Palm broadens their horizons by moving to Linux Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by John A …of this new operating system will remain nearly identical to Garnet, although everything underneath this will be completely changed by…to handle tasks that would have normally been handled by Garnet core. Smart move by Palm. Not so much … with licenses, as was the case when using the Garnet OS, which had been developed by Access Systems Americas.… Re: How many times does the least common string appear in the field [gemstone] Programming Software Development by sneekula … No Pearl 91.76 135 80 (STE:05N)8 No Garnet 26.18 13 154 (KTD:90A)1 ''' from collections import…() pprint.pprint(gem_cntr) print('-'*24) # last element print(gem_cntr[-1:]) ''' [('Garnet', 4), ('Diamond', 3), ('Zircon', 2), ('Pearl', 2), ('Amethyst', 2), ('Sapphire… How many times does the least common string appear in the field [gemstone] Programming Software Development by usongo123 …No Moonstone 79.41 11 67 (BWC:79L)4 Yes Garnet 109.69 17 215 (ECO:67B)5 No Pearl …7 62 (ZBY:68T)9 No Garnet 121.96 93 43 (KHP:59H)3 Yes Garnet 47.13 31 156 (LnQ:…Pearl 91.76 135 80 (STE:05N)8 No Garnet 26.18 13 154 (KTD:90A)1 Passing Array Problemmm... Programming Software Development by ahfan_85 … are a CAPRICORN.\n"); printf("Your BirthStone is GARNET.\n"); printf("\n"); } else if (birthDay[i… are an AQUARIUS.\n"); printf("Your BirthStone is GARNET.\n"); printf("\n"); } else { printf("Invalid… Re: Passing Array Problemmm... Programming Software Development by ahfan_85 … are a CAPRICORN.\n"); printf("Your BirthStone is GARNET.\n"); printf("\n"); } else if (birthDay[i… are an AQUARIUS.\n"); printf("Your BirthStone is GARNET.\n"); printf("\n"); } else { printf("Invalid… Re: Passing Array Problemmm... Programming Software Development by ahfan_85 … are a CAPRICORN.\n"); printf("Your BirthStone is GARNET.\n"); printf("\n"); } else if (birthDay[i… are an AQUARIUS.\n"); printf("Your BirthStone is GARNET.\n"); printf("\n"); } else { printf("Invalid… Re: Passing Array Problemmm... Programming Software Development by ahfan_85 … are a CAPRICORN.\n"); printf("Your BirthStone is GARNET.\n"); printf("\n"); } else if (birthDay[i… are an AQUARIUS.\n"); printf("Your BirthStone is GARNET.\n"); printf("\n"); } else { printf("Invalid… Re: Passing Array Problemmm... Programming Software Development by ahfan_85 … are a CAPRICORN.\n"); printf("Your BirthStone is GARNET.\n"); printf("\n"); } else if (birthDay[i… are an AQUARIUS.\n"); printf("Your BirthStone is GARNET.\n"); printf("\n"); } else { printf("Invalid… Need help on homwork assignment. Programming Software Development by GooeyG … getBirthStone that returns the birthstone based on the month. Jan-garnet Feb-amethyst Mar-aquamarine Apr-diamond May-emerald June-pearl…, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC }; // enumeration declaration for birthstones enum BirthStone { GARNET = 1, AMETHYST, AQUAMARINE, DIAMOND, EMERALD, PERAL, RUBY, PERIDOT, SAPPHIRE, OPAL… Re: Trying to use not tables, only CSS, but can I? Digital Media UI / UX Design by wpcoe …Bookkeeping Services, San Diego, QuickBooks expert"> 1666 Garnet Avenue, PMB #601<br> San Diego … Diego, QuickBooks expert" width=237> 1666 Garnet Avenue, PMB #601<br> San Diego CA… Services, San Diego, QuickBooks expert"> 1666 Garnet Avenue, PMB #601<br> San Diego … Re: Bday profile Programming Software Development by joewinsock …, MAY, JUNE, JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, DECEMBER}; enum birthstones {GARNET = 1,AMETHYST,AQUAMARINE,DIAMOND,EMERALD,PEARL,RUBY,PERIDOT,SAPPHIRE,OPAL… return string { string gem; switch(month) { case JANUARY: gem = "Garnet"; break; case FEBRUARY: gem = "Amethyst"; break; case… Re: iPhone Preview Smacks of Pre Smack Down Hardware and Software Hardware by martmart … increasingly desperate attempts to deliver a successor to the old Garnet OS, at one stage giving up and using Windows Mobile… Re: class Programming Software Development by kris0r I found this, I couldn't find anything under the java API deprecated either though: [url][/url] Re: How many times does the least common string appear in the field [gemstone] Programming Software Development by rrashkin First a list of all the gemstones: f=open("your file name") gemstones=[] for i in f: gemstones.append(i.split(',')[1]) f.close() now a dictionary where key is gemstone and value is count gcount={} for g in gemstones: gcount[g]=gcount.get(g,0)+1 Re: How many times does the least common string appear in the field [gemstone] Programming Software Development by usongo123 i believe that fuction counts the characters in the word Gemstone, but thats not what the quesion was asking, gemstone is a field name wb = open('filename.csv','r') linecount =0 firstline = True for line in wb: # Here this code ensures to jump the file line read so it ignores the key and … Re: How many times does the least common string appear in the field [gemstone] Programming Software Development by usongo123 its still not working as i get [('11.44,51,141,(XKL:31L)4', 1), ('26.18,13,154,(KTD:90A)1', 1), ('79.68,23,60,(BYA:26Ix8', 1), ('26.06,20,218,(KJQ:10E)2', 1), ('102.26,11,224,(ZTG:03L)8', 1), ('103.13,70,181,(GYN:99F)3', 1), ('91.76,135,80,(STE:05N)8', 1), ('38.99,120,98,(VTK53Q)1', 1), ('36.94,35,71,(… Re: How many times does the least common string appear in the field [gemstone] Programming Software Development by vegaseat Sneekula's answer should pretty well solve your problem. Are you sure you have read it? Opal, Ruby and Moonstone appear once and Diamond appears 3 times. Re: Passing Array Problemmm... Programming Software Development by ahamed101 First thing first... You want to calculate the age of a particular user, why do want an array for that?... Second... [code=c] /* Function Prototype */ int calAge(int currentYear[],int currentMonth[],int currentDay[],int birthYear[],int birthMonth[],int birthDay[]) /* Function Call */ calAge(currentYear[i],currentMonth[i],currentDay[i],… Re: Passing Array Problemmm... Programming Software Development by ahamed101 [code=c] int years[SIZE]; int months[SIZE]; int days[SIZE]; [/code] The above variables are declared as arrays, they dont need to be arrays... simple variables would do... [code=c] int main(int argc, char **argv) [/code] The return type of the main should be int... cause system expects a return value after executing your program… Re: Passing Array Problemmm... Programming Software Development by ahamed101 Just clear the input buffer before you take the next input... Do this... [code=c] char ch; printf("Enter Birthday Details For User #%d? (Y/N): ",i+1); while((ch = getchar())!= EOF && ch != '\n'); scanf("%c",&opt); [/code] Re: Passing Array Problemmm... Programming Software Development by ahamed101 Why do we have to clear the input buffer, cause there will be a '\n' in the buffer once you press "enter" after entering anything... so next time when scanf comes around looking for another character it will find '\n' in the buffer and takes it and goes happily with that... which we dont want... so just clear the input buffer... Re: Passing Array Problemmm... Programming Software Development by ahamed101 mmm... sorry... the place where we put is wrong... when the program is first executed there will not be anything in the buffer... so this will wait for something like that... probably you can put that piece of code at the end of for loop... so that after everything is entered we can clear the buffer... [code=c] int main(){ ... for(){… Re: Passing Array Problemmm... Programming Software Development by ahamed101 Pal... put that while inside the for loop and not outside... Re: Need help on homwork assignment. Programming Software Development by u8sand First of all, please surround your code with code tags or it makes it very hard for us to read. Second I would do this with array's, it seems it would make more sense, but this is an assignment.. Last, i would help you but you didn't do really anything just made a base and doesn't show me that you tried much. I would love to help you but not enough… Re: Need help on homwork assignment. Programming Software Development by csurfer [QUOTE][COLOR="Red"]You are not doing anything wrong[/COLOR], you just did not do anything accept for get it ready to be coded...[/QUOTE] [B]@u8sand :[/B] I really think you need to look at the code first and then give your comments.I found all the mistakes listed below.And you didn't find even one ??? Which compiler do you use by the … Re: Need help on homwork assignment. Programming Software Development by ithelp Where are you instantiating your class ? main should just have that , move the rest of code in another file say birthstone.c/birthstone.h .