35 Topics

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Member Avatar for Clawsy

Hi, I just struggeled all day how can I build JavaFX Application made with visual composer plugin in Nebeans. Every other application worked but this doesn't. When I build it says can't find [I]javac[/I]. Of course, javac .exe is not located in the JRE... [CODE] Cannot run program "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\javac.exe": …

Member Avatar for iparkin
Member Avatar for Clawsy

Hello, I have a script written in Java that gets me an answer from a script containing a number of files. The problem is I don't know how to code this in javaFX script as I am very new to it. [CODE] URL url = new URL(page); URLConnection conn = …

Member Avatar for Ashwin Vasnai

Well I am creating a Projects for Database Analysis. I require a Dynamic DashBoard which will change according to changes in database.This Application is Web base Application.I cant think any more and require your help to create dashboard(meter).First I tried to create dashboard with javafx but as It cant run …

Member Avatar for deenzaida
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

With much fanfare Sun announced its new JavaFX platform yesterday, but curiously [URL="http://channelsun.sun.com/video/javafx -- do more!/3856260001"]in a video introducing the platform[/URL], Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz, made the browser the enemy of content owners, and set up JavaFX as the platform to give developers and content owners direct access to users. …

Member Avatar for EddieC

It was the belle of the ball stumbling as she made her grand entrance. Sun Microsystems on Tuesday, hoping to make a big splash at JavaOne with the launch of its shiny new platform for rich internet application development, saw demos of [URL= http://www.sun.com/software/javafx/index.jsp ]JavaFX [/URL]repeatedly crash. Like blaming it …


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