230 Topics

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Member Avatar for Fortinbra

In the last few years, a number of new technologies have popped up, died, shifted, etc. DaniWeb here has kept up with the changes, and I am grateful. There is a new technology though that has, to my surprise, actually taken off, and is making a name for itself. I …

Member Avatar for Fortinbra
Member Avatar for 84hd0ns

Hello I run ubuntu linux and I have just bought a new ipod touch You need itunes to set it up, which is, as usual, only available for Windows and mac (stupid apple for forgetting linux!!!). How can I set up my ipod? Thanks, Calum

Member Avatar for joejoe92
Member Avatar for happygeek

Microsoft [URL="http://www.zdnet.co.uk/blogs/davey-winder-10015443/microsoft-staying-silent-over-security-patching-10015776/"]recently admitted[/URL], via the Director of it's Security Response Centre, that it doesn't report every Windows security vulnerability discovered and subsequently fixed via patches and updates. No big deal you might think, as long as the holes get fixed that's all that matter. I happen to agree, however that …

Member Avatar for Danarchy
Member Avatar for happygeek

Have you ever thought about measuring the Internet in terms if malware per minute? Me neither, but someone has and it makes for uncomfortable reading if you are a Microsoft Windows user. [attach]17145[/attach]How fast is the Internet? It depends on the metric being used, of course, but one new report …

Member Avatar for Chronister
Member Avatar for theweirdone

Hi, I was trying to use my friend's hard drive the other day, but my Windows computer would not recognize it because it was in a Mac file format. I'm now trying to create a program (simple cli), pretty much a file folder, but that would be able to read …

Member Avatar for solomonhomicz
Member Avatar for RobTom30

I have a macbook dual loaded with both osx and windows xp. So I only ever need to carry around one laptop, makes things easy. I wanted to know if anyone knows of a good portable projector I could hook to my macbook. This way I don't have to carry …

Member Avatar for Gh0st93

I was running a game I wrote in python with pygame on my Mac 10.6 machine and I notice this Warning. "Warning once: This application, or a library it uses, is using NSQuickDrawView, which has been deprecated. Apps should cease use of QuickDraw and move to Quartz." So does anyone …

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Member Avatar for sariberri

My Excel 2008 literally freezes after one click into a cell. I updated my Mac and I updated my Microsoft Office Software. Please Please Please Help! I really need to get it to work :( -Sarabeth

Member Avatar for sophieharris
Member Avatar for buba_kazouba

[URL="http://www.ihackintosh.com/2009/01/install-mac-leopard-os-x-retail-dvd-on-a-ordinary-pc-with-boot-132-hack/"]i tried to follow the steps here[/URL] but it doesn't work my problem is in the very first step burning the boot 132 generic iso actually i don't know if i did it right or not. i tried to copy the iso paste it in the cd then press "burn …

Member Avatar for mazzah
Member Avatar for Gh0st93

So her is my problem I have a Macbook running OS 10.6.5 and i have python 2.x and 3.x installed on it and I can run python in the terminal but if I try to run the idle it just bounces for a few seconds then disappears. can anyone help.

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for 3FLryan

I did an accidental overwrite of the pre-instealled Python framework in the System directory of my Mac running OSX 10.5.9. From the official Python website: "The Apple-provided build of Python is installed in /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework and /usr/bin/python, respectively. You should never modify or delete these, as they are Apple-controlled and are …

Member Avatar for 3FLryan
Member Avatar for khess

My wife purchased the 32GB [URL="http://www.apple.com"]Apple[/URL] iPad for my Father's Day gift. Fortunately, for me, you don't receive the iPad the day of purchase. Here's how it works: You buy the iPad, they send you an email when it arrives at the Apple Store, you have 24 hours to pick …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for thekevinguy

Hello, I'm pretty new to programming in general, and I'm trying to get started with python. Whenever I open up IDLE, everything seems to work fine. However, when I go to File>New Window, I just get a blank window and everything freezes up. If I restart my computer, I can …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for peterman.k

Hello all, So I am a college student learning c++ (planning to major in computer science). Just my luck, the computer science department using visual studio for their entry level classes, which I have been using with no issues for the last year via a VM; I can access the …

Member Avatar for peterman.k

I just started my mid level c++ class. In the past we have been using Visual Studio, which I can access thru a VM that our school supplies, so I can program from my Mac no problem. In this class, however, we are switching to a linux based programming tool, …

Member Avatar for jamillion
Member Avatar for wynnejohnson

Beginning a project developing a web browser for Mac OS X. Planning on offering a Universal Binary (for PPC and Intel support), 64-bit build, and using WebKit as the layout engine. Am looking for suggestions on featureset, as well as ideas for improving the JavaScriptCore framework and rendering engine. The …

Member Avatar for bettersaid

[CODE]import os from appscript import * this = app(u'System Events').application_processes[param1].windows[param2].exists() while True: this1 = app(u'System Events').application_processes[param1].windows[param2].count(each=k.radio_button) if count == (this1): this2 = app(u'System Events').application_processes[param1].windows[param2].radio_buttons[param3].click() try: os.makedirs(param1) except OSError: if os.path.exists(param1): this3 = os.system('screencapture -C '+ param1 +'/'+ param2) while True: self.param2 = os.path.join(param1, 'win%s_%s_img_%s' % (param1, param2)) return param2 + …

Member Avatar for bettersaid
Member Avatar for SonicSpider

Best of the weekend to everyone! This 5 year old iBook (256 MB RAM, 600 MHz CPU, OSX 10.4) has been faithfully operating until recently. It "locked up" and was allowed to shut down normally (but very slowly). Now when attempting to start the machine, it slowly brings up the …

Member Avatar for James82
Member Avatar for bettersaid

helo! can anyone help me in automatically saving files with fixed filename in python? the OUTPUT would be like this: FILE- A01.txt FILE- A02.txt FILE- B01.txt File- B02.txt i was hoping that i could save a file automatically after making some changes in the older version. Thank you, Gene

Member Avatar for bettersaid
Member Avatar for SpyrosMet

Hi everyone The question i have is: Do i necesarily need to have a mac computer to be able to run mac os or can this be done on any computer other than mac? I'm asking because they are insanely expensive. P.S. A virtual amchine is out of the question. …

Member Avatar for tmkramer
Member Avatar for Brandlax

I want a very good download manager for my OS X.. heres the reason. i want to download Xcode and iPhone SDK which is 2GB. So i want to download it partially as the connection in my country is not very good. For example: 1.i downloaded 200MB today. 2.turned off …

Member Avatar for Anna Brooks
Member Avatar for bettersaid

hello! i've been trying to create an automated task which it should: 1. open Print 2. choose Printer 3. change Paper Size ( i want to print my doc in all paper size) but i find my code too long and oh i dont know, and i want to simplify …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Mac OS X is not, on the whole, known as an OS which attracts too many problems when it comes to malware. However, in the last few days there has been something of a scare involving the Immunizator Trojan. [URL="http://www.sophos.com/news/2008/03/imunizator.html"]According to IT security specialists Sophos[/URL] this may well just be …

Member Avatar for GoodLuckChuck
Member Avatar for b10hzrd

We all knew it was bound to happen. Apple’s journey to world domination was first set into motion with the Mac, then came the iPod with it’s market domination. The launch of the iPhone increased their kingdom exponentially and the iPad has continued the legacy. Details came to light today …

Member Avatar for Annettest

Hi everyone: I need to find out about compile options in Xcode (I'm an Xcode and C++ newbie). The default compiler for OS 10.6 and XCode version 3.2.2 is apparently LLVM 2.0. Is this related to g++? Also, are there other compilers available within XCode? If so, how would I …

Member Avatar for bettersaid

help! dunno how to convert this in python.. 'contains == ???' in python [CODE]if (basket contains "fruits") then try tell application "Document" to tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Document" to click button "Cancel" of sheet 1 of window "Untitled" tell application "Document" to quit saving no end …

Member Avatar for bettersaid
Member Avatar for bettersaid

[CODE]from Tkinter import * class ButtonHandler: def __init__(self): self.root = Tk() self.root.geometry('600x500+200+200') self.label = Label(self.root, text=str(self.mousedown)) self.can = Canvas(self.root, width='500', height='400', bg='white') self.can.bind("<Motion>",lambda x:self.handler(x,'motion')) self.can.bind("<Button-1>",lambda x:self.handler(x,'press')) self.can.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>",lambda x:self.handler(x,'release')) self.label.pack() self.can.pack() self.root.mainloop() def mouseDown(self, event ): return 1 def handler(self,event,x): if x == 'press': self.mousedown = 1 elif x == 'release': …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

The world’s leading productivity suite is coming to a Mac near you late October and it will surprisingly save you an arm or a leg. Three editions will be available upon its venture onto store shelves: Mac Home and Business, Mac Home and Student, and Mac Academic 2011. [ATTACH]16318[/ATTACH]Microsoft Office …

Member Avatar for Niki_Fears

Security researchers have been looking at Safari, the standard browser for Apple's Mac computers, and have found a troublesome security problem. It seems that there is a feature that could reveal your personal information. The problem is with the Auto Fill feature which is designed as a part of the …

Member Avatar for bettersaid

i want explore the use of PIL but my first try got me this error : ImportError: " No module named ImageGrab " i tried it in terminal by typing 'python -v', 'import Image' but im broke. please help! thanks[CODE] import ImageGrab capture=ImageGrab.grab() capture.save('screen.png')[/CODE]

Member Avatar for TrustyTony

The End.