Calling fdopen: Bad file Descriptor and Undefined reference Programming Software Development by beatenbob …* next;[/CODE] respectively. However, I got bad file descriptor error. I tried switching the order of the 2 lines…: DivisionNode.h:4:26: calling fdopen: Bad file descriptor In file included from EmployeeList.h:5: DivisionNode.h:…h:5: EmployeeList.h:4:26: calling fdopen: Bad file descriptor Beaten@Beaten-PC ~ $ g++ DivisionNode.cpp /cygdrive/c… Extracting a Security Descriptor accurately - NTFS Programming Software Development by Lubster …realized that this format is not IDENTICAL to the original descriptor. As these samples: [url]…and a NULL DACL. I would like to store the descriptor as-is. which means when I'll restore it … format. Would appreciate any guidance regards how to store the descriptor as-is. Thanks! Lubster [code=c] #include <… Re: Opening a file and echoing the contents from it to the file descriptor Programming Software Development by Narue A file descriptor is conceptually much like the FILE pointer you use in …(), that would be the easiest way to handle the file descriptor. What fdopen() does is create a FILE pointer from a… file descriptor. Then you can use it just as you would fp… Problem with Deployment Descriptor Programming Software Development by parthiban … all , I developed Entity Bean(BMP) and i created Deployment Descriptor in NetBeans 5.5. I'm getting following error . Error… <xsd:schema>. [11] XML validation finished. [/code] Deployment Descriptor : ============== [code] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="… Add descriptor to array Programming Software Development by aquariusdragon2 So I know how to delete a descriptor from an array, but I can't seem to edit …,count,name); if(index==-1) cout<<"invalid descriptor"<<endl; else { data[index]=data[count-1… Re: Add descriptor to array Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon >>So I know how to delete a descriptor from an array, define [b]descriptor[/b] Re: Add descriptor to array Programming Software Development by aquariusdragon2 …;>So I know how to delete a descriptor from an array, define [b]descriptor[/b][/QUOTE] oh im sorry, it's… Opening a file and echoing the contents from it to the file descriptor Programming Software Development by purpleturtle_97 … contents a character at a time to a socket file descriptor. The code below will hopefully help you to understand, and… loop to read each character from 'filename' to the file descriptor while(getc(fp) != EOF) { } } [/CODE] Re: socket descriptor Programming Software Development by jephthah in general terms (although not exactly precise), the "socket descriptor" is used like the "handle" for the …, SOCK_STREAM, 0); [/inlinecode] where "sd" is the socket descriptor and, like a file handle, is then used to make… What is difference between file descriptor and file pointer Programming Software Development by varsha0702 Can any body tell me the difference between file descriptor and filepointer in C on linux? and when to use what? Re: What is difference between file descriptor and file pointer Programming Software Development by Salem The descriptor is what is returned by open() and passed to close(), read(), write() etc. It is what identifies the open file. The filepointer is the location within the file where the next read/write operation will take place. You can modify it by using say lseek(). socket descriptor Programming Software Development by pralu [B]can any one tell me what is socket descriptor in socket programming in c.[/B] Bad file descriptor Programming Software Development by daviddoria … this: MayaFunctions.h:5:27: error: calling fdopen: Bad file descriptor in that line, I simply have #include "AnotherFile.h… Re: What is difference between file descriptor and file pointer Programming Software Development by karthikvb17 … EOF detection,etc. 4.Provides higher portability and effeciency. File descriptor: 1.Low/Kernel level handler 2.passe to read() and… Re: Calling fdopen: Bad file Descriptor and Undefined reference Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon >>$ g++ EmployeeList.h You can't compile header files like that [icode]g++ EmployeeList.cpp[/icode] Re: Calling fdopen: Bad file Descriptor and Undefined reference Programming Software Development by beatenbob Just figured out where my problem is. Thanks! Problem solved. Re: Add descriptor to array Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon You have to have the file opened for output if you want to add a line to the file. Then seek to the end of the file and write the new data. Re: What is difference between file descriptor and file pointer Programming Software Development by varsha0702 Thanx.. A alot for u r quick reply.. Re: socket descriptor Programming Software Development by Salem Read Beej - [url][/url] Re: socket descriptor Programming Software Development by jephthah that's great site ^ i wish i would have known about that a few years ago hell, i might just have to read it through tonight. :P Re: Bad file descriptor Programming Software Development by kux hmm, this is wierd.... try posting the whole code, or a bigger sample... as for g++, u have to add flags in order to use precompiled headers, if no flags are added precompiled headers are not used... so normally u compile u're code without using them Re: Bad file descriptor Programming Software Development by daviddoria hmmm It ended up that "AnotherFIle.h" was part of a static library that I had compiled. When I looked in it's directory, there were a bunch of .gch files!! (I think they are the precompiled headers??) I had just compiled the library the same day and I definitly did not turn on any flags for precompiled headers... does it default to … gcc on windows-linking problem Programming Software Development by wparker …bits/basic_string.h:687: undefined reference to `Descriptor::null_char' Descriptor.o: In function `_ZN8Descriptor12startElementEPKtS1_S1_RN11xercesc_2_710AttributesE': /cygdrive/…and Settings/williamP/workspace/splits/Descriptor.cpp:278: undefined reference to `Descriptor::mandatoryElements' Descriptor.o: In function `… dropdown menu pulling xml data Programming Web Development by CssQueen …-sided.</description> <descriptor>25-pack spindle indle</descriptor> <image>images/… single-sided.</description> <descriptor>100-pack spindle </descriptor> <image>images/trans…2x. 25 GB. </description> <descriptor>Rewritable</descriptor> <image>images/trans.gif<… Re: gcc on windows-linking problem Programming Software Development by Lazaro Claiborn [quote=wparker;318212] g++ -L$LIB -lxerces-c27.dll -lxerces-depdom.dll Trs_Main.o Trs.o Descriptor.o -osplitter.exe [/quote] Try this, it might work: g++ -L$LIB -o splitter Trs_Main.o Trs.o Descriptor.o -lfull_path/xerces-c27.dll -lfull_path/xerces-depdom.dll Good luck, LamaBot SDR with USB Tv Tuner (Gadmei UTV382 USB TV BOX) Programming Software Development by Masood_786 … 1 iConfiguration 0 bmAttributes 0x80 (Bus Powered) MaxPower 500mA Interface Descriptor: bLength 9 bDescriptorType 4 bInterfaceNumber 0 bAlternateSetting 0 bNumEndpoints 4… Problem deserializing objects from multiple classes Programming Software Development by skier17 …[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("Descriptor")] public Descriptor[] Descriptor; } [System.Xml.Serialization.…System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("Descriptor")] public Descriptor[] Descriptor; [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(&… Adding A Character String to a 2D Array Programming Software Development by hjfast …struct, a la: [code] struct 2d { char descriptor; int value; } [/code] The original array is…*ps,map2d *ppt) { *ps>>(*ppt).descriptor; if (!*ps) return false; *ps>>(*ppt…;list[count])) { count++; } list[count+1].descriptor=descriptor; list[count+1].value=number; for(int j=0… Do I have a PCI-Express Slot? Hardware and Software Hardware by TutorialCon …Max CPUID level 00000005h Max CPUID ext. level 8000001Bh Cache descriptor Level 1, I, 64 KB, 1 thread(s) Cache…Max CPUID level 00000005h Max CPUID ext. level 8000001Bh Cache descriptor Level 1, I, 64 KB, 1 thread(s) Cache… CPUID level 00000005h Max CPUID ext. level 8000001Bh Cache descriptor Level 1, I, 64 KB, 1 thread(s) Cache… Linux Ethernet Howto w/ Samples Programming Software Development by sparty …socket you created The function returns a file descriptor. Optional:set socket options: setsockopt(fd, … steps... until you close the socket. fd:File descriptor returned by socket(). (sockaddr *) &ServerAddress:… you will listen for connections on. fd:File descriptor returned by socket(). (sockaddr *) &myServerAddress:…