deck. That's all there is to it. `typedef…