MP 2 Software Community Center by djm123 I am not sure if any of you know this system but lets give it a try...I use the software at work. In it the TITLES have USER DEFINED fields listed, I want to collapse these fields very similiar to in Excell, where you just drag & or right click. While MP 2 is similar, I cannot see anywhere to collapse or delete these fields. Can anyone … GNU MP Library: Any Good Resources? Programming Software Development by henryxxll Hey: After messing around with Python for some time for large numerical calculations, I realized that Python is just too slow. It's great for smaller numbers, not to mention easy. However, once I start getting into numbers above around five hundred digits in size, it slows down drastically. So, I've looked into C++ for calculations. However, the … Gary McKinnon update: MP quits, Brown sympathises, Americans have hissy fit Hardware and Software Networking by newsguy The High Court in the UK will this Friday decide if an appeal against the Home Office backed decision to extradite Gary McKinnon on hacking charges to the US is to be upheld or, as seems likely, not. McKinnon has been accused of what US prosecutors refer to the [URL=""]biggest military computer … Re: GNU MP Library: Any Good Resources? Programming Software Development by henryxxll [QUOTE=tux4life;860964]Did you try the [URL=""]online manual[/URL] available on it's site?[/QUOTE] Yes, but it's rather difficult to understand, and not directed towards C++ I already said. [QUOTE=henryxxll]However, I just can't seem to understand the documentation that's supplied with GNU MP, as it'… Re: GNU MP Library: Any Good Resources? Programming Software Development by Peter_APIIT I don't know GNU Mp is big integer class library. I thought it was just a library with many arithmetic algorithm only. Please clarify. Thanks. Re: GNU MP Library: Any Good Resources? Programming Software Development by ArkM I have posted you at least two links to much more simpler than GNU MP bigint C++ libraries: [url][/url] Why you ignore this fact? GNU MP Library (or RSA in C++) Programming Software Development by Haktivex Greetings. Would anybody happen to have a prebuilt GNU MP Library (static) for Visual Studio 2005? I cannot seem to find one and cannot compile it myself. When I attempt to use it, I get unresolved symbol errors. If this is not possible, does anybody know a simple class or library for doing RSA encryption/decryption in c++? Preferably cross … GNU MP Programming Software Development by TheBeast32 Hi, I'm using GNU MP to get very precise square roots of numbers. I have three questions about my code below. [Code] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <gmp.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { mpf_t num, sqrt; FILE *out; mpf_init2(num, 1000000); mpf_init2(sqrt, 1000000); printf("Enter a number to … MP3 Player Problem Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by _Y_ "MP-567AF" It is a simple MP3/WMA player that was bought as replacement for an older …. How can I pre-set order in which MP3 files are played? My old MP3 used alphabetic order of the file names… one does not. 2. I tried to load it with MP3 files from two computers: one with Windows 2000, another with… MP# Player Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by fountainpen Hi Guys This may not be a 'high tech' question, but I need help 'hearing' my MP3 player. The music has been downloaded onto the 'player' but I am unable to hear the music being played, and it's not the earphones......HELP Thanks Re: MP# Player Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by caperjack … a 'high tech' question, but I need help 'hearing' my MP3 player. The music has been downloaded onto the 'player' but… sounds on you computer before you put it on the mp3 player ,what is the make of you… Re: GNU MP Library: Any Good Resources? Programming Software Development by mvmalderen Did you try the [URL=""]online manual[/URL] available on it's site? Re: GNU MP Library: Any Good Resources? Programming Software Development by henryxxll All right, I think I've got it. However, I can't figure out how to increase the capacity of the mpz class data type. Here's my code: [code=cpp] #include <iostream> #include <gmp.h> #include <gmpxx.h> int main() { mpz_class a; a=1990090990; std::cout << a << "\n"; return 0; } [/code] It returns: [… Re: GNU MP Library: Any Good Resources? Programming Software Development by mvmalderen Sure that you don't have to put quotes around the number? Re: GNU MP Library: Any Good Resources? Programming Software Development by henryxxll Actually, tux4life's solution solved my problem. By putting quotes around the number, I am able to assign far larger values to mpz_class variables. *SOLVED* Re: GNU MP Library: Any Good Resources? Programming Software Development by Peter_APIIT I don't know which one is good and need template based. Re: GNU MP Library (or RSA in C++) Programming Software Development by ~s.o.s~ [url][/url] Re: GNU MP Library (or RSA in C++) Programming Software Development by afsheen Hi , i have made RSA algorithm on Turbo C,but this program is not working for 1024 bits could you please provide me a program which can be solvable for 1024 bits and i can also run it on turbo C without any error. Re: GNU MP Library (or RSA in C++) Programming Software Development by RenjithVR library for doing RSA encryption/decryption in c++? go to [url][/url] Re: GNU MP Programming Software Development by jephthah i used this library several years ago for a project... it's quite impressive.... however, i don't really remember anything to help you with. so, i don't want to sound dismissive, but i think this sort of highly specialized library you'll probably find more precise help on their mailing list or archives [url][/… periodic table help shwing bgi error Programming Software Development by nitinmbhanu #include<dos.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<graphics.h> int y; int i; struct element{ char name[20]; int at_no; double at_wt,at_r,en,ion,density,mp,bp; char … Playing sounds according to what is called on the arraylist Programming Software Development by aya.dioses I'm trying to play the sounds according to what's called on the arraylist but the sounds are playing randomly and it seems like the sounds are overlapping. what is wrong with my code and what code should i use or add? can anyone help me? here is my code: package com.example.sample; import; import android.… show xml "details" Programming Web Development by Simon_4 I am a bit new in XML and show elements/records on a website. So, here is my xml result. What and how is the easiest way to echo (in php) eg mp:title or <c:assets> <c:link rel="PT01" type="image/jpeg" href=""/> or price or so? any example would be nice… Re: Rpg Misplaced Construct(s) error Programming Software Development by sirlink99 Sorry i posted this twice but once the internet wouldn't load the page and I forgot to check. This one is the more detailed one of the two. Thanks for helping. [COLOR="Red"]red[/COLOR] is where the problems are [COLOR="Green"]green[/COLOR] will be the problem [code] // The "Rpg" class. cheat import … Re: Playing sounds according to what is called on the arraylist Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill Yes they overlap - that's how you programmed it!... you loop though the number of entries in tempq and for each one you create and start a new player (the code on line 31 will only resets the last player you created). Maybe your confusion comes from the fact that you have only one mp variable which you re-use for every new player. That doesn't mean… Re: Playing sounds according to what is called on the arraylist Programming Software Development by Traevel `tempq` is a list of some sorts? If it contained **a1**, **b1**, **c1** like stultuske posed. You loop through all the list elements, but does it not play **a1** three times? You're not checking the current element but all elements, it finds **a1** then stops. > the problem is the sounds are overlapping You could solve that issue by adding … ServerSocket help Programming Software Development by Phaelax I'm using JMF to transmit webcam data to another pc. I'm not using another thread yet, but I'm assuming that ServerSocket.accept() will hault the program until something attempts to connect to it? It seems to connect ok, but I dont get any video, just a black screen. So maybe the problem is in the JMF? ideas? server, sends video data: [code] … Firebird and PHP (or help with PHP Generator) Programming Web Development by coolmike I need help with using php to dislplay data from a firebird database. I've tried various methods but no success so far. My latest attempt has been to try PHP Generator. I get indications that it should work, but it falls short of displaying the data. Here is a sample php script I've tried: [code=php]<?php session_start(); if (isset($_GET[&… IMPORTANT.. need help asap please! Programming Software Development by shadowmoon ok.. my problem is.. my midterm source code is due tomorw.. unfortunatly i cant get thsi music to play... my group REALLy wants the music and i thin itll boost my chances of an a... when i ran this music in the original(just the music) it runs fine.. when i put it in the iff statement in my code... i get 7000 errors... most complain about mmsystem.… Re: IMPORTANT.. need help asap please! Programming Software Development by shadowmoon well this code now has mmsystem.h in it BUT still no sounds... strange how i did nothing but add itin today ande im not getting errors frmo yesterday:(. also. programmer isnt adding libwinmm.a thru project options>> parameters the same thing??(dev-C++) [CODE]#include <iostream.h> #include <iomanip.h> #…