35,588 Topics

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Member Avatar for mtolan8164

Hello I am a complete novice so apologies in advance. I want to have a gallery on my website that looks something like the attachment. There is an image in the middle cell of the table and the current image number in the top cell as part of the navigation …

Member Avatar for mtolan8164
Member Avatar for Abdel_eid

hello all i need to create a jtable which carry a customer ID and first name and last name and when clicking on that row of a specified customer it turns me to another frame containing the other data of the customer(email , phone number , address)

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for PhiberOptik

Hey guys, I have: [CODE=java]submitButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { System.out.println("Hello World!"); } });[/CODE] in a class that [ICODE]extends JDialog[/ICODE] but it doesn't work. How can I get an action listener working in a JDialog? Thanks PO

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for fugmag

I am trying to pass an object as parameter to another class wich contains a SQL connection: Base class is a swing class where this method is the essential to know for my question: [CODE] public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { ModelNY mo = new ModelNY(); mo.setPersonID(txtField1.getText()); mo.setFName(txtField2.getText()); mo.setLName(txtField3.getText()); mo.setAdress(txtField4.getText()); mo.setEmail(txtField5.getText()); …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for patrickgormally

Hi! So I have this program that will read from a file of responses to a survey. The ratings are 1-10 and there are over 250 responses. I have found the average response and also the standard deviation but I also want to find the Median response. To do this …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for techie929

Hi, I have a vector in which I added some integer numbers. Now when I remove these numbers from the vector and try to store it in an int variable I am getting "Incompatible types..found int ,expected java.lang.object". Any suggestions how can I store the values in a vector in …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for programmer12

The Javascript that I have included in my php created site is [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> $(window).load(function(){ setHeight(); }); if(navigator.userAgent.search(/msie/i)!= -1) { } else { window.onresize = function(){ setHeight(); } } </script>[/CODE] Would this cause my browsers (Firefox - IE - Chrome - Opera) to not work?

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for toasty525

Hi, I want to populate 2 javascript variables with data from 2 form text boxes, the javascript and form text bosex are on the same page using the following code: Form: [CODE] <form name="addSite" method="post" action=""> <label>URL: <input name="url" type="text" id="url" value="<? echo $site; ?>"> </label> <p>Title: <input type="text" name="title"> …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for 84hd0ns

Hello, I would like to have a dynamic resize slider for a flash game, I am trying to do something like the slider here [URL="http://www.agame.com/game/funny-cars.html"]http://www.agame.com/game/funny-cars.html[/URL]. Does anyone know how I should go about this, my site is [URL="http://tsgs.tk"]http://tsgs.tk[/URL]. Thanks

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Member Avatar for JavaI

Hi. This is the first time I am using this forum, so I apologize if I make any mistakes. I am trying to find the minimum value in a 2d Array using different numeric types like double, float, long and int. I can find the correct values for float and …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for asad_80

Hi I have downloaded FMJ(Freedom for media in java). But i am not been able to figure out how to store the media i am capturing through my web cam in FMJ STUDIO. Regards Asad

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for WolfShield

Hello everyone, I've just been trying to run the basic JSAPI 'Hello World' program. It's taken me a while to figure out how to get it to work (and to download everything) but now I have it to this point. I have a few of the same errors that pop …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Katana24

Hello all, Im having a problem using the Timer class. In one class it works fine but in the other; though I do the exact same thing, it doesn't work. I know that the constructor for the Timer class allows no parameters and with parameters, as the other classes uses …

Member Avatar for Katana24
Member Avatar for chipsch

I am having a problem with the below applet. It compiles just fine and when it is ran it shows up with the multiplication problem at the bottom of the applet as expected. The problem is that it says if the answer is correct or not before an answer is …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Alex_

Hello. I am trying to make a thread pool for a server that will process incoming socket connections. The purpose is to have limited available connections at a time. I can't grasp this concept fully to implement it. Perhaps some of you can help me! Please try. Below is my …

Member Avatar for Alex_
Member Avatar for blackberrycrazy

in a database for a company,what technology is best for enabling for examples certain staff memebers to make bookings/access the database from any location using a **Browser**? how do i implement this and how can i make it work? please HELP! p.s i have been researching and thinking creating a …

Member Avatar for blackberrycrazy
Member Avatar for Quintia

The class ArrayList is often used where the interface List could be used instead. How would i go about replacing the ArrayList by List wherever possible?

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for john butler

Hi Everybody! Can anybody clear my doubt regarding the Android Application Development? I had a question that does the Android Programming has anything to do with the J2ME platform, I mean to say does the Android Programming uses the J2Me concepts? Or the Android development is a totally or somewhat …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for odiejodie

well simply i am coding an animation using netbeans but i wish to calculate the distance between my animation and the landing strip. i am using two labels in the animation, one is a rocket which you can direct and the other is a landing strip. How am i able …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for gavriela

Hi, I'm a student of Java, and my first homework assignment is more advanced than our reading. So...I'm lost. This question is: Q5: Write a program that reads a list of exam scores from the keyboard. Using A=90 to 100, B=80 to 89, C=70 to 79, D=60 to 69 and …

Member Avatar for Er. Mukesh
Member Avatar for Abdel_eid

hello i want to know how to get Arabic data from jtextfield it is writen normally but when i order to show it , it appears in the form of ?????? please help thanks for you attention

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for Bennychrystal

[CODE]hey there everyone, am a new guy in Java programming, i want you guys to help me on how to write a program that can print out [B]even numbers[/B] below 61? and I want also to write a Java program that prints my name(first and second name on different lines.) …

Member Avatar for Katana24
Member Avatar for coco24

Can somebody please help me understand what the output of this code would be. I believe I am getting the wrong output due to some technical problems with my computer. [code] public class SetDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { SetInherit inherit = new SetInherit(); SetComposition comp = new …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for HardWorkingMan

I have a assignmnt to find all prime numbers less then 100 ,using a boolean array, set all to true and then set non primes to false and display them. ( got this!!! ) it also askes me to loop through the array and if number is prime (true) launch …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for iceregulus

Hello! I'm currently working on a sort of simple imperial-to-metric converter application for myself, but I seem to have hit a snag. I've got the UI built, and the logic for one of the calculations built, but the button to make it all happen is giving me a problem. [CODE]import …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for PhiberOptik

Hey folks, I'm a student and I have been using Blue J. I have found it rather primitive and was wondering what the majority of other java programmers like to use? I thought about Net Beans but I honestly have no idea, So what do you use ?

Member Avatar for mjason
Member Avatar for cig_buttz

Anyone got codes for the ff.? Frequency count Stack and queue Conversion of infix to postfix using stack binary search tree Anyone? my prof asked us to search for the ff and i thought this would be the best site with the best codes. thanks

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for ChieftanBill

I've recently come upon a frustrating Array Index Out Of Bounds error when selecting any of the "calculations" to be applied to the entered values(maximum 1000 values). I suspect it to be a problem with the [CODE]values[(c+1)][/CODE] in the for loop. I can't figure a way around this problem. Can …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for Snoozey

Hello, I have a current assignment to make a program copy what is put in, and place it into a paragraph using word wrap. If there is no room for the word+ a space then print the line and that word+ space starts the next line. [code] public class ReportWriter …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for gordsmash

Hi! Basically what im trying to do is to add a JPanel onto another JPanel that has painted graphics on it using the paintComponent() method. But the JPanel I am trying to add is not shown because it is covered up by the JPanel w/ Graphics on it. How can …

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The End.