Re: Read file properties of video files in C++ Programming Software Development by toneewa …fmt_ctx = NULL; int ret; // read the header of input stream. ret = avformat_open_input(&fmt_ctx, "snow.mp4", …(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Cannot open input file\n"); return -1; } // find stream information. ret = avformat_find_stream_info(fmt_ctx, NULL… Re: GCC Fails to Recognize Parameters Programming by toneewa …fmt_ctx = NULL; int ret; // read the header of input stream. ret = avformat_open_input(&fmt_ctx, "snow.mp4", …(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Cannot open input file\n"); return -1; } // find stream information. ret = avformat_find_stream_info(fmt_ctx, NULL… Summarizing YouTube Video Transcriptions Using Distil Whisper and LLM Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … bitrate stream). You can select any other audio stream. ``` audio_stream = [stream for stream in youtube_video_content.streams if stream.mime_type …The following script downloads the model and its input/output processor. ``` device = "cuda:…pipeline that takes the audio file as input, preprocess and tokenizes it into segments, … Claude 3 Opus Vs. Google Gemini Vs. GPT-4 for Zero-Shot Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …an Object of the `GenerativeModel` class and pass the input query to the `model.generate_content()` method. In the …quot;.format(tweet) responses = model.generate_content( content, generation_config= config, stream=True, ) for response in responses: return response.text ``` Finally,… Re: how to create a simple elevator simulation? Programming Software Development by trueframe To make a basic elevator simulation, first, identify the floors and the elevator's capacity. Then, use loops and conditionals in programming to mimic its movement. Include buttons for users to call the elevator and select floors. Test thoroughly for accuracy. Re: Input Stream Questions Programming Software Development by Narue … pass and converts it to the locale the stream is imbued with. For example, you want…literal to the appropriate wchar_t value if the stream is wide oriented, but leave it as …>but the second one not fix the input stream? It's hard to say without seeing how… The effect is the same as if the stream were empty. The first function works because you… Input Stream Questions Programming Software Development by c++noobie … more in depth. I started trying to write my own input stream flush template and had some very minor successes when I… one work perfectly but the second one not fix the input stream? input stream without the user's help Programming Software Development by C++ Obliviator Hi! I'm working on a project and need a way to add a newline to the input stream, by code and not by user's help. The user should not need to do anything, I need a simple line of code that places a newline in the input stream, but I don't know how. I meen like cin.get(), but without the user need to press a key. Can anybody help? Input stream for Point class Programming Software Development by daviddoria I want to make an input stream parser capable of handling input in any of the following forms: [code] x y z … Re: Input stream for Point class Programming Software Development by ArkM [QUOTE=daviddoria;869304]I want to make an input stream parser capable of handling input in any of the following forms: [code] x y… Re: Input Stream/ Loop Problem Programming Software Development by Rickay … problem is that the program doesn't wait for user input for the designation of x, ch_op, and y after each… leads me to think I need to properly flush the input stream because there are characters leftover from the last cin >… Input Stream/ Loop Problem Programming Software Development by Rickay … over and over. Is this a problem with clearing the input stream? Because I tried inserting a cin.ignore(255, '\n') and… Re: Input Stream/ Loop Problem Programming Software Development by vanalex … over and over. Is this a problem with clearing the input stream? Because I tried inserting a cin.ignore(255, '\n') and… Re: Input Stream/ Loop Problem Programming Software Development by SgtMe Flush the input stream: [url][/url] Would you be able to use a DOS command to restart the program? Re: Input Stream/ Loop Problem Programming Software Development by Rickay In general, I try to stay away from DOS commands... as they usually depend on the Operating system to work properly. And believe me, I checked out the sticky on flushing the input stream. None of the solutions it provided helped. "Flushing" the input stream Programming Software Development by Narue … remove extraneous characters from an input stream in C++, it's usually because you mixed formatted and unformatted input methods. The formatted method… would leave a newline in the stream and the unformatted method would… Re: "Flushing" the input stream Programming Software Development by msary80 About flush the input stream, I'll check it out, Thank you for your work. Daniweb - Friendly online community for C++ learners with accurate tutorials. Re: "Flushing" the input stream Programming Software Development by andersondo …; //literal output cout << "enter a number"; //input from keyboard(includes /n when enter is pressed) cin >…; num; //pause so output can be read cin.ignore(); //CLEAR INPUT STREAM cin.get(); //read any… Receiving Input Stream in Applet Fails Programming Software Development by gretty …501 error when I go to retrieve the input stream from my URLConnection object.[/B] I know … with any advice on why I cant obtain an input stream & how to fix it? Error: [QUOTE… conn.setRequestProperty ("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"); OutputStream out = conn.getOutputStream(); out.write( message.… Calculating a "noisy input stream" Programming Software Development by ecorg … information about creating a calculator that can calculate a noisy input stream e.g. 1hgj6-fgkj7 = 14 (1+6+7) 3ku5jf3 = 11…++, although none of them give reference to calculating a noisy input stream. Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated :) Regards… org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: The input stream for an incoming message is nul Programming Software Development by mlugaliki … service i get this error: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: The input stream for an incoming message is null. What code be the…? Here is the full error org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: The input stream for an incoming message is null. at org.apache.axis2… Re: Overload input stream Programming Software Development by Kanoisa …that you want to choose which input stream you want at each usage as a function input or a saved member variable?…. USing a function taking either as its input you could save the stream the class is currently using in a member… someDate.setIStream(myFile); //tell it where to take its input from someDate.setOStream(cout); //tell it where to output … Re: determine the length of the input stream in c Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon Reading the input stream is the only standard way to do it. That means you have to dynamically expand the input buffer with realloc() while reading the input stream. Flushing Input Stream Without Enter Programming Software Development by Falkoner1 … conjunction with [icode]kbhit()[/icode] in order to only recieve input when the user hits a key. The problem is that… does something else, while it is not checking for user input, the user can jam keys enough to build up a…. So what I need to do is clear the input stream, however, all the methods I have seen so far require … Re: Calculating a "noisy input stream" Programming Software Development by Majestics What do you mean by noisy input stream? how to properly flush the input stream (stdin) Programming Software Development by jephthah …command [icode]fflush(stdin)[/icode] to "flush the input buffer". this is patently wrong. the rule is…properly flushing extra (and unwanted) characters from the stdin input stream. the code is written as a macro, and …requires a character array to collect excess (junk) input. the macro will also ensure the newline character is… C++/CLI input stream problem Programming Software Development by Weichen I have input stream problem where my Console::ReadLine() command gets "eaten"…(Console::ReadLine()); } catch (FormatException^) { Console::WriteLine(L"Your input is not an integer\n"); intfac = 0; } }while(… the exception loop me back to the begining, the input command worked once again. I want to know if there… how to clear the input stream Programming Software Development by aderogba08 I wrote a program that allow users input a double value, if I input a string or a char value, it turns out…=true;} else h=false; } while(h==true);[/code] If I input "mee" for instance it gives me "error… thought cin.ignore(), cin.clear() is used to erase the input stream. Thanks in advance! overloaded input stream help Programming Software Development by oolatin79 …having a problem with a function that overloads the input stream. The problem is that the getline crashes on the… second iteration of the while loop: [code] //overloaded input operator istream& operator>>(istream& is,…integer values for the dates. I'm calling the overloaded input function from my main: [code] int main() { … Re: overloaded input stream help Programming Software Development by John A …; a_variable[/inlinecode], it always leaves a trailing newline in the input stream. Then when you try to use getline(), you end up… with a newline character instead of the input you expected to get. The best solution would be to…you don't want to, you can simply clear the input buffer like this: [code]cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std…