344 Topics

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Member Avatar for gangster88

I need the function to display a set of eyes, so if i call the function Eyes(3,4) a graphics window opens with exact dimesions for 4 coloumns and 2 rows of eyes... [code] from graphics import * def drawCircle(win, centre, radius, colour): circle = Circle(centre, radius) circle.setFill(colour) circle.setWidth(2) circle.draw(win) def …

Member Avatar for battlecrab
Member Avatar for gangster88

I need the function to display a square of numbers. This is the actual function. [code] def draw(n): for i in range(n+1): print i*(n) [/code] but if i call the function [code] def drawBlock(3): [/code] then the output should be 333 222 111 but i cant understand how to get …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for gangster88

When the function is called count(3,5) then it should display 3,4 and 5.. but my function only seems to show 3 and 4 and not 5? def count(first,last): for i in range(first, last): print i

Member Avatar for Mathhax0r
Member Avatar for gangster88

The function below is supposed to ask the user to enter a choice of rock paper or sciessors and output an error mesage if the user enters an invalid choice and then ouput a message if they won, drew or lost against the computer. [code] def rockPaperScissors(): import random choice=raw_input("please …

Member Avatar for sentinel123
Member Avatar for gangster88

How could I call function by clicking in the graphics window. I currently have a draw eyes function but i want to be able to call it by clicking on the graphics window and call 30 eyes in the same colour sequence of blue, green and brown? so i could …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for gangster88

I want to be able to move the iris and the pupil of the eye, if I click on the left of the graphic window irrsepective of high or low then it should move left and if i click on the right then if should move right. if i click …

Member Avatar for gangster88

I have to get pthagaros to get the distance between 2 points. so the function distanceBetweenPoints(Point(1, 2), Point(4, 6)) should result in 5.0. the parameters are supposed to be P1, P2, which i think i have done?. The get an error when i try to execute this?.. help please def …

Member Avatar for gangster88
Member Avatar for gangster88

I want to be able to output the area of the circle and the cirumference of the circle to the user. so the output is to be "the area of the circle is... and the circumference of the circle is..." and it has to be to 2dp. the question says …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for rociel

Hello, I've spent hours but can't seem to figure out how. This is the question: modify the program so that the prompts that ask the user to enter a transaction include the number of the transaction that should be entered next. Here's what the prompts should look like: Enter quiz …

Member Avatar for rociel
Member Avatar for persianprez

Hi, I'm brand new to Python and am completely clueless in this assignment. This is the 3rd assignment, but the first without hints on how to import, etc.. The objective of this assignment was to decode a file we are supposed to use the python hw.py < code.txt command with. …

Member Avatar for ov3rcl0ck
Member Avatar for venkx_008

Hello.....I am a student of 3rd year B.Sc. I wanted some project titles in asp.net that would be suitable for beginners.... it would be very kind of you to suggest me a few titles regarding the same.... i would request you for this help considering your expertise.....

Member Avatar for Sabrina_Gage
Member Avatar for splurchner

I wrote this small program for a class im taking, and its supposed to take an int n and a radix (int between 2 and 16) r and give me the number converted to the new base. It only has to go from decimal to other radix's. I run my …

Member Avatar for splurchner
Member Avatar for GooeyG

The assignment is to design a program that determines the gross pay for each employee. Everything seems to work, but when you input more than 40 hours, it doesn't calculate overtime. Another thing is that, i can't get a message to pop up when someone input an invalid input. I …

Member Avatar for DdoubleD
Member Avatar for androidodnetnin

I'm a senior at my college and am now set for my final project. However, I can't think of a good project topic. The problem in the matter is that I'm part of a single major called "Software Engineering & Applied Mathematics" and have been on odd ends with my …

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The End.