Need Help With Cin and Failbits Programming Software Development by nathan.pavlovsky …strInput[i]; } inputTest[SIZE+1]='\0'; //start testing to set failbit bool setFailbit=false; if (SIZE+1 != 15) //14 characters +…else if (inputTest[9] != '-') setFailbit=true; if (setFailbit) //set failbit due to an error and do not set the new… Problem with Vectors Programming Software Development by Petcheco … { // user didn't input a number cin.clear(); // reset failbit cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n'); //skip bad…{ // user didn't input a number cin.clear(); // reset failbit cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n'); //skip bad… complex class with stream input/output Programming Software Development by coxxie …temp == '+' ) ? 1: -1; if( input.peek() == ' ') input.clear( ios::failbit ); else { if( input.peek() == ' ' ) { input >> c.imaginary; …temp; if( input.peek() == '\n') input.clear( ios::failbit ); } else input.clear( ios::failbit ); } } else if( input.peek() == 'i') {… Sigh Programming Software Development by Doughnuts … writing file!"; getch(); exit(1); } cout << f.failbit; for (int i = 0; i < NumUsed; i++) { f <… that badbit is not the problem, so failbit must be true. I have displayed failbit, and it's value is 4. Why… Quadratic Equations Solver Programming Software Development by Petcheco ….fail()) { // user didn't input a number cin.clear(); // reset failbit cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n'); //skip bad….fail()) { // user didn't input a number cin.clear(); // reset failbit cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n'); //skip bad… Re: Sigh Programming Software Development by bamcclur [QUOTE=Doughnuts;1057737]I have displayed failbit, and it's value is 4. Why does failbit evaluate to true?[/QUOTE] To answer just this question, an integer is always true unless it is zero。 I don't know if that helps though。 I'm going to do some studying of your code to fully understand it。 Re: complex class with stream input/output Programming Software Development by LRRR … flag bit into error state, by saying input.clear ( ios::failbit ). Now if we look back to the main function you… Re: complex class with stream input/output Programming Software Development by vijayan121 … the stream to a failed state stm.setstate( std::ios::failbit ) ; return stm ; }[/CODE] How can i do error handling in getline() Programming Software Development by savinki In windows getline(,,) returns *this. And Errors are signaled by modifying the internal state flags e.g. eofbit, failbit, badbit. e.g. No characters were extracted -> then state flag = failbit I want to do erro handling to this. since this retuens pointer how can i do this. Can some one propose a solution?? Re: How can i do error handling in getline() Programming Software Development by Nick Evan I don't really understand what you are asking. But if you want to check if getline failed or not you could use something like this: [code=cpp] if (getline(your_stream, your_string, ' ') == failbit) cout << "something went wrong\n"; else cout << "Extracted 1 word\n"; [/code] trouble with files Programming Software Development by hezfast2 … advice. void loadFiles() { ifstream file; file.exceptions ( ifstream::eofbit | ifstream::failbit | ifstream::badbit ); Room tempRoom; try { int count = 0;… How to ignore cin? Programming Software Development by atch … input. Try again." << endl; cin.clear(ios_base::failbit); //set to fail } if (!cin) { name = ""; ch = 0… error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '*' Programming Software Development by arsnic …** _coordinates = new double*[_coordinate_max]; while (input.good()){ //not eof or failbit /* Ensure space is available */ if(_polygons_current >= _polygons_max){ _polygons_max = _polygons_max… Permissions or File Opening Problem Programming Software Development by iamthesgt … the file never is. Strange thing is, the file [ICODE]failbit[/ICODE] flag is never set, and the [ICODE]is_open()[/ICODE… How to prevent EOF while reading a file ? Programming Software Development by Dman01 …;; if ( std::cout << "\nERROR: Either failbit or badbit is set!"; if (File.eof()) std::cout… Overloading istream& Programming Software Development by stormik …" - thats okay a="sad5456"; //some operations// -> failbit - need to return those characters back to istream a="… Re: Overloading istream& Programming Software Development by stormik … then digit or negative sign character, I need to set failbit and return whole string to istream. Dunno how to specify… Explanation regarding fstream ::ate Programming Software Development by maharjun … ios_base::trunc> the following combinations are resulting in a failbit ios_base::app ios_base::ate ios_base::app | aos_base::ate and all… Storing objects into map problem Programming Software Development by osiron ….second = Student::toLowerString(name.second); } else is.setstate(std::ios_base::failbit); return is; } #endif int main(){ string id; Name name; int… extracting extra line from file with getline Programming Software Development by nchy13 …;string> using namespace std; //file.exceptions(ifstream::eofbit | ifstream::failbit | ifstream::badbit); void print_last(unsigned k, string file_name) { string *data… Re: Retrieve value Programming Software Development by sidatra79 …; exp) { if(cin.peek()!='{') cin.clear(ios::failbit); else i.ignore(); cin>>exp.firstNumber; ….secNumber; if(cin.peek()!=',') cin.clear(ios::failbit); else i.ignore(); cin>>exp.…if(cin.peek()!='}') i.ignore(); else cin.clear(ios::failbit); return i; } int main() { int a=0… Re: Basic Encryption/Decryption Issue Programming Software Development by VernonDozier … it. There are three bits that can be set: eofbit, failbit, badbit.. When >> tries to read an integer,…part of it: [quote] Return Value null pointer if either failbit or badbit is set. A non-null pointer otherwise. [/…here: [code] while(encryptionFile >> decInt) [/code] and the failbit gets set, so the stream points to null(0), so… Re: Cin.get question Programming Software Development by Sudo Bash …()-- reads an empty line it will set something called the failbit. The failbit prevents further input to cin.get(). Use cin.clear…() to unset the failbit! If you call cin.get() or cin.getline() and the….getline() is called, but cin.getline() will also set the failbit. Be careful when you use these commands! Re: Input problem Programming Software Development by Hamrick …' [*]the array is filled up to n-1 and the failbit is set [/LIST] if the stream state isn't good… getline, the third stopping rule is hit and failbit is set. but because failbit is set, cin.good() doesn't return true… Re: Basic Encryption/Decryption Issue Programming Software Development by Philosophy … it. There are three bits that can be set: eofbit, failbit, badbit.. When >> tries to read an integer, but… there are none left, I think the eofbit and the failbit are set. This in turn causes there to be a… here: [code] while(encryptionFile >> decInt) [/code] and the failbit gets set, so the stream points to null(0), so… Re: Error in the program Programming Software Development by jmichae3 …data; } else { cin.clear(ios_base::badbit|ios_base::failbit); } [/CODE] this will give you the ability …else { is.clear(ios_base::badbit|ios_base::failbit); } } else { is.clear(ios_base::badbit|ios_base::failbit); } return is; } friend … Re: c++ - Sorting files problem Programming Software Development by jmichae3 …ce.initialize(); is.clear(ios_base::badbit|ios_base::failbit); return is; } line[64999]='\0';… ce.initialize(); is.clear(ios_base::badbit|ios_base::failbit); } } else { ce.initialize(); is… Re: C++ file handling help Programming Software Development by Duoas … '=')) { // Fooey! The Quux is misformatted! ins.setstate( std::ios::failbit ); return ins; } ins >> quux.x; ins >>… { // Fooey! The Quux is misformatted! ins.setstate( std::ios::failbit ); return ins; } // Make sure to clear any previous value… Re: C++ linked list. How to insert elements with cin operator? Programming Software Development by AssertNull …. cin is no longer in a good state since the failbit got set when you entered a letter when it expected… on, you need to do two things. 1) Reset the failbit 2) Get rid of any excess input in the stdin… asking for the position to delete: cin.clear(); // resets the failbit cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n… Re: C and C++ Timesaving Tips Programming Software Development by Narue …() == *s ) { in.get(); ++s; } if ( *s != '\0' ) in.setstate ( ios::failbit ); return in; } [/code] This was my solution (more or less….get(); ++s.fmt; } if ( *s.fmt != '\0' ) in.setstate ( ios::failbit ); return in; } private: mutable const char *fmt; }; [/code] It's…