JMenu and JPopupMenu Programming Software Development by Petranilla Hi everyone, I'm dealing with both JMenu and JPopupMenu in a program. Looks good except when I switch from JMenu to JPopupMenu by right click, it doesnt work. How? Many thanks. Re: JMenu and JPopupMenu Programming Software Development by Petranilla Lucaci: Yes, JPopupMenu(by right click) from JMenu but it doen't change the background. It's actually a program to change background.Many thanks. mKorbel: I'll check,the menus are display on both JMenu and JPopupMenu but it's not displaying the background.Many thanks. Re: JMenu and JPopupMenu Programming Software Development by Lucaci Andrew > JPopupMenu(by right click) from JMenu but it doen't change the background. It's actually a program to change background. This, I don't get this. What do you mean by > it doen't change the background ? Isn't the JPopomenu showing when you right click an item from your JMenu? Re: JMenu ...Can't remember Programming Software Development by Meldroz I think you want something with swings since you mentioned JMenu. here's a simple example: JMenu menu = new JMenu("Color"); JMenuItem blueM = new JMenuItem("blue"); // and do this for the others and once done add them to your menu //ex: menu.add(blueM); // and so on hope this helps good luck, Mel Re: JMenu ...Can't remember Programming Software Development by server_crash Thank you all for the help. I guess I was unclear on what I wanted. I figured out how to do this though. What you do, is simply add a JMenu, to a JMenu, and that makes it to were you can have subcategories. Re: JMenu Items and listeners Programming Software Development by StaticX It was a null to pointer error. I have overcome the error through creating local actionPerformed event handlers instead of the method shown above and it now works.I think it may have been a problem with a JMenu Item having the same functionality as a button in the JFrame. Need help with JMenu Programming Software Development by NightOwl19 …(); JPanel ButtonPanel = new JPanel(); JMenu File = new JMenu("File"); JMenu Edit = new JMenu("Edit"); JMenu Help = new JMenu("Help"); JMenuItem… Re: JRadioButtons not working in JMenu Programming Software Development by server_crash … br = new BorderLayout(); JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File"); fileMenu.add(exit = new JMenuItem("… = new JMenuItem("Clear")); clear.addActionListener(this); JMenu formatMenu = new JMenu("Format"); ButtonGroup bg = new ButtonGroup(); rb0 … netbeans jmenu popup only sometimes works Programming Software Development by COKEDUDE I am having issue with jmenu popup in netbeans. It only sometimes works. Sometimes I don'…(null); JMenuBar mb = new JMenuBar(); JMenu file = new JMenu ("File"); mb.add(file); JMenu edit = new JMenu("Edit"); mb.add… How to add MouseListener to JMenu Programming Software Development by LianaN … allows running "createBaseRight" after selecting (NOT CLICKING) JMenu: home. Thanks in advance! [CODE] JMenuBar menubar = new… JMenuBar(); this.setJMenuBar(menubar); JMenu home = new JMenu("Начальная страница"); menubar.add(home); //... menubar.… JRadioButtons not working in JMenu Programming Software Development by server_crash I have a JMenu with some radio buttons...For some reason, when I click … the snippets of code with them in it: [Code] JMenu formatMenu = new JMenu("Format"); ButtonGroup bg = new ButtonGroup(); rb0 = new… Re: How to add MouseListener to JMenu Programming Software Development by NormR1 [QUOTE]MouseListener to JMenu[/QUOTE] What kind of MouseEvents are you interested in? Text File and JMenu Programming Software Development by KimJack … and write each item in a seperate JMenu for user selection. For example each JMenu will house one column of information. So… Re: Text File and JMenu Programming Software Development by KirkPatrick …(itemC); //do what you want here //maybe add them to jMenu here //catch exceptions [/code] I hope that helps a little… Re: JMenu and JPopupMenu Programming Software Development by Lucaci Andrew Need more info and the code that you think has to do that... See if you assigned to your menu item the jpopmenu object. Re: JMenu and JPopupMenu Programming Software Development by mKorbel I think that proper way is described in previous post Re: JMenu and JPopupMenu Programming Software Development by Banderson Do you mean background color? If so use this, tweek as needed: myContentPanel.getContentPane().setBackground(Color.YourColorVariable_here); myContentPanel.getContentPane().validate(); myContentPanel.getContentPane().repaint(); Re: JMenu and JPopupMenu Programming Software Development by Petranilla Many thanks, initiatialization of image icon made it work. Re: Gaps between JMenu Item's Programming Software Development by mKorbel 1) JMenu.addSeparator this JSeparator has Color, you can change this Color for translucent effect 2) JMenuItem.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(10,10,10,10)); JMenu ...Can't remember Programming Software Development by server_crash I can't seem to remember how you create subitems in the menu's. Does anyone know how? Like this: Format --> Color(then like a drop down) *red *blue *green Re: JMenu ...Can't remember Programming Software Development by OurNation Heres an example of a couple different ones [CODE] /* * ChoiceTest * Demonstrates the Choice Component */ import java.awt.*; public class ChoiceTest { public ChoiceTest() { //Make the Choices Choice c1 = new Choice(); c1.add("Soup"); c1.add("Salad"); Choice c2 = new Choice(); c2… Re: JMenu ...Can't remember Programming Software Development by server_crash Yes, I know how to create the Menu's and the Menu items, but how do you have menu items with subcategories...Look at this screenshot to see what I'm saying. Re: JMenu ...Can't remember Programming Software Development by Meldroz Ho, Well it depends you can create one of these and add them to your drop down menu object: JRadioButtonMenuItem JCheckBoxMenuItem I'm sure there are others but these are the only two that i ever used. create these and add them to your MenuItem objects. I don't know if that's what you wanted to hear, but that's all i got.:cry: Mel JMenu Items and listeners Programming Software Development by StaticX Hello, I am having some trouble with getting my menu to respond to a mouse click.I have 2 items on my menu, "New" and "Exit", and they are using the actionlistner like so [CODE] newFromMenu = new JMenuItem("New Screen"); newFromMenu.addActionListener(this); [/CODE] and then my action event [CODE]… Re: JMenu Items and listeners Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill What exactly is the error you are presented with? Re: Need help with JMenu Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill The normal way to create a menubar as part of the frame and without confusing the content pane's layout, is main.setJMenuBar(menu); see Re: Need help with JMenu Programming Software Development by NightOwl19 okk, made the changes as u suggested and it's working now..Thanks!!! Re: netbeans jmenu popup only sometimes works Programming Software Development by Slavi I don't see anything wrong with the code, tried running it using terminal as well, works fine. Could be something with Netbins itself Re: netbeans jmenu popup only sometimes works Programming Software Development by COKEDUDE Netbeans is picky about the order. When I moved this to the bottom of main it works as expected :). f.setVisible(true); Re: netbeans jmenu popup only sometimes works Programming Software Development by Slavi Glad it works then ;)