112 Topics

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Member Avatar for wolfeater017

When I finally got the input to work in this code it stopped displaying the txt on the screen. Any suggestions on how to fix this. [code]import pygame, sys from pygame.locals import * import time mo = 0 # set up pygame pygame.init() # set up the window windowSurface = …

Member Avatar for challenger485

Hi Can anyone tell me how can i track mouse click. I am developing a program to track mouse click and I particularly want mouse click coordinate in output file. can anyone help me to develop this program. Thanks a lot

Member Avatar for challenger485
Member Avatar for morelve

I want to make a native win32 program that simply moves the cursor to x=100 y=200 on the screen, and then clicks the left mouse button once. Where do I start? For once, Google got me nowhere. I use VC++ 2010 to compile.

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for Fish Centeral

[QUOTE]USB-3.0 External Drives, Log your benchmarks here: » « Corsair vs Patriot triple channel memory[/QUOTE] Author All Replies Frydays join:2005-10-21 USA •RoadRunner Cable how dangerous are those new bluetrack laser mice ? like the Microsoft Wireless Mouse 5000 MGC-00001 are those realy dangerous it has no on or off button …

Member Avatar for Biker920
Member Avatar for skybomb0

I am trying to create my own menu (and practice a little c#) and I am almost done. I have the menu and the context menu that will be shown created. I also have the context menu showing at the correct time. My problem comes when the menu disappears when …

Member Avatar for skybomb0
Member Avatar for tonymuilenburg

Hi All, I'm building a C# game that will handle drag and drop of images and labels in a visual studio form, but when I drag around a component, the form takes big performance hit. For example, I have some images moving around on the form (pictureboxes) and these stop …

Member Avatar for tonymuilenburg
Member Avatar for heiro

Here is my code so far: [CODE] import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseMotionAdapter; import javax.swing.*; public class Paint extends JFrame { private static PCanvas canvas = new PCanvas(); public Paint() { // Create a panel to group three buttons JPanel p1 = new JPanel(new GridLayout (1, …

Member Avatar for sfrider0
Member Avatar for anyafloris

Hi there, I'm usually pretty good at trouble-shooting, and maybe I'm just hoping the motherboard isn't fried, but this happened in a pretty unusual way. My husband just started working for a taxi business and they gave him a nextel walkie-talkie/gps unit. At about 3 in the morning last night, …

Member Avatar for mjdodd
Member Avatar for sourcez

This could also be a hardware issue, but seeing as this problem has never presented itself on any other O/S I reckon it's probably 7. I've done every update possible so you all know :) So I have a USB keyboard + mouse attached to a laptop via a USB …

Member Avatar for maceman
Member Avatar for Um num num

Is there a way to add a mouse listener to an image for example when the image is clicked change the text of a label... :?: Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks’ :)

Member Avatar for Um num num
Member Avatar for Extremus

[B]System:[/B] Vista What I want to do is to catch the mouse release event, which I have researched for but nothing useful came up. I found out the way to catch the pressed event: [CODE] #include <windows.h> #include <iostream> int main() { // Grab a handle to the console inputbuffer …

Member Avatar for Extremus
Member Avatar for dylank

Hey Daniweb; Ive scoured the internet for scripts that make a <div> follow the mouse, and have found one that seems to work well. However, I want the <div> to stop moving when the CTRL or the SHIFT key is pressed, I dont care which. Hopefully, I can have a …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for FirstTimeUser

Recently I got my computer reformatted, however yesterday my mouse began to act strange. It wouldn't click on things in firefox, or on the desktop at certain points. In order to be able to click anything, I have to minimize the window and restore it. I am not sure whether …

Member Avatar for FirstTimeUser
Member Avatar for Tech B

When I watch full length movies online, sometimes my mouse is hidden on the browser. Just inside the browser though. I have to repeatedly hit the ctrl button to see where its at. This only happens when I watch divx streamed video for long periods of time. After the mouse …

Member Avatar for red_lynx

Hi all, i am not an experienced Java GUI programmer and its the first time i'm asking for help in programming on a forum. I have this simple GUI which allows people to mark text with different categories. I use JTextPane and DefaultStyledDocument. Basically, i took most of the code …

Member Avatar for red_lynx
Member Avatar for MacGregg

I have a MX300 mouse on a Boxx Computer running WinXP32 that keeps freezing:confused:, if I just unplug and replug it in it will work again for a few minuter to a few hours! I have reinstalled the driver several times to no avail with the latest driver which used …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for jorgelex008

Hi all, I'm new to Java (after years of Visual Basic and VBA). So right now I'm going through a very steep learning curve. I'm trying to figure out (while I bang my head on the keyboard) how to do the following in SWING: - Show mouse coordinates (x, y) …

Member Avatar for MxDev
Member Avatar for matthewcar

I am developing a website in ASP.net and I would like to be able to track the mouse movements whilst a user of the site is browsing pages on the site and be able to store the duration in seconds of how long the cursor is left in specific areas …

Member Avatar for ITSVPS
Member Avatar for fallopiano

hi everyone. just recently I've been messing around with controlling itunes with python (you should check it out on google; some pretty fun stuff to mess with :D). I've already got all of my functions down, but my questions is that how would I go about grabbing keyboard/mouse input (mouse …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

It's official - the computer mouse is 40 years old today. Good grief I feel old, I'm older than the earliest mouse. That's somewhat sobering. The first mouse was made of wood. It was much, much larger than the hand-held devices we have today and it was much less precise …

Member Avatar for yollyP.
Member Avatar for happygeek

Some press releases grab your attention for all the wrong reasons, although from the PR perspective if it has grabbed my attention it has obviously worked. One such scurried across my desktop the other day: [URL="http://www.logitech.com"]Logitech [/URL]rolls out its coolest mouse ever, the headline proclaimed. Oh crikey, thought I, here …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for ddanbe

Hi all, I know how to drag and drop an image from one control to another. Code enough out there. It works fine, but I find the user interface a bit poor:'( I want my image to follow the mouse while held down. Found nothing that serves my needs on …

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake

The End.