Lnk Files Programming Software Development by jen140 Hello again. I have another problem =). I need to change the 1.lnk "pointing" path, i can get it with the following code : [code] string path = @"c:\1.lnk"; FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(@path); if (fi.FullName.EndsWith("lnk")) { IWshShell shell = new WshShell();… Re: Lnk Files Programming Software Development by IdanS If you want to change file name you need to use the [CODE]System.IO.File[/CODE] class, like this: [CODE]System.IO.File.Move(@"c:\1.lnk", @"c:\1.exe");[/CODE] That is if you want to change and delete the old one, and if you want to keep both of the files use: [CODE]System.IO.File.Copy(@"c:\1.lnk", @"c:\1.exe&… Re: Lnk Files Programming Software Development by jen140 I dont want to rename the file or copy it ,i want to change one of the properties of an .lnk file(windows shortcut format) . And the propertie is named FullName . Re: Lnk Files Programming Software Development by jen140 Ok. Than gonna try searching on how to create a .lnk file . Thanks for the response any other ideia is wellcome. Re: .lnk files opens with irfanview Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by steven woodman Just right click on a .lnk file, go to properties, under general tab you will see "opens with" with a change button next to it. Click change and select from list of programs which you would like to open with in the future. you may also want to change the registry key [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.lnk]. You may see some form like this @="… .lnk files opens with irfanview Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by McLaren Hi, I made a stupid thing. The girl send me .lnk file and told that its a picture. I said its not a picture, its a link. She didn't agree, so I didn't want to waste my time proving her and just tried to open it with irfanview. Of course it didn't open. But now when I clink on some link, it calls the irfanview program, does not call the … error LNK 1120 and LNK 2001 Programming Software Development by vs.vaidyanathan What does error Lnk 2001 and LNK 1120 mean? Am a complete noob.. Could anyone please give me a step by step procedure to rectify it? Re: error LNK 1120 and LNK 2001 Programming Software Development by mvmalderen [QUOTE=vs.vaidyanathan;880859]What does error Lnk 2001 and LNK 1120 mean? Am a complete noob.. Could anyone please give me a step by step procedure to rectify it?[/QUOTE] How are we supposed to know this? We even don't know what compiler you're using :( (we need to know this because it can be compiler specific, I guess you're using a Microsoft … exe file changed to lnk extension Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by decon i have done all of this.......... When double clicking the xp_exe_fix.reg file, windows asks what to use to open it. Go to select from list, then browse and find C:\Windows\regedit.exe, select it and click ok, then double click xp_exe_fix.reg again and it'll ask you if you want to add the info to the registry. Click yes and reboot your computer.… all program extensions are now replaced with one .lnk Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by tounoni i am having a very serious problem indeed, i am a novice so i can just describe my nightmare i installed a dbmanager software to view a mysql file, the next thing after installing and rebooting, was all file extensions in my taskbar and startmenu were replaced by .lnk of one program, each time i try to execute any program, it will open that … Re: all program extensions are now replaced with one .lnk Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Comatose I just built a program that goes through an entire hard-drive, and makes the Icon of the .lnk file the same as the program that it points to. You can feel free to download, install, and distribute it at will, so that this can be prevented in the future (if not prevented, easily fixed.). Be aware, that it doesn't fix where the shortcut points to (… Need help -> atof LNK Error ( string to double ) Programming Software Development by Ultratermi … is the error... in german :x [QUOTE]Fehler 1 error LNK2019: Verweis auf nicht aufgelöstes externes Symbol ""class… how do I get actual file from Win7 .lnk Programming Software Development by edgar5 I am a developer on the open source Audacity team and am trying to add some functionality. Currently if you drag the icon of a supported type (fi song.wav) onto an open Audacity project it loads the file. However if you drag song.lnk (like an XP shortcut but different--looks like a shortcut to the user) it does not know how do get the real full… Re: how do I get actual file from Win7 .lnk Programming Software Development by mitrmkar If you need to resolve the path and file name of a .lnk file (i.e. a shortcut) that's dropped on the Audacity project, you'll need to use the IShellLink interface. Read about [URL="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb776891(VS.85).aspx"]Shell Links[/URL] in MSDN. [QUOTE=edgar5;1076989] This is (fairly) new behaviour to Windows (… Re: Lnk Files Programming Software Development by IdanS Yea i understood that, but you cant change this property as it read only, so you need to move or copy the file and then use it with the new name..! Re: Lnk Files Programming Software Development by devnull Maybe this will help: [url]http://www.rsdn.ru/forum/src/3098615.flat.aspx[/url] Re: .lnk files opens with irfanview Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by McLaren [url]http://www.creativelement.com/powertools/#download[/url] this soft helped me. LNK 2019 Error while compiling qt program in VS2008 Programming Software Development by mevkurray … throws the following linker error: moc_updatedialog.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "private: void __cdecl UpdateDialog::…updatedialog.cpp Compiling... moc_updatedialog.cpp Linking... moc_updatedialog.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "private: void __cdecl UpdateDialog::On_btnSubmitNE_pressed… LNK 2019: Unresolved External Symbol Programming Software Development by chintan_1671 …(m_pParent) m_pParent->Log(m_nDeviceID, lpText, logAll, m_strDeviceName); [/CODE] error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall CMainFrame::Log(int… Re: LNK 2019: Unresolved External Symbol Programming Software Development by pseudorandom21 Never mind this post. Re: LNK 2019: Unresolved External Symbol Programming Software Development by Narue The overload of m_pParent->Log() you're calling isn't defined anywhere that the compiler can see. To start, make sure it has a definition for the type and number of arguments you're passing. Re: LNK 2019: Unresolved External Symbol Programming Software Development by chintan_1671 Ok i added line void Log(int, LPCTSTR, int, LPCTSTR); in SesLog.cpp Still getting that error. Thanks Re: LNK 2019: Unresolved External Symbol Programming Software Development by Narue Clearly you don't understand the difference between a declaration and a definition. What you added was a declaration, but what's missing is a definition. Have you written a body for that overload of Log anywhere? Re: LNK 2019: Unresolved External Symbol Programming Software Development by chintan_1671 Oh yes .. There is no definition for that. I converted old C++ code to .Net C++. Thanks Re: LNK 2019: Unresolved External Symbol Programming Software Development by chintan_1671 Ok i figured out that the header file MainFrm.h is coming from ..\rhub\mainfrm.h. & in that rhub directory too it has Mainfrm.cpp which has Log function. Now what do i need to do to call the function from that .cpp? Should i add that cpp in my project ? Advice Thanks Re: LNK 2019: Unresolved External Symbol Programming Software Development by Narue Unless there's a library for you to link with, adding the .cpp file to your project should be sufficient. LNK erros in Multi File program Programming Software Development by brian.ediger1 I have a program that has the user input a resistance value, then the program checks to see if it is a valid resistance value, and then prints the min and max, based off a valid tolerance value. Here is my code: Resistor.h #ifndef Resistor_H #define Resistor_H #include <cmath> #include <iostream> #include <… Re: LNK erros in Multi File program Programming Software Development by MandrewP Each of your two .cpp files are treated as separate source files by the compiler and are compiled separately. In each source file you have included "Resistor.h", and thus in each source file those objects in "Resistor.h" are created. No problem until the linker trys to combine the two compiled source files and finds dupilcate … Re: LNK erros in Multi File program Programming Software Development by brian.ediger1 Ok, how do I fix that? LNK 1104 Programming Software Development by Dang_1 I just have installed VS Ultimate 2013. When I compiled a simple code, it had an error LNK1104: cannot open file 'kernel32.lib' I tried to follow instructions on internet but it didn't work. My code #include <iostream> using namespace std; void main() { int x; cin>>x; cout<<x; }