3,747 Topics

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Member Avatar for zaman1111

I have a SQL query: SELECT * FROM Job_Request_Record, Requester_Record WHERE Job_Request_Record.Job_Requester_ID=Requester_Reco rd.Requester_ID; if i want to call an attribute from Job_Request_Record table e.g. rs.getString("ID")is it valid? or anything else. please help. Also, is it possible to have a create view table in ms access 2003?

Member Avatar for adityabakle
Member Avatar for nelly_1005

hi guys found anotehr probem with my code, i have created a wml page which users input a search criteria, this is then apssed onto a jsp page which prints the value in teh jsp page though it doesnt print the parametr value and prints out null code is: <b><big> …

Member Avatar for adityabakle
Member Avatar for paradox814

I am in the process of learning JSP and my question is how do I check to see if a variable exists? The equivalent of this in php would be [php]if (isset($_POST['someVar']))[/php] or [php]if (isset($_GET['someVar']))[/php] any and all help would be appreciated!

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for mojtabamaster

hello I want to open a html or jsp page with a jsp command please help me thank you :?:

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for mav2040

Hey people, first I would like to say hi to you all. :-| You see I'm a beginer is the computer industry, I'm still in college right now. And I really love to learn more. Could you pleas give me some links where I can find free tutorials and free …

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for janice_2k

Dear Gurus & Members, I am very new in Java. I wonder if it is possible to use Java to create a small application/plugin on my e-learning website that will record user's audio through microphone, save as .mp3 on the user's pc and enable user to playback the mp3s when …

Member Avatar for JGee

Hi guys, Im looking for a programmer that is familiar with the J2EE platform. [url]www.sams.com[/url] The above site will include a forum for users and a chat room. The site will be for persons thats have or know someone that has aspergers. We at sams do not have much funding …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for rational611

I am running Win98SE on a Pentium 350 box with 64MB RAM. I am not able to run JSP pages/scripts in Internet Explorer. Whenever I try to run one by pressing a hyperlink, I get a This Page Cannot Be Displayed error message. I have tried changing the setting of …

Member Avatar for JGee
Member Avatar for server_crash

I started reading this old book about jsp, and I'm having a few problems getting started. First of all, it says that I need to set these environment variables: Java_HOME, and J2EE_HOME. I don't see those, and I don't think their is a need for them, but I can't get …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for Zcoral

my system is tomcat combinded apache. I want to do SEO by apache mod rewrite so as to hard pages likewise, and devided my company's applications into several modules/subdomain( hosting in one jsp server), so as to promote each individually, such as bussines, forum, blog, news, etc. after everything has …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for kah22

I'm desperately trying to finish of a site for my writers club and I know nothing about programing only got as far as I have care of WYSIWYG program. Anyway I want to insert a series of forms in one of the pages giving random Male Names, Female Names, Places, …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Greg W

OK, here's the reason I'm ready to shoot myself. I access a .jsp page with no problem on a number of computers. On another computer, I can access the page once, and then get an error message (page not available with IE, timeout with Firefox and Netscape). I have uninstalled …

Member Avatar for Greg W
Member Avatar for mooling

i have a jsp program which use to download some files from the internet. i try to make it into multi-threading download. but at the end it still run in single thread.Do i need to use java bean? please help me. Thanks. <%@ page import="java.io.*"%> <%@ page import="java.net.URL"%> <%@ page …

Member Avatar for OurNation

Whats wrong with this im just dumb and couldnt figure it out help please //SLOPE import java.io.*; public class SLOPE { public static void main(String args [ ]) { int Y2, Y1, X2, X1; BufferedReader reader; reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); try { System.out.print("\nY2 ="); Y2 = Integer.parseInt(reader.readLine( )); System.out.print("Y1 …

Member Avatar for OurNation
Member Avatar for mastap

I am using java server pages and connecting it to a simple access database. I have a form with about four columns in it. Two of the column are already filled out and the other two need filling out. In the two empty columns there are text boxes which allows …

Member Avatar for mastap
Member Avatar for jilshi

i plan to add online camera to my website. in website, it should be able to display live image that capture by camera. previously i used axis camera which was an old camera. below are the following code i used. function video() { document.write("<OBJECT ID=\"AxisCamControl\" CLASSID=\"CLSID:917623D1-D8E5-11D2-BE8B-00104B06BDE3\" WIDTH=\"400\" HEIGHT=\"290\" CODEBASE=\"/activex/AxisCamControl.cab#Version=1,0,2,15\">"); document.write("<PARAM …

Member Avatar for zaman1111

Hi, I am trying to learn developing J2EE application on Jrun4 server with oracle or MS Access database. Can anyone please suggest me good sites or books with lots of samples. Thanks

Member Avatar for OurNation

I want to program a game using java a perferably an rpg WHERE DO I START Any books sites cd ect. that anyone has read and recomonds

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for fsoranno

Hi everyone, I am new to this forum. Thanks in advance to anyone who tries to solve this. I wrote .JSP reports along with two other members of my team. We each wrote some reports in our separate IPLANET sessions. In order to move them to system test we have …

Member Avatar for Dave G.

Hello, I am trying to set up my website to be able to accept coupons. I am working in JSP and want to be able to get the current date and compare it to the date stored in the database. I have a field in the coupon table named 'Expiry' …

Member Avatar for Dave G.
Member Avatar for johnroach1985

Hi just started this new jsp course stuck in this so if you guys can please help would be very happy.The problem is this i am trying to make a jsp that asks for a username and a password and the thing is i am trying to put these datas …

Member Avatar for zaman1111

does anyone know how can i handle checkbox values using jsp and pass them to the database. String[] Job_type = request.getParameterValues("Job_type"); How do i handle that. Thanks.

Member Avatar for igel_x

Hi, I am currently developing a web program in JSP with Oracle 10g as the database. One of the features of the program is a simple search input and search result page. Our clients wanted to us to inlcude an "Export to MS Access" fuction on where the retrieved records …

Member Avatar for jilshi

Property Description : (list bar) Property Description : null (submit button) ............................................................................. As you can see from the above, i need to choose option from a list bar. after choose an option, it will automatically show at below replacing the null. when the statement is display, i can change it …

Member Avatar for jilshi

i am creating my own web site using jsp. i plan to add 'chat service' like mirc or icq into my web site. how can i create the 'chat'? is there any third party software that i can use?

Member Avatar for bebacha

I am building a JSP app running on Tomcat. The app uses an Oracle backend for data management and things like passwords and so on. There are several objects created by the app called cards. Each card will make use of different but similar groups of data, attributes of tables. …

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Member Avatar for samaru

I'm currently working on a project using Java Server Pages, XML and Oracle. I've worked with Java in the past, but have not worked with JavaServer Pages (currently still learning). It doesn't seem that bad, just tedious work - more code to initiate DB connections, and other processes compared to …

Member Avatar for aeinstein

The End.