How Build Html form ? Programming Web Development by Kirubel_2 …;/div> </div> <div class="gender-info"> <input type="radio" name…one"></span> <span class="gender">Male</span> </label>…two"></span> <span class="gender">female</span> </label>… Re: How Build Html form ? Programming Web Development by Dani I'm not exactly understanding your question. I see you have an HTML form here in this HTML code. What is not working about it? You need to specify the action="#" to be a URL that will process the form. Gender Game Programming Software Development by Fuzzies …; public class MainClass { public static void main(String args []) { String gender, last, first, status; int age; Scanner response = new Scanner(System…System.out.print("Age: "); age = response.nextInt(); if (gender.equals('M')) { if (age >= 20) {System.out.printf("… Re: Gender validation not working right Programming Web Development by SMode55 …;) $("#gender_error").html("Please select your gender").css("background-color","red"….indexOf('.') != -1)) { $('#registerForm').submit(); } } I've changed the gender condition to ($('input[name=sex]:checked').length==0) but it… Re: Gender-Specific Toys and Tech Community Center Geeks' Lounge by mike_2000_17 … your child to develop interests ascribed to their particular gender is part of wanting that child to fit in well…can't change the fact that other kids will have gender-biased upbringings and therefore, there is a similar expectation …as a conservative-values issue of wanting to impose traditional gender roles. But then again, there needs to be room… Gender validation not working right Programming Web Development by SMode55 … function validate ) if($('.sex').not(':checked')) //check if gender is checked**************************************************************** { $('.gender_txt').css("background-color",&…$("#gender_error").html("Please select your gender").css("background-color","red&… Re: Gender validation not working right Programming Web Development by SMode55 …registerForm"]["email"].value; var gender = document.getElementsByName('sex'); if (user_value.length…=sex]:checked').length ==0 ) //check if gender is checked**************************************************************** { $('.gender_txt').css("background-color… Re: Gender Game Programming Software Development by stultuske it might be better still to start at the basics. if you'd known all data types you would realize that a char (or the Character wrapper class) is a lot more appropriate for your gender then a String. Re: Gender-Specific Toys and Tech Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Agilemind … more boys in physics. Roughly even in maths. Gender-specific toys are one of the first things teaching …jobs' and 'girls are housewives' stereotype . Similarly the [gender-specific advertising]( sets up these… girls are more responsive and attentive to faces. Gender-specific toys is not about whether there is a… Re: Gender-Specific Toys and Tech Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Agilemind > I'm dead against forcing "gender neutral" anything. Let the children choose themselves, rather… correctness. No that's not what "gender neutral" means. Gender neutral means having toys come in a variety …the toy. It means grouping toys by type not by gender in stores (science toys, building toys, dolls/action figures,… Re: Gender validation not working right Programming Web Development by SMode55 … false;' action="registration_complete.php" > and just the gender html <td class="form_row"> <p… Re: Gender-Specific Toys and Tech Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Agilemind … dresses... You've just demonstrated how insidious the enforcement of gender-roles can be for boys. You imply that if a…wants-to-wear-a-dress.html?_r=0) Secondly, since gender-roles are currently imposed from birth how could you know… they want they will have been exposed to years of gender-biased behaviour, attitudes, toys etc.. There are >200,… Gender-Specific Toys and Tech Community Center Geeks' Lounge by diafol … daughters, and my wife and I try not to push gender-specific toys on them. They both use smartphones... Anybody have… views on this? Are gender-specific toys for toddlers evil? Should toddlers be given smartphones? Re: Gender-Specific Toys and Tech Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim As a side note relating to gender differences, newborns, once they start to respond to visual stimuli, show gender specific traits. Boys, generally, are more attentive and responsive to mobiles while girls are more responsive and attentive to faces. Re: Gender-Specific Toys and Tech Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting nope, just stating facts. I'm dead against forcing "gender neutral" anything. Let the children choose themselves, rather than … political correctness. Which is the entire meaning of the "gender neutral" idiocy, examplified by the couple that forces their… Re: Gender-Specific Toys and Tech Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ddanbe … can deny that male and female are different, so a gender equality will never exist. When I was 4-5 years… things. My parents never said: "Here are dolls, PLAY! GENDER EQUALITY RULES!" I don't know why I played… Re: Gender-Specific Toys and Tech Community Center Geeks' Lounge by diafol … like to think of myself as somebody who takes 'equality', gender and otherwise very seriously, I also have doubts about… gender-neutrality with regard to a number of things. Neutrality does … Re: Gender-Specific Toys and Tech Community Center Geeks' Lounge by iamthwee I'm pretty liberal so 'gender neutrality' I'm like ... 'meh' who cares. However, I think … for half the day to highlight their apparent tolerance for gender neutrality. Now if their son wanted to wear a dress… Re: Gender-Specific Toys and Tech Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting There's ample evidence that "gender specific toys" are far from evil, they're natural. … Re: Gender-Specific Toys and Tech Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Agilemind … normal toddler would break it rather than use it. But, gender specific toys as marketing concept is evil. Marketing certain toys… Re: Gender-Specific Toys and Tech Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Agilemind With respect to traditional gender roles being 'natural' I would point to [this study]( which shows 68% of women report being tomboys when they were young. Gender Option Programming Web Development by vash shadows Add to....Board Wrappers: Footer No need to really change anything in the code, if you want to select a different default URL just change the variable in the top of the script. It's there so that at least some URL is added to the website url field. You can't add extra ones to the drop down, this is specifically Male and Gender options only. gender output wrong Programming Software Development by myiwlu10 …; **BASICALLY THE OUTPUT IS AS FOLLOW: EMPLOYEE NAME SALARY MARITAL GENDER CAROL ANNE WISSINK $30,013 MARRIED FEMALE BARB AUSTIN $20… how to solve: Notice: undefined index: gender in c; Programming Web Development by divinity02 …']; $email=$_POST['email']; $gender=$_POST['gender']; <------- this is where the error is. gender $address=$_POST['address']; $mypwd… members VALUES('$title', '$firstname','$lastname', '$username', '$email', '$gender', '$address', md5('$mypwd'))"; if(mysqli_query($conn,$sql)) {… Detect Gender(male/female) from First Name Programming Software Development by jhon1987 … that just wanted to how they are detecting the gender from name?? Is it really possible to do it…gt;>> req = urllib2.Request("", "name=jhony") >>… result = decoder.decode(resp) >>> print result['gender'] male >>> print result['confidence'] 100 >>… Re: Detect Gender(male/female) from First Name Programming Software Development by deceptikon …lookup from a database of names and gender probability. At its simplest the gender neutral names would be 50% confident … Another approach would be to collect the name and gender of as many people as possible in census collections …s quite difficult, if not impossible, to heuristically guess gender with any confidence based on a name without a great… 2% of all programmers are gender-dysphoric? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Schol-R-LEA …that there seemed to be an unusual number of gender-variant people in the computer industry - whether transgendered…, androgyne, genderqueer, gender-fluid, or even just genderless. Several prominent programmers… all people in the IT industry are gender-variant or gender-dysphoric in some way or another. To… Re: 2% of all programmers are gender-dysphoric? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Agilemind …given the male-bias in the computer industry, since gender conformity is more socially enforced among men. Here are… might explain it: 1) diagnosis/awareness/acceptance of gender-variant-ness might be higher among the rich/well-… towards that demographic that might explain it. 2) gender-variant-ness likely leads to social alienation and working … validate Gender in a text box Programming Web Development by onofej … wrtite this in PHP i am validating gender in a text box i do not … like this but not working if(preg_match("/gender/i",$field)) { if(!preg_match("/^M… { $errors[] = "$value is not a valid gender."; } } Could some tell me how to make sure… Re: validate Gender in a text box Programming Web Development by cereal …. Supposing you have a form field named **gender** which sends the data with POST method: &…lt;input type="text" name="gender" /> This can work: if(!in_array(…strtolower(trim($_POST['gender'])),array('m','male','f','female')) { $errors[] = ''; #…