HighCharts, MySQL and CodeIgniter - Help! Programming Web Development by Hayezb … type="text/javascript"> var test = $(function () { $('#container').highcharts({ chart: { type: 'line' }, title: { text: '4 Week Ship History' }, xAxis… Re: highcharts framework Programming Web Development by JorgeM …html> <head> <title>HighCharts Example</title> <script src="..URL…('http://URL_to_ASPX_Page', function (data) { options.series = data; chart = new Highcharts.Chart(options); }); }); </script> </head> <… highcharts framework Programming Web Development by rotten69 … there are people who are using highCharts framework. I'm having a trouble …function(jsonData){ $.each(jsonData, function(key, value){ chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'container', type: 'pie' }, … Re: highcharts framework Programming Web Development by rotten69 … charts. In facts, I'm using a highcharts pie chart which I couldn't pass the …false }); } var chart; $(document).ready(function() { chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'container', plotBackgroundColor: null, plotBorderWidth: null,… Re: highcharts framework Programming Web Development by pritaeas The second demo in the HighCharts demo gallery shows the flow you need. Re: highcharts framework Programming Web Development by pritaeas Something like [this](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8290217/highcharts-pie-chart-via-ajax-json-but-slice-errors-and-json-format-not-correct?rq=1) ? Re: highcharts framework Programming Web Development by JorgeM … to both of you! i had taken a look at highcharts way back, but was unable to really get it to… Re: highcharts framework Programming Web Development by rotten69 I had a look at the example you mentioned here. And also, I tried passing the data to series like shown in the example but nothing worked. I'm getting sick of workin out how the highcharts takes data. Please anyone here keen to help? Re: highcharts framework Programming Web Development by rotten69 With my script, I could call the decode_json function in php which basically takes an array and converts to JSON format. I was able to get the data passed to AJAX function in my JS. Although, the series object in highcharts didn't make sense so I didn't know how to pass the data to it. Highcharts with PHP Programming Web Development by Lilantha I have a web page with highcharts jQuery library and I used CSV file as a keep my data. Now I waht get data from my server mysql data base. Any one can me explain how highchrts link with mysql data base Re: Highcharts with PHP Programming Web Development by urtrivedi there is nothing specific about language you use, only you have to loop and echo your data at proper placec using php tags http://blueflame-software.com/blog/using-highcharts-with-php-and-mysql/ generate a combochart of highcharts withjson, php and mysql Programming Web Development by sunita_3 … my index.php . $(function () { var chart; $(document).ready(function() { $('#container').highcharts({ chart: { zoomType: 'xy' }, title: { text: 'Project faclityv Rating' }, subtitle: { text… Issues Rendering Highcharts - Populating through PHP/MySQL Programming Web Development by DJ-DOO …;head> <script src="http://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script> <script …;text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'container', type: 'column' }, title: {… Re: Issues Rendering Highcharts - Populating through PHP/MySQL Programming Web Development by DJ-DOO …;head> <script src="http://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script> <script …;text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'container', type: 'column' }, title: {… Re: Issues Rendering Highcharts - Populating through PHP/MySQL Programming Web Development by DJ-DOO …;] }, Would you have any other ideas? I've been on highcharts forums and I'm only getting input from one user… Re: Issues Rendering Highcharts - Populating through PHP/MySQL Programming Web Development by pritaeas You may have missed my update, `pointStart` and `pointInterval` (this one is missing a value) are in the wrong place. They should be in `plotOptions` but I think you can safely remove them. Also, I advise to put the jQuery script before the HighCharts one. Re: Issues Rendering Highcharts - Populating through PHP/MySQL Programming Web Development by pritaeas It is correct, but perhaps this is easier: categories: <?php echo json_encode($data1); ?> Make sure you'll add your solution to your HighCharts thread too ;) Trouble with Codeigniter + AR + Highcharts Programming Web Development by Mario A._1 …[1] = json[2]; options.series[2] = json[3]; chart = new Highcharts.Chart(options); }); }); </script> </head> <body… Re: HighCharts, MySQL and CodeIgniter - Help! Programming Web Development by Hayezb Well, I'm an idiot. Nifty little JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK did it for me. Thanks... Re: HighCharts, MySQL and CodeIgniter - Help! Programming Web Development by diafol Maybe... $series_data[] = array('name' => 'Product', 'data' => array_map("intval",$newArray['thatArray'])); Re: highcharts framework Programming Web Development by rotten69 a link will do, man. I'm trying to get the values using ajax or getJSON methods in jquery but nothing works for me or probably not sure how to use them right. Re: highcharts framework Programming Web Development by rotten69 Can anyone help with the charts? I'm so desparate. Re: highcharts framework Programming Web Development by pritaeas Forgot about this... Had silently hoped JorgeM would've posted his findings. If I find the time I'll look into it. Re: highcharts framework Programming Web Development by rotten69 is that how it's normally configured? I thought you'd have a for-loop in the JavaScript code to loop through the data you're getting from the DB. Re: highcharts framework Programming Web Development by JorgeM In this case, I've looped through the data that I pulled from the data source and built the JSON string. From my understanding, the technique I tried is not necessarily the most optimal, but just as you, i encountered a challange with this. The aspx page outputs the JSON string and the Ajax call takes this return value and assigns it to options.… Re: Highcharts with PHP Programming Web Development by Lilantha Thanx you for this details. This was a very important to me Re: Issues Rendering Highcharts - Populating through PHP/MySQL Programming Web Development by pritaeas > echo join($data1, ',') Should be: echo join(',', $data1); As a sidenote, you can get excellent support on the HighChart's forum. Re: Issues Rendering Highcharts - Populating through PHP/MySQL Programming Web Development by pritaeas Do you have this somewhere online for viewing ? If I can see your whole source, with the data, then perhaps I can find the issue. Where does `pointInterval` come from. It is weird you have it there with no value after it. Shouldn't that be in the `plotOptions` instead, along with `pointStart` ? Re: Issues Rendering Highcharts - Populating through PHP/MySQL Programming Web Development by DJ-DOO BINGO!!! I also made a change to the categories in order to encapsulate them within strings... xAxis: { categories: ['<?php echo join($data1, "','") ?>'] }, Is this ok?? Thank you very very much for your help.. Re: Trouble with Codeigniter + AR + Highcharts Programming Web Development by cereal Hi, in your method controller `data_fik()` replace this: print json_encode($result, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); $data['body'] = 'hchart_elec'; $this->load->view('main', $data); with: header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf8'); echo json_encode($result, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); You don't neet to load …