111 Topics

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I've written about the importance of knowing your investments before you buy them. You might remember the story about Fidelity Magellan mutual fund legend Peter Lynch, who would spend his Saturdays walking around Boston looking to see where shoppers were spending their money. Then he'd invest Magellan's money in the …

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Round Rock, Texas-based [URL="http://www.dell.com"]Dell, Inc.[/URL] announced Friday that it is now offering the latest [URL="http://www.ubuntu.com"]Ubuntu[/URL] (8.04 Hardy Heron) released in April of this year on some of their popular consumer grade laptops and desktop models. Currently available in the United States, France, Germany, Spain, Canada, United Kingdom, Mexico and Colombia. …

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Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Amidst the carnage that is Wall Street this year (the Dow Jones Industrial Average is down 20% since last October, classifying the stock market as being in official “bear” territory), there are glimmers of good news, and a good portion of it is coming from the tech sector. The latest …

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With the stock market down 300 points, once again thanks to high oil prices (now over $140 per barrel), technology stocks should be directly in the line of fire. But they’re not – and some big shot investors think the technology sector might even be a good defensive stop-gap until …

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Tom Wolfe once wrote that “you can’t go home again.” In the computer world, at least, Wolfe has been proven wrong. Prodigal son Steve Jobs was shown the door at Apple and returned to strike gold with the PowerMaC, the iPod, and the iPhone. Now it’s Michael Dell’s turn to …

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Harris Associates is typically one of the better value strategists out there - especially when it comes to finding value in technology stocks. One reason is why is the stock-picking acumen of chief information officer David Herro. He was interviewed on Tech Ticker this morning and had some interesting things …

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Monday is upon us, and thoughts on Wall Street turn away from turkey and football to key companies issuing quarterly earnigns statements this week. It's a particularly crucial period for computer makers, video game companies, digital camera companies - in short - - any company with a potential gift to …

Member Avatar for happygeek

According to a report at [URL="http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/09/07/dell_linux_ubuntu_red_hat_but_where/"]The Register[/URL] it would appear that Dell is making life difficult for UK customers who want to buy a Dell PC running Linux. Being a snooping journalist myself, I went to have a look for myself and indeed it is a lot harder to buy …

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A [URL="http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/05/11/1220219&from=rss"]posting[/URL] on Slashdot today speaks of an [URL="http://www.eweek.com/article2/0%2C1895%2C2125848%2C00.asp"]interview[/URL] with Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth which occurred last week. In it, he states that Dell computers preloaded with Ubuntu will not include WINE, an open-source Windows emulator for the Linux platform. Mr. Shuttleworth stated that he does not want Ubuntu to …

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Add SuSE to the list of operating systems going to be offered by Dell as they ally with Novell and Microsoft to sell their server software. Planning on selling both SuSE SLES (SuSE Linux Enterprise Server) and Microsoft's Windows Server, Dell broadens their offering of solutions, hoping to increase their …

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As DaniWeb [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1319.html"]reported[/URL] back in February, the trouble with asking what your customers want is that they have a habit of letting you know in no uncertain terms. When Dell did that at their IdeaStorm site, the masses yelled ‘what we want is Linux pre-installed’ and the Michael Dell yelled …

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Member Avatar for John A

Since recent years, we've come to appreciate the speed and usability of Flash drives. The fact that sudden motion makes no difference to its accessibility makes Flash drives an intriguing prospect for laptop manufacturers. Especially Dell, which is going to offer a configuration option with its Latitude D420 that will …

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The trouble with asking your customers what they want is sometimes they tell you and it is not what you were expecting to hear. Case in point, [URL="http://www.dell.com"]Dell[/URL] requesting just such feedback 10 days ago and being inundated with thousands of customers and, one assumes more importantly, potential customers yelling …

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When asked if Vista is going to be a success, most people answer "yes" for various reasons: good interface, XP is getting old, it's going to be sold with new PCs anyway. Wait... really? Dell's new [URL="http://www.dell.com/content/topics/segtopic.aspx/e510_nseries?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs"]Dimension n-Series[/URL] might be aiming to change that a little bit. The website even …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

[I]I’m the trouble starter, notebook instigator. I’m the Dell addicted, Sony illustrated. I’m a fire-starter, notebook fire-starter. You’re the fire-starter, notebook fire-starter.[/I] With apologies to The Prodigy for ruining a perfectly good lyric, but it does serve to highlight the problem de jour: that of flaming laptops. If you thought …

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Although most news circulating around the web about the deffective batteries has to do with Dell or Apple (including one airline not allowing Dell laptops which im sure Dell's PR is very happy about) the company that stands to loose the most seems to be Sony. They are the ones …

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It scares me that, even if I do the duty to protect my personal information, some IT "professional" might be asleep at the switch and be the leak that sinks my ship. So, just when I thought I was going to go a whole day without feeling beat-down, I ran …

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When you are the world's biggest PC maker, your problems tend to be on the large scale when they hit. Such is the case of what the US Consumer Products Safety Commission is calling the biggest recall in the history of the consumer electronics industry. The problem is that a …

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Member Avatar for fragmented_user

[I]OK. I rarely get into such endless and passionate discussions. [/I] However, having "USED" Linux for the past 2 years (emphasis on past-tense, I now dual-boot but rarely use Linux), I would like to state my view and receive feedback. [B]Why I do not use Linux:[/B] #1. Wireless card is …

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Sony BMG, a company that makes a variety of consumer electronics such as the Walkman, CD / DVD drives and burners, has released a product called XCP (eXtended Copy Protection) that prevents copying musical materials from the media onto the computer. According to investigators, XCP uses rootkit technology to run …

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Member Avatar for kc0arf

Mid last week, Intel and Matsushita announced that they are working on an 8 hour notebook battery solution featuring Intel's low-power consumption technology powered by Matsushita's lithium-ion battery solutions. Currently, (pardon the pun) laptops range anywhere from 3 - 6 hours, depending on what the users's power settings are. Users …

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The End.